require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/base_object' class Redis # # Class representing a Redis hash. # class HashKey < BaseObject require 'enumerator' include Enumerable require 'redis/helpers/core_commands' include Redis::Helpers::CoreCommands attr_reader :key, :options def initialize(key, *args) super @options[:marshal_keys] ||= {} end # Redis: HSET def store(field, value) allow_expiration do redis.hset(key, field, marshal(value, options[:marshal_keys][field])) end end alias_method :[]=, :store # Redis: HGET def hget(field) unmarshal redis.hget(key, field), options[:marshal_keys][field] end alias_method :get, :hget alias_method :[], :hget # Verify that a field exists. Redis: HEXISTS def has_key?(field) redis.hexists(key, field) end alias_method :include?, :has_key? alias_method :key?, :has_key? alias_method :member?, :has_key? # Delete fields. Redis: HDEL def delete(*field) redis.hdel(key, field) end # Fetch a key in a way similar to Ruby's Hash#fetch def fetch(field, *args, &block) value = hget(field) default = args[0] return value if value || (!default && !block_given?) block_given? ? : default end # Return all the keys of the hash. Redis: HKEYS def keys redis.hkeys(key) end # Return all the values of the hash. Redis: HVALS def values redis.hvals(key).map{|v| unmarshal(v) } end alias_method :vals, :values # Retrieve the entire hash. Redis: HGETALL def all h = redis.hgetall(key) || {} h.each{|k,v| h[k] = unmarshal(v, options[:marshal_keys][k]) } h end alias_method :clone, :all alias_method :value, :all # Enumerate through all fields. Redis: HGETALL def each(&block) all.each(&block) end # Enumerate through each keys. Redis: HKEYS def each_key(&block) keys.each(&block) end # Enumerate through all values. Redis: HVALS def each_value(&block) values.each(&block) end # Return the size of the dict. Redis: HLEN def size redis.hlen(key) end alias_method :length, :size alias_method :count, :size # Returns true if dict is empty def empty? true if size == 0 end # Clears the dict of all keys/values. Redis: DEL def clear redis.del(key) end # Set keys in bulk, takes a hash of field/values {'field1' => 'val1'}. Redis: HMSET def bulk_set(*args) raise ArgumentError, "Argument to bulk_set must be hash of key/value pairs" unless args.last.is_a?(::Hash) allow_expiration do redis.hmset(key, *args.last.inject([]){ |arr,kv| arr + [kv[0], marshal(kv[1], options[:marshal_keys][kv[0]])] }) end end alias_method :update, :bulk_set # Set keys in bulk if they do not exist. Takes a hash of field/values {'field1' => 'val1'}. Redis: HSETNX def fill(pairs={}) raise ArgumentError, "Argument to fill must be a hash of key/value pairs" unless pairs.is_a?(::Hash) allow_expiration do pairs.each do |field, value| redis.hsetnx(key, field, marshal(value, options[:marshal_keys][field])) end end end # Get keys in bulk, takes an array of fields as arguments. Redis: HMGET def bulk_get(*fields) hsh = {} get_fields = *fields.flatten return hsh if get_fields.empty? res = redis.hmget(key, get_fields) get_fields.each do |k| hsh[k] = unmarshal(res.shift, options[:marshal_keys][k]) end hsh end # Get values in bulk, takes an array of keys as arguments. # Values are returned in a collection in the same order than their keys in *keys Redis: HMGET def bulk_values(*keys) get_keys = *keys.flatten return [] if get_keys.empty? res = redis.hmget(key, get_keys) get_keys.inject([]){|collection, k| collection << unmarshal(res.shift, options[:marshal_keys][k])} end # Increment value by integer at field. Redis: HINCRBY def incrby(field, by=1) allow_expiration do ret = redis.hincrby(key, field, by) unless ret.is_a? Array ret.to_i else nil end end end alias_method :incr, :incrby # Decrement value by integer at field. Redis: HINCRBY def decrby(field, by=1) incrby(field, -by) end alias_method :decr, :decrby # Increment value by float at field. Redis: HINCRBYFLOAT def incrbyfloat(field, by=1.0) allow_expiration do ret = redis.hincrbyfloat(key, field, by) unless ret.is_a? Array ret.to_f else nil end end end # Decrement value by float at field. Redis: HINCRBYFLOAT def decrbyfloat(field, by=1.0) incrbyfloat(field, -by) end def as_json(*) to_hash end end end