/* OVERLAY JS v0.1.0 */ (function($) { "use strict"; var __bind = function(fn, me) { return function() { return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; }; var default_template_function = function() { return [ '
', '
', '
', '
', '', '
', '
', '
', '
' ].join(''); }; var default_background_template_function = function() { return [ '' ].join(''); }; // // Default settings // Overlay.prototype.settings = { class_name: "mod-overlay", background_class_name: "mod-overlay-background", content_class_name: "overlay-content", is_shown_class: "visible", template_function: default_template_function, background_template_function: default_background_template_function }; // // Constructor // -> and main setup // function Overlay(el, settings) { // // instance variables: // el, $el, bg, $bg, // $content, state this.bind_some_methods_to_self(); this.set_initial_state_object(); this.set_initial_settings_object(settings); this.create_new_or_use_element(el); this.bind_events(); } // // Create new or use element // // -> If an element is given, set that element as // the main element and find the associated background element. // // If not, make new elements and append them to the body element. // // And also cache some other elements. // Overlay.prototype.create_new_or_use_element = function(element) { var predefined = !!element; var background; // main element if (!predefined) { element = document.createElement("div"); element.className = this.settings.class_name; element.innerHTML = this.settings.template_function(); } this.el = element; this.$el = $(this.el); // background if (!predefined) { background = document.createElement("div"); background.className = this.settings.background_class_name; background.innerHTML = this.settings.background_template_function(); } else { background = this.$el.siblings("." + this.settings.background_class_name).get(0); } this.bg = background; this.$bg = $(this.bg); // add to dom if needed if (!predefined) { document.body.appendChild(element); document.body.appendChild(background); } // cache other elements this.cache_other_elements(); }; Overlay.prototype.cache_other_elements = function() { this.$content = this.$el.find("." + this.settings.content_class_name); }; // // Show + callback // // -> Shows the main element and background by // setting 'display: block', then adds the // is_shown class to those elements and then // calls the callback on transitionend (if supported). // // The reason for the setTimeout usage is that, for example. // If you set the following at the same time, // 'display: block' and 'opacity: 1' along with // a transition for opacity. Then the transition won't work, // for reasons unknown. // Overlay.prototype.show = function(content_key) { var that = this; // content key content_key = content_key || "default"; // show setTimeout(function() { that.$el.add(that.$bg).css("display", "block"); }, 0); // main setTimeout(function() { that.$el.add(that.$bg) .addClass(that.settings.is_shown_class) .addClass(content_key); }, 25); // state this.state.is_shown = true; this.state.content_key = content_key; // callback if (this.state.transition_key) { this.$el.on(this.state.transition_key, this.show_callback); } else { this.show_callback(); } }; Overlay.prototype.show_callback = function() { this.$el.off(this.state.transition_key, this.show_callback); $(window).trigger("overlay.open." + this.state.content_key); }; // // Hide + callback // Overlay.prototype.hide = function() { this.$el.add(this.$bg) .removeClass(this.settings.is_shown_class) .removeClass(this.state.content_key); // state this.state.content_key = false; this.state.is_shown = false; // callback if (this.state.transition_key) { this.$el.on(this.state.transition_key, this.hide_callback); } else { this.hide_callback(); } }; Overlay.prototype.hide_callback = function() { this.$el.off(this.state.transition_key, this.hide_callback); this.$el.add(this.$bg).css("display", "none"); this.clear_content(); $(window).trigger("overlay.hide"); }; // // Content // Overlay.prototype.append_content = function(x) { this.$content.append(x); }; Overlay.prototype.clear_content = function() { this.el.innerHTML = this.settings.template_function(); this.cache_other_elements(); }; // // Destroy self // Overlay.prototype.destroy = function() { this.unbind_events(); this.$el.remove(); this.el = null; }; // // State // Overlay.prototype.set_initial_state_object = function() { var fake_el, transitions, transition_key; // state object this.state = { is_shown: false }; // find correct transtionend key fake_el = document.createElement("fake"); transitions = { "transition" : "transitionend", "WebkitTransition" : "webkitTransitionEnd", "MozTransition" : "transitionend", "msTransition" : "MSTransitionEnd", "OTransition" : "otransitionend" }; for (var t in transitions) { if (fake_el.style[t] !== undefined) { transition_key = transitions[t]; break; } } this.state.transition_key = transition_key; }; Overlay.prototype.set_initial_settings_object = function(settings) { this.settings = $.extend({}, this.settings, settings || {}); }; // // Events // Overlay.prototype.bind_events = function() { // every element with class .close closes the overlay this.$el.on("click.overlay", ".close", this.close_click_handler); // close overlay when ESC key is pressed $(document).on("keydown.overlay", this.document_keydown_handler); }; Overlay.prototype.unbind_events = function() { this.$el.off("click.overlay", ".close", this.close_click_handler); $(document).off("keydown.overlay", this.document_keydown_handler); }; Overlay.prototype.close_click_handler = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.hide(); }; Overlay.prototype.document_keydown_handler = function(e) { if (e.which == 27 && this.state.is_shown) { this.hide(); } }; // // Utilities // Overlay.prototype.bind_some_methods_to_self = function() { var methods = [ "show_callback", "hide_callback", "close_click_handler", "document_keydown_handler" ]; for (var i=0, j=methods.length; i