# Extend the built-in Enumerable module: module Enumerable def one? counter = 0 each do return false if counter == 1 counter += 1 end counter == 1 end def many? counter = 0 any? { if counter == 1; true; else; counter += 1; false; end } end # Transform the enumerable into a java HashSet. def to_hashset(method = nil, *args) return self if self.is_a? java.util.HashSet and not method hs = java.util.HashSet.new iter = self.each rescue nil if not iter and respond_to? :iterator iter = self.iterator end e = iter.next if method while true hs.add e.send(method, *args) e = iter.next end else while true hs.add e e = iter.next end end rescue StopIteration, Pacer::EmptyPipe, java.util.NoSuchElementException hs end def to_list java.util.Arrays.asList *self end def to_iterable Pacer::Pipes::EnumerablePipe.new self end def +(other) Pacer::Pipes::MultiPipe.new [self, other] end # NOTE: if this is a collection of wrapped vertices or edges, Java pipes # may crash with something like: # # NativeException: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.jruby.RubyObject cannot be cast to com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Element # # You can work around that by passing the option :unwrap => true or # setting the :based_on parameter to a route that has extensions. def to_route(opts = {}) if self.is_a? Pacer::Core::Route self else based_on = opts[:based_on] if opts[:unwrap] or based_on and (based_on.wrapper or based_on.extensions.any?) and based_on.is_a? Pacer::Core::Graph::ElementRoute source = Pacer::RouteBuilder.current.chain(self, :element_type => :object).map { |e| e.element } else source = self end if based_on Pacer::RouteBuilder.current.chain(source, :element_type => opts.fetch(:element_type, based_on.element_type), :graph => based_on.graph, :wrapper => based_on.wrapper, :extensions => based_on.extensions, :info => based_on.info, :route_name => opts[:route_name]) else graph = opts[:graph] if opts[:graph] Pacer::RouteBuilder.current.chain(source, :element_type => opts.fetch(:element_type, :object), :graph => graph, :wrapper => opts[:wrapper], :extensions => opts[:extensions], :info => opts[:info], :route_name => opts[:route_name]) end end end def id_to_element_route(args = {}) based_on = args[:based_on] raise 'Must supply :based_on option' unless based_on raise 'Graph routes do not contain element ids to look up' if self.is_a? Pacer::Core::Route and graph raise 'Based on route must be a graph route' unless based_on.graph r = to_route(:info => "#{ count } ids") r.chain_route(:graph => based_on.graph, :element_type => based_on.element_type, :pipe_class => based_on.send(:id_pipe_class), :pipe_args => [based_on.graph.blueprints_graph], :route_name => 'lookup', :extensions => based_on.extensions, :wrapper => based_on.wrapper, :info => [args[:name], based_on.info].compact.join(':')).is_not(nil) end def group_count result = Hash.new(0) if block_given? each { |e| result[yield(e)] += 1 } else each { |e| result[e] += 1 } end result end end