# *******************************************************************************
# OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC.
# See also https://openstudio.net/license
# *******************************************************************************

module OsLib_QAQC
  # include any general notes about QAQC method here

  # checks the number of unmet hours in the model
  def check_internal_loads(category, target_standard, min_pass, max_pass, name_only = false)
    # summary of the check
    check_elems = OpenStudio::AttributeVector.new
    check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('name', 'Internal Loads')
    check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('category', category)
    if target_standard == 'ICC IECC 2015'
      check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('description', 'Check internal loads against Table R405.5.2(1) in ICC IECC 2015 Residential Provisions.')
      if target_standard.include?('90.1')
        display_standard = "ASHRAE #{target_standard}"
        display_standard = target_standard
      check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('description', "Check LPD, ventilation rates, occupant density, plug loads, and equipment loads against #{display_standard} and DOE Prototype buildings.")

    # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments
    if name_only == true
      results = []
      check_elems.each do |elem|
        results << elem.valueAsString
      return results

    # Versions of OpenStudio greater than 2.4.0 use a modified version of
    # openstudio-standards with different method calls.  These methods
    # require a "Standard" object instead of the standard being passed into method calls.
    # This Standard object is used throughout the QAQC check.
    if OpenStudio::VersionString.new(OpenStudio.openStudioVersion) < OpenStudio::VersionString.new('2.4.3')
      use_old_gem_code = true
      use_old_gem_code = false
      std = Standard.build(target_standard)

      if target_standard == 'ICC IECC 2015'

        num_people = 0.0
        @model.getSpaceTypes.each do |space_type|
          next if !space_type.standardsSpaceType.is_initialized
          next if space_type.standardsSpaceType.get != 'Apartment' # currently only supports midrise apt space type
          space_type_floor_area = space_type.floorArea
          space_type_num_people = space_type.getNumberOfPeople(space_type_floor_area)
          num_people += space_type_num_people

        # lookup iecc internal loads for the building
        bedrooms_per_unit = 2.0 # assumption
        num_units = num_people / 2.5 # Avg 2.5 units per person.
        if use_old_gem_code
          target_loads_hash = @model.find_icc_iecc_2015_internal_loads(num_units, bedrooms_per_unit)
          target_loads_hash = std.model_find_icc_iecc_2015_internal_loads(@model, num_units, bedrooms_per_unit)

        # get model internal gains for lights, elec equipment, and gas equipment
        model_internal_gains_si = 0.0
        query_eleint_lights = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary' and TableName='End Uses' and RowName= 'Interior Lighting' and ColumnName= 'Electricity'"
        query_elec_equip = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary' and TableName='End Uses' and RowName= 'Interior Equipment' and ColumnName= 'Electricity'"
        query_gas_equip = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary' and TableName='End Uses' and RowName= 'Interior Equipment' and ColumnName= 'Natural Gas'"
        model_internal_gains_si += results_elec = @sql.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query_eleint_lights).get
        model_internal_gains_si += results_elec = @sql.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query_elec_equip).get
        model_internal_gains_si += results_elec = @sql.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query_gas_equip).get
        model_internal_gains_si_kbtu_per_day = OpenStudio.convert(model_internal_gains_si, 'GJ', 'kBtu').get / 365.0 # assumes annual run

        # get target internal loads
        target_igain_btu_per_day = target_loads_hash['igain_btu_per_day']
        target_igain_kbtu_per_day = OpenStudio.convert(target_igain_btu_per_day, 'Btu', 'kBtu').get

        # check internal loads
        if model_internal_gains_si_kbtu_per_day < target_igain_kbtu_per_day * (1.0 - min_pass)
          check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "The model average of #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(model_internal_gains_si_kbtu_per_day, 2, true)} (kBtu/day) is more than #{min_pass * 100} % below the expected value of #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(target_igain_kbtu_per_day, 2, true)} (kBtu/day) for #{target_standard}.")
        elsif model_internal_gains_si_kbtu_per_day > target_igain_kbtu_per_day * (1.0 + max_pass)
          check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "The model average of #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(model_internal_gains_si_kbtu_per_day, 2, true)} (kBtu/day) is more than #{max_pass * 100} % above the expected value of #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(target_igain_kbtu_per_day, 2, true)} k(Btu/day) for #{target_standard}.")

