module Pave class Database include Pave::Shell attr_accessor :name def self.create(name) say "" return say "Options should be given after the database name. For details run: `pave help`" unless name && name.size > 0 say "Creating mysql database: #{name}." new(name).setup end def initialize(name) @name = name end def setup sh "mysql -uroot -e 'CREATE DATABASE #{name}'" end def dump if !'db') sh "mkdir ./db" sh "echo '' > ./db/index.php" sh "echo 'deny from all' > ./db/.htaccess" sh "sudo chmod -R 700 ./db/" end dbname ="%Y-%m-%d-%H%M") + "-" + name + ".sql.gz" say "Creating dump of #{name} at #{Dir.pwd}/db/#{dbname}" sh "mysqldump -uroot #{name} | gzip > ./db/#{dbname}" say "Dump complete." end def download(host, user, password) # Download the project's live database and replace local database. # sh "mysqldump -h#{host} -u#{user} -p#{password} #{name} | mysql -uroot #{name}" end def upload # Upload the project's local database and replace the live database. end end end