/** * @license * Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved. * This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt * The complete set of authors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt * The complete set of contributors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt * Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also * subject to an additional IP rights grant found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt */ // @version 0.7.3 window.WebComponents = window.WebComponents || {}; (function(scope) { var flags = scope.flags || {}; var file = "webcomponents-lite.js"; var script = document.querySelector('script[src*="' + file + '"]'); if (!flags.noOpts) { location.search.slice(1).split("&").forEach(function(option) { var parts = option.split("="); var match; if (parts[0] && (match = parts[0].match(/wc-(.+)/))) { flags[match[1]] = parts[1] || true; } }); if (script) { for (var i = 0, a; a = script.attributes[i]; i++) { if (a.name !== "src") { flags[a.name] = a.value || true; } } } if (flags.log) { var parts = flags.log.split(","); flags.log = {}; parts.forEach(function(f) { flags.log[f] = true; }); } else { flags.log = {}; } } flags.shadow = flags.shadow || flags.shadowdom || flags.polyfill; if (flags.shadow === "native") { flags.shadow = false; } else { flags.shadow = flags.shadow || !HTMLElement.prototype.createShadowRoot; } if (flags.register) { window.CustomElements = window.CustomElements || { flags: {} }; window.CustomElements.flags.register = flags.register; } scope.flags = flags; })(window.WebComponents); (function(scope) { "use strict"; var hasWorkingUrl = false; if (!scope.forceJURL) { try { var u = new URL("b", "http://a"); u.pathname = "c%20d"; hasWorkingUrl = u.href === "http://a/c%20d"; } catch (e) {} } if (hasWorkingUrl) return; var relative = Object.create(null); relative["ftp"] = 21; relative["file"] = 0; relative["gopher"] = 70; relative["http"] = 80; relative["https"] = 443; relative["ws"] = 80; relative["wss"] = 443; var relativePathDotMapping = Object.create(null); relativePathDotMapping["%2e"] = "."; relativePathDotMapping[".%2e"] = ".."; relativePathDotMapping["%2e."] = ".."; relativePathDotMapping["%2e%2e"] = ".."; function isRelativeScheme(scheme) { return relative[scheme] !== undefined; } function invalid() { clear.call(this); this._isInvalid = true; } function IDNAToASCII(h) { if ("" == h) { invalid.call(this); } return h.toLowerCase(); } function percentEscape(c) { var unicode = c.charCodeAt(0); if (unicode > 32 && unicode < 127 && [ 34, 35, 60, 62, 63, 96 ].indexOf(unicode) == -1) { return c; } return encodeURIComponent(c); } function percentEscapeQuery(c) { var unicode = c.charCodeAt(0); if (unicode > 32 && unicode < 127 && [ 34, 35, 60, 62, 96 ].indexOf(unicode) == -1) { return c; } return encodeURIComponent(c); } var EOF = undefined, ALPHA = /[a-zA-Z]/, ALPHANUMERIC = /[a-zA-Z0-9\+\-\.]/; function parse(input, stateOverride, base) { function err(message) { errors.push(message); } var state = stateOverride || "scheme start", cursor = 0, buffer = "", seenAt = false, seenBracket = false, errors = []; loop: while ((input[cursor - 1] != EOF || cursor == 0) && !this._isInvalid) { var c = input[cursor]; switch (state) { case "scheme start": if (c && ALPHA.test(c)) { buffer += c.toLowerCase(); state = "scheme"; } else if (!stateOverride) { buffer = ""; state = "no scheme"; continue; } else { err("Invalid scheme."); break loop; } break; case "scheme": if (c && ALPHANUMERIC.test(c)) { buffer += c.toLowerCase(); } else if (":" == c) { this._scheme = buffer; buffer = ""; if (stateOverride) { break loop; } if (isRelativeScheme(this._scheme)) { this._isRelative = true; } if ("file" == this._scheme) { state = "relative"; } else if (this._isRelative && base && base._scheme == this._scheme) { state = "relative or authority"; } else if (this._isRelative) { state = "authority first slash"; } else { state = "scheme data"; } } else if (!stateOverride) { buffer = ""; cursor = 0; state = "no scheme"; continue; } else if (EOF == c) { break loop; } else { err("Code point not allowed in scheme: " + c); break loop; } break; case "scheme data": if ("?" == c) { this._query = "?"; state = "query"; } else if ("#" == c) { this._fragment = "#"; state = "fragment"; } else { if (EOF != c && " " != c && "\n" != c && "\r" != c) { this._schemeData += percentEscape(c); } } break; case "no scheme": if (!base || !isRelativeScheme(base._scheme)) { err("Missing scheme."); invalid.call(this); } else { state = "relative"; continue; } break; case "relative or authority": if ("/" == c && "/" == input[cursor + 1]) { state = "authority ignore slashes"; } else { err("Expected /, got: " + c); state = "relative"; continue; } break; case "relative": this._isRelative = true; if ("file" != this._scheme) this._scheme = base._scheme; if (EOF == c) { this._host = base._host; this._port = base._port; this._path = base._path.slice(); this._query = base._query; this._username = base._username; this._password = base._password; break loop; } else if ("/" == c || "\\" == c) { if ("\\" == c) err("\\ is an invalid code point."); state = "relative slash"; } else if ("?" == c) { this._host = base._host; this._port = base._port; this._path = base._path.slice(); this._query = "?"; this._username = base._username; this._password = base._password; state = "query"; } else if ("#" == c) { this._host = base._host; this._port = base._port; this._path = base._path.slice(); this._query = base._query; this._fragment = "#"; this._username = base._username; this._password = base._password; state = "fragment"; } else { var nextC = input[cursor + 1]; var nextNextC = input[cursor + 2]; if ("file" != this._scheme || !ALPHA.test(c) || nextC != ":" && nextC != "|" || EOF != nextNextC && "/" != nextNextC && "\\" != nextNextC && "?" != nextNextC && "#" != nextNextC) { this._host = base._host; this._port = base._port; this._username = base._username; this._password = base._password; this._path = base._path.slice(); this._path.pop(); } state = "relative path"; continue; } break; case "relative slash": if ("/" == c || "\\" == c) { if ("\\" == c) { err("\\ is an invalid code point."); } if ("file" == this._scheme) { state = "file host"; } else { state = "authority ignore slashes"; } } else { if ("file" != this._scheme) { this._host = base._host; this._port = base._port; this._username = base._username; this._password = base._password; } state = "relative path"; continue; } break; case "authority first slash": if ("/" == c) { state = "authority second slash"; } else { err("Expected '/', got: " + c); state = "authority ignore slashes"; continue; } break; case "authority second slash": state = "authority ignore slashes"; if ("/" != c) { err("Expected '/', got: " + c); continue; } break; case "authority ignore slashes": if ("/" != c && "\\" != c) { state = "authority"; continue; } else { err("Expected authority, got: " + c); } break; case "authority": if ("@" == c) { if (seenAt) { err("@ already seen."); buffer += "%40"; } seenAt = true; for (var i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) { var cp = buffer[i]; if (" " == cp || "\n" == cp || "\r" == cp) { err("Invalid whitespace in authority."); continue; } if (":" == cp && null === this._password) { this._password = ""; continue; } var tempC = percentEscape(cp); null !