        # get target mech vent
        target_mech_vent_cfm = target_loads_hash['mech_vent_cfm']

        # get model mech vent
        model_mech_vent_si = 0
        @model.getSpaceTypes.each do |space_type|
          next if space_type.floorArea <= 0

          # get necessary space type information
          floor_area = space_type.floorArea
          num_people = space_type.getNumberOfPeople(floor_area)

          # get volume for space type for use with ventilation and infiltration
          space_type_volume = 0.0
          space_type_exterior_area = 0.0
          space_type_exterior_wall_area = 0.0
          space_type.spaces.each do |space|
            space_type_volume += space.volume * space.multiplier
            space_type_exterior_area = space.exteriorArea * space.multiplier
            space_type_exterior_wall_area = space.exteriorWallArea * space.multiplier

          # get design spec OA object
          if space_type.designSpecificationOutdoorAir.is_initialized
            oa = space_type.designSpecificationOutdoorAir.get
            oa_method = oa.outdoorAirMethod
            oa_per_person = oa.outdoorAirFlowperPerson * num_people
            oa_ach = oa.outdoorAirFlowAirChangesperHour * space_type_volume
            oa_per_area = oa.outdoorAirFlowperFloorArea * floor_area
            oa_flow_rate = oa.outdoorAirFlowRate
            oa_space_type_total = oa_per_person + oa_ach + oa_per_area + oa_flow_rate

            value_count = 0
            if oa_per_person > 0 then value_count += 1 end
            if oa_ach > 0 then value_count += 1 end
            if oa_per_area > 0 then value_count += 1 end
            if oa_flow_rate > 0 then value_count += 1 end
            if (oa_method != 'Sum') && (value_count > 1)
              check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Outdoor Air Method for #{space_type.name} was #{oa_method}. Expected value was Sum.")
            oa_space_type_total = 0.0
          # add to building total oa
          model_mech_vent_si += oa_space_type_total

        # check oa
        model_mech_vent_cfm = OpenStudio.convert(model_mech_vent_si, 'm^3/s', 'cfm').get
        if model_mech_vent_cfm < target_mech_vent_cfm * (1.0 - min_pass)
          check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "The model mechanical ventilation of  #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(model_mech_vent_cfm, 2, true)} cfm is more than #{min_pass * 100} % below the expected value of #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(target_mech_vent_cfm, 2, true)} cfm for #{target_standard}.")
        elsif model_mech_vent_cfm > target_mech_vent_cfm * (1.0 + max_pass)
          check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "The model mechanical ventilation of #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(model_mech_vent_cfm, 2, true)} cfm is more than #{max_pass * 100} % above the expected value of #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(target_mech_vent_cfm, 2, true)} cfm for #{target_standard}.")


        # loop through all space types used in the model
        @model.getSpaceTypes.each do |space_type|
          next if space_type.floorArea <= 0

          # get necessary space type information
          floor_area = space_type.floorArea
          num_people = space_type.getNumberOfPeople(floor_area)

          # load in standard info for this space type
          if use_old_gem_code
            data = space_type.get_standards_data(target_standard)
            data = std.space_type_get_standards_data(space_type)

          if data.nil? || data.empty?

            # skip if all spaces using this space type are plenums
            all_spaces_plenums = true
            space_type.spaces.each do |space|
              if use_old_gem_code
                if !space.plenum?
                  all_spaces_plenums = false
                if !std.space_plenum?(space)
                  all_spaces_plenums = false

            if !all_spaces_plenums
              check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Unexpected standards type for #{space_type.name}, can't validate internal loads.")


          # check lpd for space type
          model_lights_si = space_type.getLightingPowerPerFloorArea(floor_area, num_people)
          data['lighting_per_area'].nil? ? (target_lights_ip = 0.0) : (target_lights_ip = data['lighting_per_area'])
          source_units = 'W/m^2'
          target_units = 'W/ft^2'
          load_type = 'Lighting Power Density'
          model_ip = OpenStudio.convert(model_lights_si, source_units, target_units).get
          target_ip = target_lights_ip.to_f
          model_ip_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(model_ip, 2, true)
          target_ip_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(target_ip, 2, true)
          if model_ip < target_ip * (1.0 - min_pass)
            check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "#{load_type} of #{model_ip_neat} (#{target_units}) for #{space_type.name} is more than #{min_pass * 100} % below the expected value of #{target_ip_neat} (#{target_units}) for #{display_standard}.")
          elsif model_ip > target_ip * (1.0 + max_pass)
            check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "#{load_type} of #{model_ip_neat} (#{target_units}) for #{space_type.name} is more than #{max_pass * 100} % above the expected value of #{target_ip_neat} (#{target_units}) for #{display_standard}.")

