require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper')
require "om"
describe "OM::XML::PropertyValueOperators" do
before(:all) do
#ModsHelpers.name_("Beethoven, Ludwig van", :date=>"1770-1827", :role=>"creator")
class PropertiesValueOperatorsTest
include OM::XML::Container
include OM::XML::Properties
include OM::XML::PropertyValueOperators
# Could add support for multiple root declarations.
# For now, assume that any modsCollections have already been broken up and fed in as individual mods documents
# root :mods_collection, :path=>"modsCollection",
# :attributes=>[],
# :subelements => :mods
root_property :mods, "mods", "", :attributes=>["id", "version"], :schema=>""
property :name_, :path=>"name",
:attributes=>[:xlink, :lang, "xml:lang", :script, :transliteration, {:type=>["personal", "enumerated", "corporate"]} ],
:subelements=>["namePart", "displayForm", "affiliation", :role, "description"],
:default_content_path => "namePart",
:convenience_methods => {
:date => {:path=>"namePart", :attributes=>{:type=>"date"}},
:family_name => {:path=>"namePart", :attributes=>{:type=>"family"}},
:given_name => {:path=>"namePart", :attributes=>{:type=>"given"}},
:terms_of_address => {:path=>"namePart", :attributes=>{:type=>"termsOfAddress"}}
property :person, :variant_of=>:name_, :attributes=>{:type=>"personal"}
property :role, :path=>"role",
:attributes=>[ { "type"=>["text", "code"] } , "authority"],
:default_content_path => "roleTerm"
before(:each) do
@sample = PropertiesValueOperatorsTest.from_xml( fixture( File.join("test_dummy_mods.xml") ) )
after(:all) do
Object.send(:remove_const, :PropertiesValueOperatorsTest)
describe ".property_values" do
it "should call .lookup and then build an array of values from the returned nodeset (using default_node, etc as nessesary)" do
lookup_opts = "insert args here"
mock_node = mock("node")
mock_node.expects(:text).returns("sample value").times(3)
mock_nodeset = [mock_node, mock_node, mock_node]
@sample.property_values(lookup_opts).should == ["sample value","sample value","sample value"]
describe ".property_values_append" do
it "looks up the parent using :parent_select, uses :child_index to choose the parent node from the result set, uses :template to build the node(s) to be inserted, inserts the :values(s) into the node(s) and adds the node(s) to the parent" do
:parent_select => [:person, {:given_name=>"Tim", :family_name=>"Berners-Lee"}] ,
:child_index => :first,
:template => [:person, :affiliation],
:values => ["my new value", "another new value"]
it "should accept parent_select and template [property_reference, lookup_opts] as argument arrays for generators/lookups" do
# this appends two affiliation nodes into the first person node whose name is Tim Berners-Lee
expected_result = '
my new valueanother new value'
:parent_select => [:person, {:given_name=>"Tim", :family_name=>"Berners-Lee"}] ,
:child_index => :first,
:template => [:person, :affiliation],
:values => ["my new value", "another new value"]
).to_xml.should == expected_result
@sample.lookup(:person, {:given_name=>"Tim", :family_name=>"Berners-Lee"}).first.to_xml.should == expected_result
it "should accept symbols as arguments for generators/lookups" do
# this appends a role of "my role" into the third "person" node in the document
expected_result = "\n Klimt\n Gustav\n \n creator\n cre\n \n \n visionary\n vry\n \n my role"
:parent_select => :person ,
:child_index => 3,
:template => :role,
:values => "my role"
).to_xml.should == expected_result
@sample.lookup(:person)[3].to_xml.should == expected_result
it "should accept parent_select as an (xpath) string and template as a (template) string" do
# this uses the provided template to add a node into the first node resulting from the xpath '//oxns:name[@type="personal"]'
expected_result = "\n Berners-Lee\n Tim\n \n creator\n cre\n \n creator"
@sample.ng_xml.xpath('//oxns:name[@type="personal" and position()=1]/oxns:role', @sample.ox_namespaces).length.should == 1
:parent_select =>'//oxns:name[@type="personal"]',
:child_index => 0,
:template => 'xml.role { xml.roleTerm( \'#{builder_new_value}\', :type=>\'code\', :authority=>\'marcrelator\') }',
:values => "founder"