== this._password ? this._password += tempC : this._username += tempC; } buffer = ""; } else if (EOF == c || "/" == c || "\\" == c || "?" == c || "#" == c) { cursor -= buffer.length; buffer = ""; state = "host"; continue; } else { buffer += c; } break; case "file host": if (EOF == c || "/" == c || "\\" == c || "?" == c || "#" == c) { if (buffer.length == 2 && ALPHA.test(buffer[0]) && (buffer[1] == ":" || buffer[1] == "|")) { state = "relative path"; } else if (buffer.length == 0) { state = "relative path start"; } else { this._host = IDNAToASCII.call(this, buffer); buffer = ""; state = "relative path start"; } continue; } else if (" " == c || "\n" == c || "\r" == c) { err("Invalid whitespace in file host."); } else { buffer += c; } break; case "host": case "hostname": if (":" == c && !seenBracket) { this._host = IDNAToASCII.call(this, buffer); buffer = ""; state = "port"; if ("hostname" == stateOverride) { break loop; } } else if (EOF == c || "/" == c || "\\" == c || "?" == c || "#" == c) { this._host = IDNAToASCII.call(this, buffer); buffer = ""; state = "relative path start"; if (stateOverride) { break loop; } continue; } else if (" " != c && "\n" != c && "\r" != c) { if ("[" == c) { seenBracket = true; } else if ("]" == c) { seenBracket = false; } buffer += c; } else { err("Invalid code point in host/hostname: " + c); } break; case "port": if (/[0-9]/.test(c)) { buffer += c; } else if (EOF == c || "/" == c || "\\" == c || "?" == c || "#" == c || stateOverride) { if ("" != buffer) { var temp = parseInt(buffer, 10); if (temp != relative[this._scheme]) { this._port = temp + ""; } buffer = ""; } if (stateOverride) { break loop; } state = "relative path start"; continue; } else if (" " == c || "\n" == c || "\r" == c) { err("Invalid code point in port: " + c); } else { invalid.call(this); } break; case "relative path start": if ("\\" == c) err("'\\' not allowed in path."); state = "relative path"; if ("/" != c && "\\" != c) { continue; } break; case "relative path": if (EOF == c || "/" == c || "\\" == c || !stateOverride && ("?" == c || "#" == c)) { if ("\\" == c) { err("\\ not allowed in relative path."); } var tmp; if (tmp = relativePathDotMapping[buffer.toLowerCase()]) { buffer = tmp; } if (".." == buffer) { this._path.pop(); if ("/" != c && "\\" != c) { this._path.push(""); } } else if ("." == buffer && "/" != c && "\\" != c) { this._path.push(""); } else if ("." != buffer) { if ("file" == this._scheme && this._path.length == 0 && buffer.length == 2 && ALPHA.test(buffer[0]) && buffer[1] == "|") { buffer = buffer[0] + ":"; } this._path.push(buffer); } buffer = ""; if ("?" == c) { this._query = "?"; state = "query"; } else if ("#" == c) { this._fragment = "#"; state = "fragment"; } } else if (" " != c && "\n" != c && "\r" != c) { buffer += percentEscape(c); } break; case "query": if (!stateOverride && "#" == c) { this._fragment = "#"; state = "fragment"; } else if (EOF != c && " " != c && "\n" != c && "\r" != c) { this._query += percentEscapeQuery(c); } break; case "fragment": if (EOF != c && " " != c && "\n" != c && "\r" != c) { this._fragment += c; } break; } cursor++; } } function clear() { this._scheme = ""; this._schemeData = ""; this._username = ""; this._password = null; this._host = ""; this._port = ""; this._path = []; this._query = ""; this._fragment = ""; this._isInvalid = false; this._isRelative = false; } function jURL(url, base) { if (base !== undefined && !(base instanceof jURL)) base = new jURL(String(base)); this._url = url; clear.call(this); var input = url.replace(/^[ \t\r\n\f]+|[ \t\r\n\f]+$/g, ""); parse.call(this, input, null, base); } jURL.prototype = { toString: function() { return this.href; }, get href() { if (this._isInvalid) return this._url; var authority = ""; if ("" != this._username || null != this._password) { authority = this._username + (null != this._password ? ":" + this._password : "") + "@"; } return this.protocol + (this._isRelative ? "//" + authority + this.host : "") + this.pathname + this._query + this._fragment; }, set href(href) { clear.call(this); parse.call(this, href); }, get protocol() { return this._scheme + ":"; }, set protocol(protocol) { if (this._isInvalid) return; parse.call(this, protocol + ":", "scheme start"); }, get host() { return this._isInvalid ? "" : this._port ? this._host + ":" + this._port : this._host; }, set host(host) { if (this._isInvalid || !this._isRelative) return; parse.call(this, host, "host"); }, get hostname() { return this._host; }, set hostname(hostname) { if (this._isInvalid || !this._isRelative) return; parse.call(this, hostname, "hostname"); }, get port() { return this._port; }, set port(port) { if (this._isInvalid || !this._isRelative) return; parse.call(this, port, "port"); }, get pathname() { return this._isInvalid ? "" : this._isRelative ? "/" + this._path.join("/") : this._schemeData; }, set pathname(pathname) { if (this._isInvalid || !this._isRelative) return; this._path = []; parse.call(this, pathname, "relative path start"); }, get search() { return this._isInvalid || !this._query || "?" == this._query ? "" : this._query; }, set search(search) { if (this._isInvalid || !this._isRelative) return; this._query = "?"; if ("?" == search[0]) search = search.slice(1); parse.call(this, search, "query"); }, get hash() { return this._isInvalid || !this._fragment || "#" == this._fragment ? "" : this._fragment; }, set hash(hash) { if (this._isInvalid) return; this._fragment = "#"; if ("#" == hash[0]) hash = hash.slice(1); parse.call(this, hash, "fragment"); }, get origin() { var host; if (this._isInvalid || !this._scheme) { return ""; } switch (this._scheme) { case "data": case "file": case "javascript": case "mailto": return "null"; } host = this.host; if (!host) { return ""; } return this._scheme + "://" + host; } }; var OriginalURL = scope.URL; if (OriginalURL) { jURL.createObjectURL = function(blob) { return OriginalURL.createObjectURL.apply(OriginalURL, arguments); }; jURL.revokeObjectURL = function(url) { OriginalURL.revokeObjectURL(url); }; } scope.URL = jURL; })(this); if (typeof WeakMap === "undefined") { (function() { var defineProperty = Object.defineProperty; var counter = Date.now() % 1e9; var WeakMap = function() { this.name = "__st" + (Math.random() * 1e9 >>> 0) + (counter++ + "__"); }; WeakMap.prototype = { set: function(key, value) { var entry = key[this.name]; if (entry && entry[0] === key) entry[1] = value; else defineProperty(key, this.name, { value: [ key, value ], writable: true }); return this; }, get: function(key) { var entry; return (entry = key[this.name]) && entry[0] === key ? entry[1] : undefined; }, "delete": function(key) { var entry = key[this.name]; if (!entry || entry[0] !== key) return false; entry[0] = entry[1] = undefined; return true; }, has: function(key) { var entry = key[this.name]; if (!entry) return false; return entry[0] === key; } }; window.WeakMap = WeakMap; })(); } (function(global) { var registrationsTable = new WeakMap(); var setImmediate; if (/Trident|Edge/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { setImmediate = setTimeout; } else if (window.setImmediate) { setImmediate = window.setImmediate; } else { var setImmediateQueue = []; var sentinel = String(Math.random()); window.addEventListener("message", function(e) { if (e.data === sentinel) { var queue = setImmediateQueue; setImmediateQueue = []; queue.forEach(function(func) { func(); }); } }); setImmediate = function(func) { setImmediateQueue.push(func); window.postMessage(sentinel, "*"); }; } var isScheduled = false; var scheduledObservers = []; function scheduleCallback(observer) { scheduledObservers.push(observer); if (!isScheduled) { isScheduled = true; setImmediate(dispatchCallbacks); } } function wrapIfNeeded(node) { return window.ShadowDOMPolyfill && window.ShadowDOMPolyfill.wrapIfNeeded(node) || node; } function dispatchCallbacks() { isScheduled = false; var observers = scheduledObservers; scheduledObservers = []; observers.sort(function(o1, o2) { return o1.uid_ - o2.uid_; }); var anyNonEmpty = false; observers.forEach(function(observer) { var queue = observer.takeRecords(); removeTransientObserversFor(observer); if (queue.length) { observer.callback_(queue, observer); anyNonEmpty = true; } }); if (anyNonEmpty) dispatchCallbacks(); } function removeTransientObserversFor(observer) { observer.nodes_.forEach(function(node) { var registrations = registrationsTable.get(node); if (!registrations) return; registrations.forEach(function(registration) { if (registration.observer === observer) registration.removeTransientObservers(); }); }); } function forEachAncestorAndObserverEnqueueRecord(target, callback) { for (var node = target; node; node = node.parentNode) { var registrations = registrationsTable.get(node); if (registrations) { for (var j = 0; j < registrations.length; j++) { var registration = registrations[j]; var options = registration.options; if (node !