#!/usr/bin/env ruby -wKU require "uri" require "socket" require "net/https" require "timeout" module Scout class Command class APITimeoutError < RuntimeError; end HTTP_HEADERS = { "Client-Version" => Scout::VERSION } class Troubleshoot < Command def initialize(options, args) @post = options[:troubleshoot_post] @include_history = !options[:troubleshoot_no_history] @contents=[] options[:verbose]=true # force verbose logging for this command super end def run puts "Gathering troubleshooting information about your Scout install ... " heading "Scout Info" bullet "Hostname", @hostname bullet "History file", history bullet "Version", Scout::VERSION heading "Latest Log" contents=File.read(log_path) rescue "Log not found at #{log_path}" text contents heading "Rubygems Environment" text `gem env` heading "Ruby info" bullet "Path to executable", `which ruby` bullet "Version", `ruby -v` bullet "Ruby's internal path", $:.join(', ') heading "Installed Gems" text `gem list --local` if @include_history heading "History file Contents" contents=File.read(history) rescue "History not found at #{log_path}" text contents else heading "Skipping History file Contents" end heading "Agent directory Contents" text `ls -la #{config_dir}` heading "" if @post puts "Posting troubleshooting info to #{@server} ... " url = URI.join( @server,"/admin/troubleshooting_reports") post_form(url, "Couldn't contact server at #{@server}",{:body=>contents_as_text}) do |res| puts "Scout server says: \"#{res.body}\"" end else puts contents_as_text end puts " ... Done" end end private def heading(s) @contents += ["",s,"**************************************************************************************************",""] end def bullet(label,s) @contents << " - #{label} : #{s.chomp}" end def text(s) @contents << s end def contents_as_text @contents.join("\n") end def post_form(url, error, form_data, headers = Hash.new, &response_handler) return unless url request(url, response_handler, error) do |connection| post = Net::HTTP::Post.new( url.path + (url.query ? ('?' + url.query) : ''), HTTP_HEADERS.merge(headers) ) post.set_form_data(form_data) connection.request(post) end end def request(url, response_handler, error, &connector) response = nil Timeout.timeout(5 * 60, APITimeoutError) do http = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port) if url.is_a? URI::HTTPS http.use_ssl = true http.ca_file = File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), *%w[.. .. .. data cacert.pem] ) http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER | OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT end response = no_warnings { http.start(&connector) } end case response when Net::HTTPSuccess, Net::HTTPNotModified response_handler[response] unless response_handler.nil? else error = "Server says: #{response['x-scout-msg']}" if response['x-scout-msg'] log.fatal error raise SystemExit.new(error) end rescue Timeout::Error log.fatal "Request timed out." exit rescue Exception raise if $!.is_a? SystemExit log.fatal "An HTTP error occurred: #{$!.message}" exit end def no_warnings old_verbose = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = false yield ensure $VERBOSE = old_verbose end end end