--- title: ConversationQuery --- ## PureCloud::ConversationQuery ## Properties |Name | Type | Description | Notes| |------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------| | **interval** | **String** | Specifies the date and time range of data being queried. Results will include conversations that both started on a day touched by the interval AND either started, ended, or any activity during the interval. Intervals are represented as an ISO-8601 string. For example: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss/YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss | | | **conversation_filters** | [**Array<ConversationDetailQueryFilter>**](ConversationDetailQueryFilter.html) | Filters that target conversation-level data | [optional] | | **segment_filters** | [**Array<SegmentDetailQueryFilter>**](SegmentDetailQueryFilter.html) | Filters that target individual segments within a conversation | [optional] | | **evaluation_filters** | [**Array<EvaluationDetailQueryFilter>**](EvaluationDetailQueryFilter.html) | Filters that target evaluations | [optional] | | **media_endpoint_stat_filters** | [**Array<MediaEndpointStatDetailQueryFilter>**](MediaEndpointStatDetailQueryFilter.html) | Filters that target mediaEndpointStats | [optional] | | **survey_filters** | [**Array<SurveyDetailQueryFilter>**](SurveyDetailQueryFilter.html) | Filters that target surveys | [optional] | | **order** | **String** | Sort the result set in ascending/descending order. Default is ascending | [optional] | | **order_by** | **String** | Specify which data element within the result set to use for sorting. The options to use as a basis for sorting the results: conversationStart, segmentStart, and segmentEnd. If not specified, the default is conversationStart | [optional] | | **aggregations** | [**Array<AnalyticsQueryAggregation>**](AnalyticsQueryAggregation.html) | Include faceted search and aggregate roll-ups describing your search results. This does not function as a filter, but rather, summary data about the data matching your filters | [optional] | | **paging** | [**PagingSpec**](PagingSpec.html) | Page size and number to control iterating through large result sets. Default page size is 25 | [optional] | {: class="table table-striped"}