== target && !options.subtree) continue; var record = callback(options); if (record) registration.enqueue(record); } } } } var uidCounter = 0; function JsMutationObserver(callback) { this.callback_ = callback; this.nodes_ = []; this.records_ = []; this.uid_ = ++uidCounter; } JsMutationObserver.prototype = { observe: function(target, options) { target = wrapIfNeeded(target); if (!options.childList && !options.attributes && !options.characterData || options.attributeOldValue && !options.attributes || options.attributeFilter && options.attributeFilter.length && !options.attributes || options.characterDataOldValue && !options.characterData) { throw new SyntaxError(); } var registrations = registrationsTable.get(target); if (!registrations) registrationsTable.set(target, registrations = []); var registration; for (var i = 0; i < registrations.length; i++) { if (registrations[i].observer === this) { registration = registrations[i]; registration.removeListeners(); registration.options = options; break; } } if (!registration) { registration = new Registration(this, target, options); registrations.push(registration); this.nodes_.push(target); } registration.addListeners(); }, disconnect: function() { this.nodes_.forEach(function(node) { var registrations = registrationsTable.get(node); for (var i = 0; i < registrations.length; i++) { var registration = registrations[i]; if (registration.observer === this) { registration.removeListeners(); registrations.splice(i, 1); break; } } }, this); this.records_ = []; }, takeRecords: function() { var copyOfRecords = this.records_; this.records_ = []; return copyOfRecords; } }; function MutationRecord(type, target) { this.type = type; this.target = target; this.addedNodes = []; this.removedNodes = []; this.previousSibling = null; this.nextSibling = null; this.attributeName = null; this.attributeNamespace = null; this.oldValue = null; } function copyMutationRecord(original) { var record = new MutationRecord(original.type, original.target); record.addedNodes = original.addedNodes.slice(); record.removedNodes = original.removedNodes.slice(); record.previousSibling = original.previousSibling; record.nextSibling = original.nextSibling; record.attributeName = original.attributeName; record.attributeNamespace = original.attributeNamespace; record.oldValue = original.oldValue; return record; } var currentRecord, recordWithOldValue; function getRecord(type, target) { return currentRecord = new MutationRecord(type, target); } function getRecordWithOldValue(oldValue) { if (recordWithOldValue) return recordWithOldValue; recordWithOldValue = copyMutationRecord(currentRecord); recordWithOldValue.oldValue = oldValue; return recordWithOldValue; } function clearRecords() { currentRecord = recordWithOldValue = undefined; } function recordRepresentsCurrentMutation(record) { return record === recordWithOldValue || record === currentRecord; } function selectRecord(lastRecord, newRecord) { if (lastRecord === newRecord) return lastRecord; if (recordWithOldValue && recordRepresentsCurrentMutation(lastRecord)) return recordWithOldValue; return null; } function Registration(observer, target, options) { this.observer = observer; this.target = target; this.options = options; this.transientObservedNodes = []; } Registration.prototype = { enqueue: function(record) { var records = this.observer.records_; var length = records.length; if (records.length > 0) { var lastRecord = records[length - 1]; var recordToReplaceLast = selectRecord(lastRecord, record); if (recordToReplaceLast) { records[length - 1] = recordToReplaceLast; return; } } else { scheduleCallback(this.observer); } records[length] = record; }, addListeners: function() { this.addListeners_(this.target); }, addListeners_: function(node) { var options = this.options; if (options.attributes) node.addEventListener("DOMAttrModified", this, true); if (options.characterData) node.addEventListener("DOMCharacterDataModified", this, true); if (options.childList) node.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", this, true); if (options.childList || options.subtree) node.addEventListener("DOMNodeRemoved", this, true); }, removeListeners: function() { this.removeListeners_(this.target); }, removeListeners_: function(node) { var options = this.options; if (options.attributes) node.removeEventListener("DOMAttrModified", this, true); if (options.characterData) node.removeEventListener("DOMCharacterDataModified", this, true); if (options.childList) node.removeEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", this, true); if (options.childList || options.subtree) node.removeEventListener("DOMNodeRemoved", this, true); }, addTransientObserver: function(node) { if (node === this.target) return; this.addListeners_(node); this.transientObservedNodes.push(node); var registrations = registrationsTable.get(node); if (!registrations) registrationsTable.set(node, registrations = []); registrations.push(this); }, removeTransientObservers: function() { var transientObservedNodes = this.transientObservedNodes; this.transientObservedNodes = []; transientObservedNodes.forEach(function(node) { this.removeListeners_(node); var registrations = registrationsTable.get(node); for (var i = 0; i < registrations.length; i++) { if (registrations[i] === this) { registrations.splice(i, 1); break; } } }, this); }, handleEvent: function(e) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); switch (e.type) { case "DOMAttrModified": var name = e.attrName; var namespace = e.relatedNode.namespaceURI; var target = e.target; var record = new getRecord("attributes", target); record.attributeName = name; record.attributeNamespace = namespace; var oldValue = e.attrChange === MutationEvent.ADDITION ? null : e.prevValue; forEachAncestorAndObserverEnqueueRecord(target, function(options) { if (!options.attributes) return; if (options.attributeFilter && options.attributeFilter.length && options.attributeFilter.indexOf(name) === -1 && options.attributeFilter.indexOf(namespace) === -1) { return; } if (options.attributeOldValue) return getRecordWithOldValue(oldValue); return record; }); break; case "DOMCharacterDataModified": var target = e.target; var record = getRecord("characterData", target); var oldValue = e.prevValue; forEachAncestorAndObserverEnqueueRecord(target, function(options) { if (!options.characterData) return; if (options.characterDataOldValue) return getRecordWithOldValue(oldValue); return record; }); break; case "DOMNodeRemoved": this.addTransientObserver(e.target); case "DOMNodeInserted": var changedNode = e.target; var addedNodes, removedNodes; if (e.type === "DOMNodeInserted") { addedNodes = [ changedNode ]; removedNodes = []; } else { addedNodes = []; removedNodes = [ changedNode ]; } var previousSibling = changedNode.previousSibling; var nextSibling = changedNode.nextSibling; var record = getRecord("childList", e.target.parentNode); record.addedNodes = addedNodes; record.removedNodes = removedNodes; record.previousSibling = previousSibling; record.nextSibling = nextSibling; forEachAncestorAndObserverEnqueueRecord(e.relatedNode, function(options) { if (!options.childList) return; return record; }); } clearRecords(); } }; global.JsMutationObserver = JsMutationObserver; if (!global.MutationObserver) global.MutationObserver = JsMutationObserver; })(this); window.HTMLImports = window.HTMLImports || { flags: {} }; (function(scope) { var IMPORT_LINK_TYPE = "import"; var useNative = Boolean(IMPORT_LINK_TYPE in document.createElement("link")); var hasShadowDOMPolyfill = Boolean(window.ShadowDOMPolyfill); var wrap = function(node) { return hasShadowDOMPolyfill ? ShadowDOMPolyfill.wrapIfNeeded(node) : node; }; var rootDocument = wrap(document); var currentScriptDescriptor = { get: function() { var script = HTMLImports.currentScript || document.currentScript || (document.readyState !== "complete" ? document.scripts[document.scripts.length - 1] : null); return wrap(script); }, configurable: true }; Object.defineProperty(document, "_currentScript", currentScriptDescriptor); Object.defineProperty(rootDocument, "_currentScript", currentScriptDescriptor); var isIE = /Trident|Edge/.test(navigator.userAgent); function whenReady(callback, doc) { doc = doc || rootDocument; whenDocumentReady(function() { watchImportsLoad(callback, doc); }, doc); } var requiredReadyState = isIE ? "complete" : "interactive"; var READY_EVENT = "readystatechange"; function isDocumentReady(doc) { return doc.readyState === "complete" || doc.readyState === requiredReadyState; } function whenDocumentReady(callback, doc) { if (!isDocumentReady(doc)) { var checkReady = function() { if (doc.readyState === "complete" || doc.readyState === requiredReadyState) { doc.removeEventListener(READY_EVENT, checkReady); whenDocumentReady(callback, doc); } }; doc.addEventListener(READY_EVENT, checkReady); } else if (callback) { callback(); } } function markTargetLoaded(event) { event.target.__loaded = true; } function watchImportsLoad(callback, doc) { var imports = doc.querySelectorAll("link[rel=import]"); var parsedCount = 0, importCount = imports.length, newImports = [], errorImports = []; function checkDone() { if (parsedCount == importCount && callback) { callback({ allImports: imports, loadedImports: newImports, errorImports: errorImports }); } } function loadedImport(e) { markTargetLoaded(e); newImports.push(this); parsedCount++; checkDone(); } function errorLoadingImport(e) { errorImports.push(this); parsedCount++; checkDone(); } if (importCount) { for (var i = 0, imp; i < importCount && (imp = imports[i]); i++) { if (isImportLoaded(imp)) { parsedCount++; checkDone(); } else { imp.addEventListener("load", loadedImport); imp.addEventListener("error", errorLoadingImport); } } } else { checkDone(); } } function isImportLoaded(link) { return useNative ? link.__loaded || link.import && link.import.readyState !== "loading" : link.__importParsed; } if (useNative) { new MutationObserver(function(mxns) { for (var i = 0, l = mxns.length, m; i < l && (m = mxns[i]); i++) { if (m.addedNodes) { handleImports(m.addedNodes); } } }).observe(document.head, { childList: true }); function handleImports(nodes) { for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length, n; i < l && (n = nodes[i]); i++) { if (isImport(n)) { handleImport(n); } } } function isImport(element) { return element.localName === "link" && element.rel === "import"; } function handleImport(element) { var loaded = element.import; if (loaded) { markTargetLoaded({ target: element }); } else { element.addEventListener("load", markTargetLoaded); element.addEventListener("error", markTargetLoaded); } } (function() { if (document.readyState === "loading") { var imports = document.querySelectorAll("link[rel=import]"); for (var i = 0, l = imports.length, imp; i < l && (imp = imports[i]); i++) { handleImport(imp); } } })(); } whenReady(function(detail) { HTMLImports.ready = true; HTMLImports.readyTime = new Date().getTime(); var evt = rootDocument.createEvent("CustomEvent"); evt.initCustomEvent("HTMLImportsLoaded", true, true, detail); rootDocument.dispatchEvent(evt); }); scope.IMPORT_LINK_TYPE = IMPORT_LINK_TYPE; scope.useNative = useNative; scope.rootDocument = rootDocument; scope.whenReady = whenReady; scope.isIE = isIE; })(window.HTMLImports); (function(scope) { var modules = []; var addModule = function(module) { modules.push(module); }; var initializeModules = function() { modules.forEach(function(module) { module(scope); }); }; scope.addModule = addModule; scope.initializeModules = initializeModules; })(window.HTMLImports); window.HTMLImports.addModule(function(scope) { var CSS_URL_REGEXP = /(url\()([^)]*)(\))/g; var CSS_IMPORT_REGEXP = /(@import[\s]+(?!url\())([^;]*)(;)/g; var path = { resolveUrlsInStyle: function(style, linkUrl) { var doc = style.ownerDocument; var resolver = doc.createElement("a"); style.textContent = this.resolveUrlsInCssText(style.textContent, linkUrl, resolver); return style; }, resolveUrlsInCssText: function(cssText, linkUrl, urlObj) { var r = this.replaceUrls(cssText, urlObj, linkUrl, CSS_URL_REGEXP); r = this.replaceUrls(r, urlObj, linkUrl, CSS_IMPORT_REGEXP); return r; }, replaceUrls: function(text, urlObj, linkUrl, regexp) { return text.replace(regexp, function(m, pre, url, post) { var urlPath = url.replace(/["']/g, ""); if (linkUrl) { urlPath = new URL(urlPath, linkUrl).href; } urlObj.href = urlPath; urlPath = urlObj.href; return pre + "'" + urlPath + "'" + post; }); } }; scope.path = path; }); window.HTMLImports.addModule(function(scope) { var xhr = { async: true, ok: function(request) { return request.status >= 200 && request.status < 300 || request.status === 304 || request.status === 0; }, load: function(url, next, nextContext) { var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); if (scope.flags.debug || scope.flags.bust) { url += "?" + Math.random(); } request.open("GET", url, xhr.async); request.addEventListener("readystatechange", function(e) { if (request.readyState === 4) { var locationHeader = request.getResponseHeader("Location"); var redirectedUrl = null; if (locationHeader) { var redirectedUrl = locationHeader.substr(0, 1) === "/" ? location.origin + locationHeader : locationHeader; } next.call(nextContext, !xhr.ok(request) && request, request.response || request.responseText, redirectedUrl); } }); request.send(); return request; }, loadDocument: function(url, next, nextContext) { this.load(url, next, nextContext).responseType = "document"; } }; scope.xhr = xhr; }); window.HTMLImports.addModule(function(scope) { var xhr = scope.xhr; var flags = scope.flags; var Loader = function(onLoad, onComplete) { this.cache = {}; this.onload = onLoad; this.oncomplete = onComplete; this.inflight = 0; this.pending = {}; }; Loader.prototype = { addNodes: function(nodes) { this.inflight += nodes.length; for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length, n; i < l && (n = nodes[i]); i++) { this.require(n); } this.checkDone(); }, addNode: function(node) { this.inflight++; this.require(node); this.checkDone(); }, require: function(elt) { var url = elt.src || elt.href; elt.