          # check electric equipment
          model_elec_si = space_type.getElectricEquipmentPowerPerFloorArea(floor_area, num_people)
          data['electric_equipment_per_area'].nil? ? (target_elec_ip = 0.0) : (target_elec_ip = data['electric_equipment_per_area'])
          source_units = 'W/m^2'
          target_units = 'W/ft^2'
          load_type = 'Electric Power Density'
          model_ip = OpenStudio.convert(model_elec_si, source_units, target_units).get
          target_ip = target_elec_ip.to_f
          model_ip_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(model_ip, 2, true)
          target_ip_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(target_ip, 2, true)
          if model_ip < target_ip * (1.0 - min_pass)
            check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "#{load_type} of #{model_ip_neat} (#{target_units}) for #{space_type.name} is more than #{min_pass * 100} % below the expected value of #{target_ip_neat} (#{target_units}) for #{display_standard}.")
          elsif model_ip > target_ip * (1.0 + max_pass)
            check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "#{load_type} of #{model_ip_neat} (#{target_units}) for #{space_type.name} is more than #{max_pass * 100} % above the expected value of #{target_ip_neat} (#{target_units}) for #{display_standard}.")

          # check gas equipment
          model_gas_si = space_type.getGasEquipmentPowerPerFloorArea(floor_area, num_people)
          data['gas_equipment_per_area'].nil? ? (target_gas_ip = 0.0) : (target_gas_ip = data['gas_equipment_per_area'])
          source_units = 'W/m^2'
          target_units = 'Btu/hr*ft^2'
          load_type = 'Gas Power Density'
          model_ip = OpenStudio.convert(model_gas_si, source_units, target_units).get
          target_ip = target_gas_ip.to_f
          model_ip_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(model_ip, 2, true)
          target_ip_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(target_ip, 2, true)
          if model_ip < target_ip * (1.0 - min_pass)
            check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "#{load_type} of #{model_ip_neat} (#{target_units}) for #{space_type.name} is more than #{min_pass * 100} % below the expected value of #{target_ip_neat} (#{target_units}) for #{display_standard}.")
          elsif model_ip > target_ip * (1.0 + max_pass)
            check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "#{load_type} of #{model_ip_neat} (#{target_units}) for #{space_type.name} is more than #{max_pass * 100} % above the expected value of #{target_ip_neat} (#{target_units}) for #{display_standard}.")

          # check people
          model_occ_si = space_type.getPeoplePerFloorArea(floor_area)
          data['occupancy_per_area'].nil? ? (target_occ_ip = 0.0) : (target_occ_ip = data['occupancy_per_area'])
          source_units = '1/m^2' # people/m^2
          target_units = '1/ft^2' # people per ft^2 (can't add *1000) to the bottom, need to do later
          load_type = 'Occupancy per Area'
          model_ip = OpenStudio.convert(model_occ_si, source_units, target_units).get * 1000.0
          target_ip = target_occ_ip.to_f
          model_ip_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(model_ip, 2, true)
          target_ip_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(target_ip, 2, true)
          # for people need to update target units just for display. Can't be used for converstion.
          target_units = 'People/1000 ft^2'
          if model_ip < target_ip * (1.0 - min_pass)
            check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "#{load_type} of #{model_ip_neat} (#{target_units}) for #{space_type.name} is more than #{min_pass * 100} % below the expected value of #{target_ip_neat} (#{target_units}) for #{display_standard}.")
          elsif model_ip > target_ip * (1.0 + max_pass)
            check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "#{load_type} of #{model_ip_neat} (#{target_units}) for #{space_type.name} is more than #{max_pass * 100} % above the expected value of #{target_ip_neat} (#{target_units}) for #{display_standard}.")

          # get volume for space type for use with ventilation and infiltration
          space_type_volume = 0.0
          space_type_exterior_area = 0.0
          space_type_exterior_wall_area = 0.0
          space_type.spaces.each do |space|
            space_type_volume += space.volume * space.multiplier
            space_type_exterior_area = space.exteriorArea * space.multiplier
            space_type_exterior_wall_area = space.exteriorWallArea * space.multiplier

