require File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), "/../spec_helper.rb") def prepare_for_tagmanager @a = @a.address_manager.should_receive(:hostnames).any_number_of_times.and_return(["kurou", ""]) @a.platform_manager.setup( :default => :struct, :struct => { :os => "mizrahi", :arch => "realian", :distro => "momo", :version => "s100", } ) @m = @a.tag_manager end describe "AutomateIt::TagManager", :shared => true do it "should have tags" do @a.tags.should be_a_kind_of(Enumerable) end it "should have tags that include tag for hostname" do @a.tags.should include("kurou") end it "should have tag for short hostname" do @a.should be_tagged("kurou") end it "should have tag for long hostname" do @a.should be_tagged("") end it "should have tag for OS" do @a.should be_tagged("mizrahi") end it "should have tag for OS/arch" do @a.should be_tagged("mizrahi_realian") end it "should have tag for distro/release" do @a.should be_tagged("momo_s100") end it "should have tag for a role" do @a.should be_tagged("apache_servers") end it "should match a symbol query" do @a.should be_tagged(:apache_servers) end it "should match a string query" do @a.should be_tagged("apache_servers") end it "should not match unknown symbol keys" do @a.should_not be_tagged(:foo) end it "should not match unknown string keys" do @a.should_not be_tagged("foo") end it "should match an AND query" do @a.should be_tagged("kurou && apache_servers") end it "should match an OR query" do @a.should be_tagged("kurou || apache_servers") end it "should match a grouped AND and OR query" do @a.should be_tagged("(kurou || apache_servers) && momo_s100") end it "should not match AND with unknown keys" do @a.should_not be_tagged("kurou && foo") end it "should not match OR with unknown keys" do @a.should_not be_tagged("foo && bar") end it "should query tags for a specific host" do @a.should_not be_tagged("proxy_servers", "kurou") @a.should be_tagged("proxy_servers", "") @a.should be_tagged("proxy_servers", "akane") end it "should append tags" do @a.should_not be_tagged("magic") @a.tags << "magic" @a.should be_tagged("magic") end it "should find tags with dashes in the name" do tag_with_dash = "pawafuru-mirakuru" tag_without_dash = "wandafuru" @a.tags << tag_with_dash << tag_without_dash @a.should be_tagged(tag_with_dash) @a.should be_tagged(tag_without_dash) end it "should find tags for a host using an array" do @a.tags_for(["kurou"]).should include("apache_servers") end it "should find tags for a host using a string" do @a.tags_for("").should include("proxy_servers") end it "should find hosts with a tag" do hosts = @a.hosts_tagged_with("apache_servers") hosts.should include("kurou") hosts.should include("shirou") hosts.should_not include("akane") end it "should find using negative queries" do @a.should_not be_tagged("akane") @a.should be_tagged("!akane") @a.should be_tagged("!akane && !proxy_servers") end it "should include group aliases" do @a.hosts_tagged_with("all_servers").sort.should == ["kurou", "shirou", ""].sort end it "should exclude hosts from groups" do @a.hosts_tagged_with("apache_servers_except_kurou").should == ["shirou"] end it "should exclude groups from groups" do @a.hosts_tagged_with("all_servers_except_proxy_servers").sort.should == ["kurou", "shirou"].sort end it "should match tags with dashes" do @a.should be_tagged("apache-servers-using-dashes") end it "should include groups with dashes" do @a.should be_tagged("apache-servers-using-dashes-include") end end describe "AutomateIt::TagManager::Struct" do it_should_behave_like "AutomateIt::TagManager" before(:all) do prepare_for_tagmanager @m.setup( :default => :struct, :struct => { "apache_servers" => [ "kurou", "shirou", ], "proxy_servers" => [ "", ], "all_servers" => [ "@apache_servers", "@proxy_servers", ], "apache_servers_except_kurou" => [ "@apache_servers", "!kurou", ], "all_servers_except_proxy_servers" => [ "@all_servers", "!@proxy_servers", ], "apache-servers-using-dashes" => [ "@apache_servers", ], "apache-servers-using-dashes-include" => [ "@apache-servers-using-dashes", ] } ) end end describe "AutomateIt::TagManager::YAML" do it_should_behave_like "AutomateIt::TagManager" def setup_yaml_tags @m[:yaml].should_receive(:_read).any_number_of_times.with("demo.yml").and_return(<<-EOB) <%="apache_servers"%>: - kurou - shirou proxy_servers: - all_servers: - @apache_servers - @proxy_servers apache_servers_except_kurou: - @apache_servers - !kurou all_servers_except_proxy_servers: - @all_servers - !@proxy_servers apache-servers-using-dashes: - @apache_servers apache-servers-using-dashes-include: - @apache-servers-using-dashes EOB @m.setup( :default => :yaml, :file => "demo.yml" ) end before(:all) do prepare_for_tagmanager setup_yaml_tags end it "should not clear tags if re-loaded" do setup_yaml_tags tag = "al-azif" @a.tags << tag @a.should be_tagged(tag) setup_yaml_tags @a.should be_tagged(tag) end end describe "AutomateIt::TagManager::YAML", "with empty struct" do def setup_yaml_tags @m[:yaml].should_receive(:_read).any_number_of_times.with("demo.yml").and_return(<<-EOB) # Empty! EOB @m.setup( :default => :yaml, :file => "demo.yml" ) end before(:all) do prepare_for_tagmanager setup_yaml_tags end it "should tolerate empty struct" do @a.tagged?("foo").should be_false end end describe "AutomateIt::TagManager::YAML", "with no leaves" do def setup_yaml_tags @m[:yaml].should_receive(:_read).any_number_of_times.with("demo.yml").and_return(<<-EOB) <%="apache_servers"%>: EOB @m.setup( :default => :yaml, :file => "demo.yml" ) end before(:all) do prepare_for_tagmanager setup_yaml_tags end it "should tolerate empty leaves" do @a.should_not be_tagged("apache_servers") end end