__nodeUrl = url; if (!this.dedupe(url, elt)) { this.fetch(url, elt); } }, dedupe: function(url, elt) { if (this.pending[url]) { this.pending[url].push(elt); return true; } var resource; if (this.cache[url]) { this.onload(url, elt, this.cache[url]); this.tail(); return true; } this.pending[url] = [ elt ]; return false; }, fetch: function(url, elt) { flags.load && console.log("fetch", url, elt); if (!url) { setTimeout(function() { this.receive(url, elt, { error: "href must be specified" }, null); }.bind(this), 0); } else if (url.match(/^data:/)) { var pieces = url.split(","); var header = pieces[0]; var body = pieces[1]; if (header.indexOf(";base64") > -1) { body = atob(body); } else { body = decodeURIComponent(body); } setTimeout(function() { this.receive(url, elt, null, body); }.bind(this), 0); } else { var receiveXhr = function(err, resource, redirectedUrl) { this.receive(url, elt, err, resource, redirectedUrl); }.bind(this); xhr.load(url, receiveXhr); } }, receive: function(url, elt, err, resource, redirectedUrl) { this.cache[url] = resource; var $p = this.pending[url]; for (var i = 0, l = $p.length, p; i < l && (p = $p[i]); i++) { this.onload(url, p, resource, err, redirectedUrl); this.tail(); } this.pending[url] = null; }, tail: function() { --this.inflight; this.checkDone(); }, checkDone: function() { if (!this.inflight) { this.oncomplete(); } } }; scope.Loader = Loader; }); window.HTMLImports.addModule(function(scope) { var Observer = function(addCallback) { this.addCallback = addCallback; this.mo = new MutationObserver(this.handler.bind(this)); }; Observer.prototype = { handler: function(mutations) { for (var i = 0, l = mutations.length, m; i < l && (m = mutations[i]); i++) { if (m.type === "childList" && m.addedNodes.length) { this.addedNodes(m.addedNodes); } } }, addedNodes: function(nodes) { if (this.addCallback) { this.addCallback(nodes); } for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length, n, loading; i < l && (n = nodes[i]); i++) { if (n.children && n.children.length) { this.addedNodes(n.children); } } }, observe: function(root) { this.mo.observe(root, { childList: true, subtree: true }); } }; scope.Observer = Observer; }); window.HTMLImports.addModule(function(scope) { var path = scope.path; var rootDocument = scope.rootDocument; var flags = scope.flags; var isIE = scope.isIE; var IMPORT_LINK_TYPE = scope.IMPORT_LINK_TYPE; var IMPORT_SELECTOR = "link[rel=" + IMPORT_LINK_TYPE + "]"; var importParser = { documentSelectors: IMPORT_SELECTOR, importsSelectors: [ IMPORT_SELECTOR, "link[rel=stylesheet]", "style", "script:not([type])", 'script[type="application/javascript"]', 'script[type="text/javascript"]' ].join(","), map: { link: "parseLink", script: "parseScript", style: "parseStyle" }, dynamicElements: [], parseNext: function() { var next = this.nextToParse(); if (next) { this.parse(next); } }, parse: function(elt) { if (this.isParsed(elt)) { flags.parse && console.log("[%s] is already parsed", elt.localName); return; } var fn = this[this.map[elt.localName]]; if (fn) { this.markParsing(elt); fn.call(this, elt); } }, parseDynamic: function(elt, quiet) { this.dynamicElements.push(elt); if (!quiet) { this.parseNext(); } }, markParsing: function(elt) { flags.parse && console.log("parsing", elt); this.parsingElement = elt; }, markParsingComplete: function(elt) { elt.__importParsed = true; this.markDynamicParsingComplete(elt); if (elt.__importElement) { elt.__importElement.__importParsed = true; this.markDynamicParsingComplete(elt.__importElement); } this.parsingElement = null; flags.parse && console.log("completed", elt); }, markDynamicParsingComplete: function(elt) { var i = this.dynamicElements.indexOf(elt); if (i >= 0) { this.dynamicElements.splice(i, 1); } }, parseImport: function(elt) { if (HTMLImports.__importsParsingHook) { HTMLImports.__importsParsingHook(elt); } if (elt.import) { elt.import.__importParsed = true; } this.markParsingComplete(elt); if (elt.__resource && !elt.__error) { elt.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("load", { bubbles: false })); } else { elt.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("error", { bubbles: false })); } if (elt.__pending) { var fn; while (elt.__pending.length) { fn = elt.__pending.shift(); if (fn) { fn({ target: elt }); } } } this.parseNext(); }, parseLink: function(linkElt) { if (nodeIsImport(linkElt)) { this.parseImport(linkElt); } else { linkElt.href = linkElt.href; this.parseGeneric(linkElt); } }, parseStyle: function(elt) { var src = elt; elt = cloneStyle(elt); src.__appliedElement = elt; elt.__importElement = src; this.parseGeneric(elt); }, parseGeneric: function(elt) { this.trackElement(elt); this.addElementToDocument(elt); }, rootImportForElement: function(elt) { var n = elt; while (n.ownerDocument.__importLink) { n = n.ownerDocument.__importLink; } return n; }, addElementToDocument: function(elt) { var port = this.rootImportForElement(elt.__importElement || elt); port.parentNode.insertBefore(elt, port); }, trackElement: function(elt, callback) { var self = this; var done = function(e) { if (callback) { callback(e); } self.markParsingComplete(elt); self.parseNext(); }; elt.addEventListener("load", done); elt.addEventListener("error", done); if (isIE && elt.localName === "style") { var fakeLoad = false; if (elt.textContent.indexOf("@import") == -1) { fakeLoad = true; } else if (elt.sheet) { fakeLoad = true; var csr = elt.sheet.cssRules; var len = csr ? csr.length : 0; for (var i = 0, r; i < len && (r = csr[i]); i++) { if (r.type === CSSRule.IMPORT_RULE) { fakeLoad = fakeLoad && Boolean(r.styleSheet); } } } if (fakeLoad) { setTimeout(function() { elt.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("load", { bubbles: false })); }); } } }, parseScript: function(scriptElt) { var script = document.createElement("script"); script.__importElement = scriptElt; script.src = scriptElt.src ? scriptElt.src : generateScriptDataUrl(scriptElt); scope.currentScript = scriptElt; this.trackElement(script, function(e) { script.parentNode.removeChild(script); scope.currentScript = null; }); this.addElementToDocument(script); }, nextToParse: function() { this._mayParse = []; return !this.parsingElement && (this.nextToParseInDoc(rootDocument) || this.nextToParseDynamic()); }, nextToParseInDoc: function(doc, link) { if (doc && this._mayParse.indexOf(doc) < 0) { this._mayParse.push(doc); var nodes = doc.querySelectorAll(this.parseSelectorsForNode(doc)); for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length, p = 0, n; i < l && (n = nodes[i]); i++) { if (!this.isParsed(n)) { if (this.hasResource(n)) { return nodeIsImport(n) ? this.nextToParseInDoc(n.import, n) : n; } else { return; } } } } return link; }, nextToParseDynamic: function() { return this.dynamicElements[0]; }, parseSelectorsForNode: function(node) { var doc = node.ownerDocument || node; return doc === rootDocument ? this.documentSelectors : this.importsSelectors; }, isParsed: function(node) { return node.__importParsed; }, needsDynamicParsing: function(elt) { return this.dynamicElements.indexOf(elt) >= 0; }, hasResource: function(node) { if (nodeIsImport(node) && node.import === undefined) { return false; } return true; } }; function nodeIsImport(elt) { return elt.localName === "link" && elt.rel === IMPORT_LINK_TYPE; } function generateScriptDataUrl(script) { var scriptContent = generateScriptContent(script); return "data:text/javascript;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(scriptContent); } function generateScriptContent(script) { return script.textContent + generateSourceMapHint(script); } function generateSourceMapHint(script) { var owner = script.ownerDocument; owner.__importedScripts = owner.