          # get design spec OA object
          if space_type.designSpecificationOutdoorAir.is_initialized
            oa = space_type.designSpecificationOutdoorAir.get
            oa_method = oa.outdoorAirMethod
            oa_per_person = oa.outdoorAirFlowperPerson
            oa_other = 0.0
            oa_ach = oa.outdoorAirFlowAirChangesperHour * space_type_volume
            oa_per_area = oa.outdoorAirFlowperFloorArea * floor_area
            oa_flow_rate = oa.outdoorAirFlowRate
            oa_total = oa_ach + oa_per_area + oa_flow_rate

            value_count = 0
            if oa_per_person > 0 then value_count += 1 end
            if oa_ach > 0 then value_count += 1 end
            if oa_per_area > 0 then value_count += 1 end
            if oa_flow_rate > 0 then value_count += 1 end
            if (oa_method != 'Sum') && (value_count > 1)
              check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Outdoor Air Method for #{space_type.name} was #{oa_method}. Expected value was Sum.")
            oa_per_person = 0.0
            oa_other_total = 0.0

          # get target values for OA
          target_oa_per_person_ip = data['ventilation_per_person'].to_f # ft^3/min*person
          target_oa_ach_ip = data['ventilation_air_changes'].to_f # ach
          target_oa_per_area_ip = data['ventilation_per_area'].to_f # ft^3/min*ft^2
          if target_oa_per_person_ip.nil?
            target_oa_per_person_si = 0.0
            target_oa_per_person_si = OpenStudio.convert(target_oa_per_person_ip, 'cfm', 'm^3/s').get
          if target_oa_ach_ip.nil?
            target_oa_ach_si = 0.0
            target_oa_ach_si = target_oa_ach_ip * space_type_volume
          if target_oa_per_area_ip.nil?
            target_oa_per_area_si = 0.0
            target_oa_per_area_si = OpenStudio.convert(target_oa_per_area_ip, 'cfm/ft^2', 'm^3/s*m^2').get * floor_area
          target_oa_total = target_oa_ach_si + target_oa_per_area_si

          # check oa per person
          source_units = 'm^3/s'
          target_units = 'cfm'
          load_type = 'Outdoor Air Per Person'
          model_ip_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(OpenStudio.convert(oa_per_person, source_units, target_units).get, 2, true)
          target_ip_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(target_oa_per_person_ip, 2, true)
          if oa_per_person < target_oa_per_person_si * (1.0 - min_pass)
            check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "#{load_type} of #{model_ip_neat} (#{target_units}) for #{space_type.name} is more than #{min_pass * 100} % below the expected value of #{target_ip_neat} (#{target_units}) for #{display_standard}.")
          elsif oa_per_person > target_oa_per_person_si * (1.0 + max_pass)
            check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "#{load_type} of #{model_ip_neat} (#{target_units}) for #{space_type.name} is more than #{max_pass * 100} % above the expected value of #{target_ip_neat} (#{target_units}) for #{display_standard}.")

          # check other oa
          source_units = 'm^3/s'
          target_units = 'cfm'
          load_type = 'Outdoor Air (Excluding per Person Value)'
          model_ip_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(OpenStudio.convert(oa_total, source_units, target_units).get, 2, true)
          target_ip_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(OpenStudio.convert(target_oa_total, source_units, target_units).get, 2, true)
          if oa_total < target_oa_total * (1.0 - min_pass)
            check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "#{load_type} of #{model_ip_neat} (#{target_units}) for #{space_type.name} is more than #{min_pass * 100} % below the expected value of #{target_ip_neat} (#{target_units}) for #{display_standard}.")
          elsif oa_total > target_oa_total * (1.0 + max_pass)
            check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "#{load_type} of #{model_ip_neat} (#{target_units}) for #{space_type.name} is more than #{max_pass * 100} % above the expected value of #{target_ip_neat} (#{target_units}) for #{display_standard}.")

        # warn if there are spaces in model that don't use space type unless they appear to be plenums
        @model.getSpaces.each do |space|
          if use_old_gem_code
            next if space.plenum?
            next if std.space_plenum?(space)

          if !space.spaceType.is_initialized
            check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "#{space.name} doesn't have a space type assigned, can't validate internal loads.")

        # TODO: - need to address internal loads where fuel is variable like cooking and laundry
        # todo - For now we are not going to loop through spaces looking for loads beyond what comes from space type
        # todo - space infiltration

    rescue StandardError => e
      # brief description of ruby error
      check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Error prevented QAQC check from running (#{e}).")

      # backtrace of ruby error for diagnostic use
      if @error_backtrace then check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', e.backtrace.join("\n").to_s) end

    # add check_elms to new attribute
    check_elem = OpenStudio::Attribute.new('check', check_elems)

    return check_elem
    # note: registerWarning and registerValue will be added for checks downstream using os_lib_reporting_qaqc.rb