@sample.ng_xml.xpath('//oxns:name[@type="personal" and position()=1]/oxns:role', @sample.ox_namespaces).length.should == 2
@sample.ng_xml.xpath('//oxns:name[@type="personal" and position()=1]/oxns:role[last()]/oxns:roleTerm', @sample.ox_namespaces).first.text.should == "founder"
# @sample.lookup(:person).first.to_xml.should == expected_result
it "should support more complex mixing & matching" do
expected_result = "\n Jobs\n Steve\n 2004\n \n creator\n cre\n \n foo"
@sample.ng_xml.xpath('//oxns:name[@type="personal" and position()=2]/oxns:role', @sample.ox_namespaces).length.should == 1
:parent_select =>'//oxns:name[@type="personal"]',
:child_index => 1,
:template => [ :person, :role, {:attributes=>{"type"=>"code", "authority"=>"marcrelator"}} ],
:values => "foo"
@sample.ng_xml.xpath('//oxns:name[@type="personal" and position()=2]/oxns:role', @sample.ox_namespaces).length.should == 2
@sample.lookup(:person)[1].search("./oxns:role[last()]/oxns:roleTerm", @sample.ox_namespaces).first.text.should == "foo"
it "should raise exception if no node corresponds to the provided :parent_select and :child_index"
describe ".property_value_update" do
it "should accept an xpath as :parent_select" do
sample_xpath = '//oxns:name[@type="personal"]/oxns:role/oxns:roleTerm[@type="text"]'
:parent_select =>sample_xpath,
:child_index => 1,
:value => "donor"
@sample.ng_xml.xpath(sample_xpath, @sample.ox_namespaces)[1].text.should == "donor"
it "if :select is provided, should update the first node provided by that xpath statement" do
sample_xpath = '//oxns:name[@type="personal" and position()=1]/oxns:namePart[@type="given"]'
:select =>sample_xpath,
:value => "Timmeh"
@sample.ng_xml.xpath(sample_xpath, @sample.ox_namespaces).first.text.should == "Timmeh"
it "should replace the existing node if you pass a template and values" do
:parent_select =>'//oxns:name[@type="personal"]',
:child_index => 1,
:template => [ :person, :role, {:attributes=>{"type"=>"code", "authority"=>"marcrelator"}} ],
:value => "foo"
1.should == 2
describe ".property_value_delete" do
it "should accept an xpath query as :select option" do
generic_xpath = '//oxns:name[@type="personal" and position()=4]/oxns:role'
specific_xpath = '//oxns:name[@type="personal" and position()=4]/oxns:role[oxns:roleTerm="visionary"]'
select_xpath = '//oxns:name[@type="personal" and position()=4]/oxns:role[last()]'
# Check that we're starting with 2 roles
# Check that the specific node we want to delete exists
@sample.lookup(generic_xpath).length.should == 2
@sample.lookup(specific_xpath).length.should == 1
:select =>select_xpath
# Check that we're finishing with 1 role
@sample.lookup(generic_xpath).length.should == 1
# Check that the specific node we want to delete no longer exists
@sample.lookup(specific_xpath).length.should == 0
it "should accept :parent_select, :parent_index and :child_index options instead of a :select" do
generic_xpath = '//oxns:name[@type="personal" and position()=4]/oxns:role/oxns:roleTerm'
specific_xpath = '//oxns:name[@type="personal" and position()=4]/oxns:role[oxns:roleTerm="visionary"]'
# Check that we're starting with 2 roles
# Check that the specific node we want to delete exists
@sample.lookup(generic_xpath).length.should == 4
@sample.lookup(specific_xpath).length.should == 1
# this is attempting to delete the last child (in this case roleTerm) from the 3rd role in the document.
:parent_select => [:person, :role],
:parent_index => 3,
:child_index => :last
# Check that we're finishing with 1 role
@sample.lookup(generic_xpath).length.should == 3
# Check that the specific node we want to delete no longer exists
@sample.lookup(specific_xpath).length.should == 1
it "should work if only :parent_select and :child_index are provided" do
generic_xpath = '//oxns:name[@type="personal"]/oxns:role'
# specific_xpath = '//oxns:name[@type="personal"]/oxns:role'
# Check that we're starting with 2 roles
# Check that the specific node we want to delete exists
@sample.lookup(generic_xpath).length.should == 4
# @sample.lookup(specific_xpath).length.should == 1
:parent_select => [:person, :role],
:child_index => 3
# Check that we're finishing with 1 role
@sample.lookup(generic_xpath).length.should == 3