__importedScripts || 0; var moniker = script.ownerDocument.baseURI; var num = owner.__importedScripts ? "-" + owner.__importedScripts : ""; owner.__importedScripts++; return "\n//# sourceURL=" + moniker + num + ".js\n"; } function cloneStyle(style) { var clone = style.ownerDocument.createElement("style"); clone.textContent = style.textContent; path.resolveUrlsInStyle(clone); return clone; } scope.parser = importParser; scope.IMPORT_SELECTOR = IMPORT_SELECTOR; }); window.HTMLImports.addModule(function(scope) { var flags = scope.flags; var IMPORT_LINK_TYPE = scope.IMPORT_LINK_TYPE; var IMPORT_SELECTOR = scope.IMPORT_SELECTOR; var rootDocument = scope.rootDocument; var Loader = scope.Loader; var Observer = scope.Observer; var parser = scope.parser; var importer = { documents: {}, documentPreloadSelectors: IMPORT_SELECTOR, importsPreloadSelectors: [ IMPORT_SELECTOR ].join(","), loadNode: function(node) { importLoader.addNode(node); }, loadSubtree: function(parent) { var nodes = this.marshalNodes(parent); importLoader.addNodes(nodes); }, marshalNodes: function(parent) { return parent.querySelectorAll(this.loadSelectorsForNode(parent)); }, loadSelectorsForNode: function(node) { var doc = node.ownerDocument || node; return doc === rootDocument ? this.documentPreloadSelectors : this.importsPreloadSelectors; }, loaded: function(url, elt, resource, err, redirectedUrl) { flags.load && console.log("loaded", url, elt); elt.__resource = resource; elt.__error = err; if (isImportLink(elt)) { var doc = this.documents[url]; if (doc === undefined) { doc = err ? null : makeDocument(resource, redirectedUrl || url); if (doc) { doc.__importLink = elt; this.bootDocument(doc); } this.documents[url] = doc; } elt.import = doc; } parser.parseNext(); }, bootDocument: function(doc) { this.loadSubtree(doc); this.observer.observe(doc); parser.parseNext(); }, loadedAll: function() { parser.parseNext(); } }; var importLoader = new Loader(importer.loaded.bind(importer), importer.loadedAll.bind(importer)); importer.observer = new Observer(); function isImportLink(elt) { return isLinkRel(elt, IMPORT_LINK_TYPE); } function isLinkRel(elt, rel) { return elt.localName === "link" && elt.getAttribute("rel") === rel; } function hasBaseURIAccessor(doc) { return !!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(doc, "baseURI"); } function makeDocument(resource, url) { var doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(IMPORT_LINK_TYPE); doc._URL = url; var base = doc.createElement("base"); base.setAttribute("href", url); if (!doc.baseURI && !hasBaseURIAccessor(doc)) { Object.defineProperty(doc, "baseURI", { value: url }); } var meta = doc.createElement("meta"); meta.setAttribute("charset", "utf-8"); doc.head.appendChild(meta); doc.head.appendChild(base); doc.body.innerHTML = resource; if (window.HTMLTemplateElement && HTMLTemplateElement.bootstrap) { HTMLTemplateElement.bootstrap(doc); } return doc; } if (!document.baseURI) { var baseURIDescriptor = { get: function() { var base = document.querySelector("base"); return base ? base.href : window.location.href; }, configurable: true }; Object.defineProperty(document, "baseURI", baseURIDescriptor); Object.defineProperty(rootDocument, "baseURI", baseURIDescriptor); } scope.importer = importer; scope.importLoader = importLoader; }); window.HTMLImports.addModule(function(scope) { var parser = scope.parser; var importer = scope.importer; var dynamic = { added: function(nodes) { var owner, parsed, loading; for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length, n; i < l && (n = nodes[i]); i++) { if (!owner) { owner = n.ownerDocument; parsed = parser.isParsed(owner); } loading = this.shouldLoadNode(n); if (loading) { importer.loadNode(n); } if (this.shouldParseNode(n) && parsed) { parser.parseDynamic(n, loading); } } }, shouldLoadNode: function(node) { return node.nodeType === 1 && matches.call(node, importer.loadSelectorsForNode(node)); }, shouldParseNode: function(node) { return node.nodeType === 1 && matches.call(node, parser.parseSelectorsForNode(node)); } }; importer.observer.addCallback = dynamic.added.bind(dynamic); var matches = HTMLElement.prototype.matches || HTMLElement.prototype.matchesSelector || HTMLElement.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector || HTMLElement.prototype.mozMatchesSelector || HTMLElement.prototype.msMatchesSelector; }); (function(scope) { var initializeModules = scope.initializeModules; var isIE = scope.isIE; if (scope.useNative) { return; } if (isIE && typeof window.CustomEvent !== "function") { window.CustomEvent = function(inType, params) { params = params || {}; var e = document.createEvent("CustomEvent"); e.initCustomEvent(inType, Boolean(params.bubbles), Boolean(params.cancelable), params.detail); return e; }; window.CustomEvent.prototype = window.Event.prototype; } initializeModules(); var rootDocument = scope.rootDocument; function bootstrap() { HTMLImports.importer.bootDocument(rootDocument); } if (document.readyState === "complete" || document.readyState === "interactive" && !window.attachEvent) { bootstrap(); } else { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", bootstrap); } })(window.HTMLImports); window.CustomElements = window.CustomElements || { flags: {} }; (function(scope) { var flags = scope.flags; var modules = []; var addModule = function(module) { modules.push(module); }; var initializeModules = function() { modules.forEach(function(module) { module(scope); }); }; scope.addModule = addModule; scope.initializeModules = initializeModules; scope.hasNative = Boolean(document.registerElement); scope.useNative = !flags.register && scope.hasNative && !window.ShadowDOMPolyfill && (!window.HTMLImports || HTMLImports.useNative); })(window.CustomElements); window.CustomElements.addModule(function(scope) { var IMPORT_LINK_TYPE = window.HTMLImports ? HTMLImports.IMPORT_LINK_TYPE : "none"; function forSubtree(node, cb) { findAllElements(node, function(e) { if (cb(e)) { return true; } forRoots(e, cb); }); forRoots(node, cb); } function findAllElements(node, find, data) { var e = node.firstElementChild; if (!e) { e = node.firstChild; while (e && e.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { e = e.nextSibling; } } while (e) { if (find(e, data) !== true) { findAllElements(e, find, data); } e = e.nextElementSibling; } return null; } function forRoots(node, cb) { var root = node.shadowRoot; while (root) { forSubtree(root, cb); root = root.olderShadowRoot; } } function forDocumentTree(doc, cb) { _forDocumentTree(doc, cb, []); } function _forDocumentTree(doc, cb, processingDocuments) { doc = wrap(doc); if (processingDocuments.indexOf(doc) >= 0) { return; } processingDocuments.push(doc); var imports = doc.querySelectorAll("link[rel=" + IMPORT_LINK_TYPE + "]"); for (var i = 0, l = imports.length, n; i < l && (n = imports[i]); i++) { if (n.import) { _forDocumentTree(n.import, cb, processingDocuments); } } cb(doc); } scope.forDocumentTree = forDocumentTree; scope.forSubtree = forSubtree; }); window.CustomElements.addModule(function(scope) { var flags = scope.flags; var forSubtree = scope.forSubtree; var forDocumentTree = scope.forDocumentTree; function addedNode(node) { return added(node) || addedSubtree(node); } function added(node) { if (scope.upgrade(node)) { return true; } attached(node); } function addedSubtree(node) { forSubtree(node, function(e) { if (added(e)) { return true; } }); } function attachedNode(node) { attached(node); if (inDocument(node)) { forSubtree(node, function(e) { attached(e); }); } } var hasPolyfillMutations = !window.MutationObserver || window.MutationObserver === window.JsMutationObserver; scope.hasPolyfillMutations = hasPolyfillMutations; var isPendingMutations = false; var pendingMutations = []; function deferMutation(fn) { pendingMutations.push(fn); if (!isPendingMutations) { isPendingMutations = true; setTimeout(takeMutations); } } function takeMutations() { isPendingMutations = false; var $p = pendingMutations; for (var i = 0, l = $p.length, p; i < l && (p = $p[i]); i++) { p(); } pendingMutations = []; } function attached(element) { if (hasPolyfillMutations) { deferMutation(function() { _attached(element); }); } else { _attached(element); } } function _attached(element) { if (element.