import { encodeEntities, indent, isLargeString, styleObjToCss, assign, getChildren } from './util'; import { options, Fragment } from 'preact'; /** @typedef {import('preact').VNode} VNode */ const SHALLOW = { shallow: true }; // components without names, kept as a hash for later comparison to return consistent UnnamedComponentXX names. const UNNAMED = []; const VOID_ELEMENTS = /^(area|base|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param|source|track|wbr)$/; const UNSAFE_NAME = /[\s\n\\/='"\0<>]/; function markAsDirty() { this.__d = true; } /** Render Preact JSX + Components to an HTML string. * @name render * @function * @param {VNode} vnode JSX VNode to render. * @param {Object} [context={}] Optionally pass an initial context object through the render path. * @param {Object} [options={}] Rendering options * @param {Boolean} [options.shallow=false] If `true`, renders nested Components as HTML elements (``). * @param {Boolean} [options.xml=false] If `true`, uses self-closing tags for elements without children. * @param {Boolean} [options.pretty=false] If `true`, adds whitespace for readability * @param {RegExp|undefined} [options.voidElements] RegeEx that matches elements that are considered void (self-closing) */ renderToString.render = renderToString; /** Only render elements, leaving Components inline as ``. * This method is just a convenience alias for `render(vnode, context, { shallow:true })` * @name shallow * @function * @param {VNode} vnode JSX VNode to render. * @param {Object} [context={}] Optionally pass an initial context object through the render path. */ let shallowRender = (vnode, context) => renderToString(vnode, context, SHALLOW); const EMPTY_ARR = []; function renderToString(vnode, context, opts) { context = context || {}; opts = opts || {}; // Performance optimization: `renderToString` is synchronous and we // therefore don't execute any effects. To do that we pass an empty // array to `options._commit` (`__c`). But we can go one step further // and avoid a lot of dirty checks and allocations by setting // `options._skipEffects` (`__s`) too. const previousSkipEffects = options.__s; options.__s = true; const res = _renderToString(vnode, context, opts); // options._commit, we don't schedule any effects in this library right now, // so we can pass an empty queue to this hook. if (options.__c) options.__c(vnode, EMPTY_ARR); EMPTY_ARR.length = 0; options.__s = previousSkipEffects; return res; } /** The default export is an alias of `render()`. */ function _renderToString(vnode, context, opts, inner, isSvgMode, selectValue) { if (vnode == null || typeof vnode === 'boolean') { return ''; } // #text nodes if (typeof vnode !== 'object') { return encodeEntities(vnode); } let pretty = opts.pretty, indentChar = pretty && typeof pretty === 'string' ? pretty : '\t'; if (Array.isArray(vnode)) { let rendered = ''; for (let i = 0; i < vnode.length; i++) { if (pretty && i > 0) rendered += '\n'; rendered += _renderToString( vnode[i], context, opts, inner, isSvgMode, selectValue ); } return rendered; } let nodeName = vnode.type, props = vnode.props, isComponent = false; // components if (typeof nodeName === 'function') { isComponent = true; if (opts.shallow && (inner || opts.renderRootComponent === false)) { nodeName = getComponentName(nodeName); } else if (nodeName === Fragment) { const children = []; getChildren(children, vnode.props.children); return _renderToString( children, context, opts, opts.shallowHighOrder !== false, isSvgMode, selectValue ); } else { let rendered; let c = (vnode.__c = { __v: vnode, context, props: vnode.props, // silently drop state updates setState: markAsDirty, forceUpdate: markAsDirty, __d: true, // hooks __h: [] }); // options._diff if (options.__b) options.__b(vnode); // options._render let renderHook = options.__r; if ( !nodeName.prototype || typeof nodeName.prototype.render !== 'function' ) { // Necessary for createContext api. Setting this property will pass // the context value as `this.context` just for this component. let cxType = nodeName.contextType; let provider = cxType && context[cxType.__c]; let cctx = cxType != null ? provider ? provider.props.value : cxType.__ : context; // If a hook invokes setState() to invalidate the component during rendering, // re-render it up to 25 times to allow "settling" of memoized states. // Note: // This will need to be updated for Preact 11 to use internal.flags rather than component._dirty: // let count = 0; while (c.__d && count++ < 25) { c.__d = false; if (renderHook) renderHook(vnode); // stateless functional components rendered =, props, cctx); } } else { // class-based components let cxType = nodeName.contextType; let provider = cxType && context[cxType.__c]; let cctx = cxType != null ? provider ? provider.props.value : cxType.__ : context; // c = new nodeName(props, context); c = vnode.__c = new nodeName(props, cctx); c.__v = vnode; // turn off stateful re-rendering: c._dirty = c.__d = true; c.props = props; if (c.state == null) c.state = {}; if (c._nextState == null && c.__s == null) { c._nextState = c.__s = c.state; } c.context = cctx; if (nodeName.getDerivedStateFromProps) c.state = assign( assign({}, c.state), nodeName.getDerivedStateFromProps(c.props, c.state) ); else if (c.componentWillMount) { c.componentWillMount(); // If the user called setState in cWM we need to flush pending, // state updates. This is the same behaviour in React. c.state = c._nextState !== c.state ? c._nextState : c.__s !== c.state ? c.__s : c.state; } if (renderHook) renderHook(vnode); rendered = c.render(c.props, c.state, c.context); } if (c.getChildContext) { context = assign(assign({}, context), c.getChildContext()); } if (options.diffed) options.diffed(vnode); return _renderToString( rendered, context, opts, opts.shallowHighOrder !== false, isSvgMode, selectValue ); } } // render JSX to HTML let s = '<' + nodeName, propChildren, html; if (props) { let attrs = Object.keys(props); // allow sorting lexicographically for more determinism (useful for tests, such as via preact-jsx-chai) if (opts && opts.sortAttributes === true) attrs.sort(); for (let i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { let name = attrs[i], v = props[name]; if (name === 'children') { propChildren = v; continue; } if (UNSAFE_NAME.test(name)) continue; if ( !(opts && opts.allAttributes) && (name === 'key' || name === 'ref' || name === '__self' || name === '__source') ) continue; if (name === 'defaultValue') { name = 'value'; } else if (name === 'className') { if (typeof props.class !== 'undefined') continue; name = 'class'; } else if (isSvgMode && name.match(/^xlink:?./)) { name = name.toLowerCase().replace(/^xlink:?/, 'xlink:'); } if (name === 'htmlFor') { if (props.for) continue; name = 'for'; } if (name === 'style' && v && typeof v === 'object') { v = styleObjToCss(v); } // always use string values instead of booleans for aria attributes // also see if (name[0] === 'a' && name['1'] === 'r' && typeof v === 'boolean') { v = String(v); } let hooked = opts.attributeHook && opts.attributeHook(name, v, context, opts, isComponent); if (hooked || hooked === '') { s += hooked; continue; } if (name === 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML') { html = v && v.__html; } else if (nodeName === 'textarea' && name === 'value') { // propChildren = v; } else if ((v || v === 0 || v === '') && typeof v !== 'function') { if (v === true || v === '') { v = name; // in non-xml mode, allow boolean attributes if (!opts || !opts.xml) { s += ' ' + name; continue; } } if (name === 'value') { if (nodeName === 'select') { selectValue = v; continue; } else if ( // If we're looking at an