# encoding: UTF-8 require 'helper' TestPresenter = Keynote::Presenter describe Keynote::Presenter do describe "delegation" do let(:klass) do Class.new(TestPresenter) do presents :grizzly, :bear delegate :adams, :to => :grizzly delegate :man, :to => :grizzly, :prefix => true end end it "should be able to use ActiveSupport Module#delegate method" do mock = mock() mock.expects(:adams) mock.expects(:man) klass.new(nil, mock, nil).tap do |p| p.adams p.grizzly_man end end end describe ".presents" do it "should take just the view context by default" do klass = Class.new(TestPresenter) klass.new(1).instance_variable_get(:@view).must_equal 1 end describe "with two parameters" do let(:klass) do Class.new(TestPresenter) do presents :grizzly, :bear end end it "should let you specify other objects to take" do klass.new(1, 2, 3).instance_eval do @view.must_equal 1 @grizzly.must_equal 2 @bear.must_equal 3 end end it "should not be callable with the wrong arity" do proc { klass.new(1, 2) }.must_raise ArgumentError end it "should generate readers for the objects" do klass.new(1, 2, 3).tap do |p| p.view.must_equal 1 p.grizzly.must_equal 2 p.bear.must_equal 3 end end end end describe ".use_html5_tags" do let(:klass) do Class.new(TestPresenter) do def generate_h3(content) build_html { h3 content } end def generate_small(content) build_html { small content } end end end it "should add Rumble tags like `small` while preserving existing tags" do presenter = klass.new(nil) presenter.generate_h3("hi").must_equal "


" proc { presenter.generate_small("uh-oh") }.must_raise NoMethodError klass.use_html_5_tags presenter.generate_h3("hi").must_equal "


" presenter.generate_small("hi").must_equal "hi" end end describe ".object_names" do it "doesn't leak between classes" do c1 = Class.new(Keynote::Presenter) c2 = Class.new(Keynote::Presenter) c1.object_names << :foo c1.object_names.must_equal [:foo] c2.object_names.must_equal [] end it "matches the list of presented objects" do c = Class.new(Keynote::Presenter) c.object_names.must_equal [] c.presents :biff, :bam, :pow c.object_names.must_equal [:biff, :bam, :pow] end end describe "#present" do it "should pass its view context through to the new presenter" do mock = mock() mock.expects(:pizza) p1 = TestPresenter.new(mock) p2 = p1.present(:test) p1.wont_equal p2 p2.pizza end end describe "#inspect" do it "includes the class name" do CombinedPresenter.new(:view, :a, :b).inspect. must_match /^#" end it "shouldn't leave extra padding for zero-arg presenters" do EmptyPresenter.new(:view).inspect.must_equal "#" end end describe "#method_missing" do it "should pass unknown method calls through to the view" do mock = mock() mock.expects(:talking).with(:heads) object = Class.new do define_method(:talking) do |arg| mock.talking(arg) end private :talking end.new TestPresenter.new(object).talking(:heads) end it "should respond_to? methods of the view" do object = Class.new do define_method(:talking) do |arg| end private :talking end.new TestPresenter.new(object).respond_to?(:talking).must_equal true end it "should raise unknown methods at the presenter, not the view" do err = nil begin Keynote::Presenter.new(Object.new).talking(:heads) rescue NoMethodError => e err = e end err.wont_be_nil err.message.must_match /Keynote::Presenter/ end end end