__upgraded__ && (element.attachedCallback || element.detachedCallback)) { if (!element.__attached && inDocument(element)) { element.__attached = true; if (element.attachedCallback) { element.attachedCallback(); } } } } function detachedNode(node) { detached(node); forSubtree(node, function(e) { detached(e); }); } function detached(element) { if (hasPolyfillMutations) { deferMutation(function() { _detached(element); }); } else { _detached(element); } } function _detached(element) { if (element.__upgraded__ && (element.attachedCallback || element.detachedCallback)) { if (element.__attached && !inDocument(element)) { element.__attached = false; if (element.detachedCallback) { element.detachedCallback(); } } } } function inDocument(element) { var p = element; var doc = wrap(document); while (p) { if (p == doc) { return true; } p = p.parentNode || p.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE && p.host; } } function watchShadow(node) { if (node.shadowRoot && !node.shadowRoot.__watched) { flags.dom && console.log("watching shadow-root for: ", node.localName); var root = node.shadowRoot; while (root) { observe(root); root = root.olderShadowRoot; } } } function handler(mutations) { if (flags.dom) { var mx = mutations[0]; if (mx && mx.type === "childList" && mx.addedNodes) { if (mx.addedNodes) { var d = mx.addedNodes[0]; while (d && d !== document && !d.host) { d = d.parentNode; } var u = d && (d.URL || d._URL || d.host && d.host.localName) || ""; u = u.split("/?").shift().split("/").pop(); } } console.group("mutations (%d) [%s]", mutations.length, u || ""); } mutations.forEach(function(mx) { if (mx.type === "childList") { forEach(mx.addedNodes, function(n) { if (!n.localName) { return; } addedNode(n); }); forEach(mx.removedNodes, function(n) { if (!n.localName) { return; } detachedNode(n); }); } }); flags.dom && console.groupEnd(); } function takeRecords(node) { node = wrap(node); if (!node) { node = wrap(document); } while (node.parentNode) { node = node.parentNode; } var observer = node.__observer; if (observer) { handler(observer.takeRecords()); takeMutations(); } } var forEach = Array.prototype.forEach.call.bind(Array.prototype.forEach); function observe(inRoot) { if (inRoot.__observer) { return; } var observer = new MutationObserver(handler); observer.observe(inRoot, { childList: true, subtree: true }); inRoot.__observer = observer; } function upgradeDocument(doc) { doc = wrap(doc); flags.dom && console.group("upgradeDocument: ", doc.baseURI.split("/").pop()); addedNode(doc); observe(doc); flags.dom && console.groupEnd(); } function upgradeDocumentTree(doc) { forDocumentTree(doc, upgradeDocument); } var originalCreateShadowRoot = Element.prototype.createShadowRoot; if (originalCreateShadowRoot) { Element.prototype.createShadowRoot = function() { var root = originalCreateShadowRoot.call(this); CustomElements.watchShadow(this); return root; }; } scope.watchShadow = watchShadow; scope.upgradeDocumentTree = upgradeDocumentTree; scope.upgradeSubtree = addedSubtree; scope.upgradeAll = addedNode; scope.attachedNode = attachedNode; scope.takeRecords = takeRecords; }); window.CustomElements.addModule(function(scope) { var flags = scope.flags; function upgrade(node) { if (!node.__upgraded__ && node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { var is = node.getAttribute("is"); var definition = scope.getRegisteredDefinition(is || node.localName); if (definition) { if (is && definition.tag == node.localName) { return upgradeWithDefinition(node, definition); } else if (!is && !definition.extends) { return upgradeWithDefinition(node, definition); } } } } function upgradeWithDefinition(element, definition) { flags.upgrade && console.group("upgrade:", element.localName); if (definition.is) { element.setAttribute("is", definition.is); } implementPrototype(element, definition); element.__upgraded__ = true; created(element); scope.attachedNode(element); scope.upgradeSubtree(element); flags.upgrade && console.groupEnd(); return element; } function implementPrototype(element, definition) { if (Object.__proto__) { element.__proto__ = definition.prototype; } else { customMixin(element, definition.prototype, definition.native); element.__proto__ = definition.prototype; } } function customMixin(inTarget, inSrc, inNative) { var used = {}; var p = inSrc; while (p !== inNative && p !== HTMLElement.prototype) { var keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(p); for (var i = 0, k; k = keys[i]; i++) { if (!used[k]) { Object.defineProperty(inTarget, k, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(p, k)); used[k] = 1; } } p = Object.getPrototypeOf(p); } } function created(element) { if (element.createdCallback) { element.createdCallback(); } } scope.upgrade = upgrade; scope.upgradeWithDefinition = upgradeWithDefinition; scope.implementPrototype = implementPrototype; }); window.CustomElements.addModule(function(scope) { var isIE11OrOlder = scope.isIE11OrOlder; var upgradeDocumentTree = scope.upgradeDocumentTree; var upgradeAll = scope.upgradeAll; var upgradeWithDefinition = scope.upgradeWithDefinition; var implementPrototype = scope.implementPrototype; var useNative = scope.useNative; function register(name, options) { var definition = options || {}; if (!name) { throw new Error("document.registerElement: first argument `name` must not be empty"); } if (name.indexOf("-") < 0) { throw new Error("document.registerElement: first argument ('name') must contain a dash ('-'). Argument provided was '" + String(name) + "'."); } if (isReservedTag(name)) { throw new Error("Failed to execute 'registerElement' on 'Document': Registration failed for type '" + String(name) + "'. The type name is invalid."); } if (getRegisteredDefinition(name)) { throw new Error("DuplicateDefinitionError: a type with name '" + String(name) + "' is already registered"); } if (!definition.prototype) { definition.prototype = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype); } definition.__name = name.toLowerCase(); definition.lifecycle = definition.lifecycle || {}; definition.ancestry = ancestry(definition.extends); resolveTagName(definition); resolvePrototypeChain(definition); overrideAttributeApi(definition.prototype); registerDefinition(definition.__name, definition); definition.ctor = generateConstructor(definition); definition.ctor.prototype = definition.prototype; definition.prototype.constructor = definition.ctor; if (scope.ready) { upgradeDocumentTree(document); } return definition.ctor; } function overrideAttributeApi(prototype) { if (prototype.setAttribute._polyfilled) { return; } var setAttribute = prototype.setAttribute; prototype.setAttribute = function(name, value) { changeAttribute.call(this, name, value, setAttribute); }; var removeAttribute = prototype.removeAttribute; prototype.removeAttribute = function(name) { changeAttribute.call(this, name, null, removeAttribute); }; prototype.setAttribute._polyfilled = true; } function changeAttribute(name, value, operation) { name = name.toLowerCase(); var oldValue = this.getAttribute(name); operation.apply(this, arguments); var newValue = this.getAttribute(name); if (this.attributeChangedCallback && newValue !