module ACH # The +ACH::File::Reader+ class builds a corresponding +ACH::File+ # object from a given set of data. The constructor takes an +enum+ object # representing a sequence of ACH lines (strings). This +enum+ object may be # a file handler, an array, or any other object that responds to the +#each+ # method. class File::Reader include Constants def initialize(enum) @enum = enum end def to_ach header_line, batch_lines, control_line = ach_data do build_header header_line batch_lines.each do |batch_data| batch do build_header batch_data[:header] batch_data[:entries].each do |entry_line| build_entry entry_line if batch_data[:addendas].key?(entry_line) batch_data[:addendas][entry_line].each do |addenda_line| build_addenda addenda_line end end end build_control batch_data[:control] end end build_control control_line end end def ach_data process! unless processed? return @header, batches, @control end private :ach_data def process! each_line do |record_type, line| case record_type when FILE_HEADER_RECORD_TYPE @header = line when BATCH_HEADER_RECORD_TYPE initialize_batch! current_batch[:header] = line when BATCH_ENTRY_RECORD_TYPE current_batch[:entries] << line when BATCH_ADDENDA_RECORD_TYPE (current_batch[:addendas][current_entry] ||= []) << line when BATCH_CONTROL_RECORD_TYPE current_batch[:control] = line when FILE_CONTROL_RECORD_TYPE @control = line end end @processed = true end private :process! def processed? !!@processed end private :processed? def each_line @enum.each do |line| yield line[0..0].to_i, line.chomp end end private :each_line def batches @batches ||= [] end private :batches def initialize_batch! batches << {:entries => [], :addendas => {}} end private :initialize_batch! def current_batch batches.last end private :current_batch def current_entry current_batch[:entries].last end private :current_entry end end