== oldValue) { this.attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue); } } function isReservedTag(name) { for (var i = 0; i < reservedTagList.length; i++) { if (name === reservedTagList[i]) { return true; } } } var reservedTagList = [ "annotation-xml", "color-profile", "font-face", "font-face-src", "font-face-uri", "font-face-format", "font-face-name", "missing-glyph" ]; function ancestry(extnds) { var extendee = getRegisteredDefinition(extnds); if (extendee) { return ancestry(extendee.extends).concat([ extendee ]); } return []; } function resolveTagName(definition) { var baseTag = definition.extends; for (var i = 0, a; a = definition.ancestry[i]; i++) { baseTag = a.is && a.tag; } definition.tag = baseTag || definition.__name; if (baseTag) { definition.is = definition.__name; } } function resolvePrototypeChain(definition) { if (!Object.__proto__) { var nativePrototype = HTMLElement.prototype; if (definition.is) { var inst = document.createElement(definition.tag); var expectedPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(inst); if (expectedPrototype === definition.prototype) { nativePrototype = expectedPrototype; } } var proto = definition.prototype, ancestor; while (proto && proto !== nativePrototype) { ancestor = Object.getPrototypeOf(proto); proto.__proto__ = ancestor; proto = ancestor; } definition.native = nativePrototype; } } function instantiate(definition) { return upgradeWithDefinition(domCreateElement(definition.tag), definition); } var registry = {}; function getRegisteredDefinition(name) { if (name) { return registry[name.toLowerCase()]; } } function registerDefinition(name, definition) { registry[name] = definition; } function generateConstructor(definition) { return function() { return instantiate(definition); }; } var HTML_NAMESPACE = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; function createElementNS(namespace, tag, typeExtension) { if (namespace === HTML_NAMESPACE) { return createElement(tag, typeExtension); } else { return domCreateElementNS(namespace, tag); } } function createElement(tag, typeExtension) { if (tag) { tag = tag.toLowerCase(); } if (typeExtension) { typeExtension = typeExtension.toLowerCase(); } var definition = getRegisteredDefinition(typeExtension || tag); if (definition) { if (tag == definition.tag && typeExtension == definition.is) { return new definition.ctor(); } if (!typeExtension && !definition.is) { return new definition.ctor(); } } var element; if (typeExtension) { element = createElement(tag); element.setAttribute("is", typeExtension); return element; } element = domCreateElement(tag); if (tag.indexOf("-") >= 0) { implementPrototype(element, HTMLElement); } return element; } var domCreateElement = document.createElement.bind(document); var domCreateElementNS = document.createElementNS.bind(document); var isInstance; if (!Object.__proto__ && !useNative) { isInstance = function(obj, ctor) { var p = obj; while (p) { if (p === ctor.prototype) { return true; } p = p.__proto__; } return false; }; } else { isInstance = function(obj, base) { return obj instanceof base; }; } function wrapDomMethodToForceUpgrade(obj, methodName) { var orig = obj[methodName]; obj[methodName] = function() { var n = orig.apply(this, arguments); upgradeAll(n); return n; }; } wrapDomMethodToForceUpgrade(Node.prototype, "cloneNode"); wrapDomMethodToForceUpgrade(document, "importNode"); if (isIE11OrOlder) { (function() { var importNode = document.importNode; document.importNode = function() { var n = importNode.apply(document, arguments); if (n.nodeType == n.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) { var f = document.createDocumentFragment(); f.appendChild(n); return f; } else { return n; } }; })(); } document.registerElement = register; document.createElement = createElement; document.createElementNS = createElementNS; scope.registry = registry; scope.instanceof = isInstance; scope.reservedTagList = reservedTagList; scope.getRegisteredDefinition = getRegisteredDefinition; document.register = document.registerElement; }); (function(scope) { var useNative = scope.useNative; var initializeModules = scope.initializeModules; var isIE11OrOlder = /Trident/.test(navigator.userAgent); if (useNative) { var nop = function() {}; scope.watchShadow = nop; scope.upgrade = nop; scope.upgradeAll = nop; scope.upgradeDocumentTree = nop; scope.upgradeSubtree = nop; scope.takeRecords = nop; scope.instanceof = function(obj, base) { return obj instanceof base; }; } else { initializeModules(); } var upgradeDocumentTree = scope.upgradeDocumentTree; if (!window.wrap) { if (window.ShadowDOMPolyfill) { window.wrap = ShadowDOMPolyfill.wrapIfNeeded; window.unwrap = ShadowDOMPolyfill.unwrapIfNeeded; } else { window.wrap = window.unwrap = function(node) { return node; }; } } function bootstrap() { upgradeDocumentTree(wrap(document)); if (window.HTMLImports) { HTMLImports.__importsParsingHook = function(elt) { upgradeDocumentTree(wrap(elt.import)); }; } CustomElements.ready = true; setTimeout(function() { CustomElements.readyTime = Date.now(); if (window.HTMLImports) { CustomElements.elapsed = CustomElements.readyTime - HTMLImports.readyTime; } document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("WebComponentsReady", { bubbles: true })); }); } if (isIE11OrOlder && typeof window.CustomEvent !== "function") { window.CustomEvent = function(inType, params) { params = params || {}; var e = document.createEvent("CustomEvent"); e.initCustomEvent(inType, Boolean(params.bubbles), Boolean(params.cancelable), params.detail); return e; }; window.CustomEvent.prototype = window.Event.prototype; } if (document.readyState === "complete" || scope.flags.eager) { bootstrap(); } else if (document.readyState === "interactive" && !window.attachEvent && (!window.HTMLImports || window.HTMLImports.ready)) { bootstrap(); } else { var loadEvent = window.HTMLImports && !HTMLImports.ready ? "HTMLImportsLoaded" : "DOMContentLoaded"; window.addEventListener(loadEvent, bootstrap); } scope.isIE11OrOlder = isIE11OrOlder; })(window.CustomElements); if (typeof HTMLTemplateElement === "undefined") { (function() { var TEMPLATE_TAG = "template"; HTMLTemplateElement = function() {}; HTMLTemplateElement.prototype = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype); HTMLTemplateElement.decorate = function(template) { if (!template.content) { template.content = template.ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment(); } var child; while (child = template.firstChild) { template.content.appendChild(child); } }; HTMLTemplateElement.bootstrap = function(doc) { var templates = doc.querySelectorAll(TEMPLATE_TAG); for (var i = 0, l = templates.length, t; i < l && (t = templates[i]); i++) { HTMLTemplateElement.decorate(t); } }; addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { HTMLTemplateElement.bootstrap(document); }); var createElement = document.createElement; document.createElement = function() { "use strict"; var el = createElement.apply(document, arguments); if (el.localName == "template") { HTMLTemplateElement.decorate(el); } return el; }; })(); } (function(scope) { var style = document.createElement("style"); style.textContent = "" + "body {" + "transition: opacity ease-in 0.2s;" + " } \n" + "body[unresolved] {" + "opacity: 0; display: block; overflow: hidden; position: relative;" + " } \n"; var head = document.querySelector("head"); head.insertBefore(style, head.firstChild); })(window.WebComponents);