### nissen スマート接続 API wrapper ニッセン社の後払いサービス「@後払い」をスマート接続APIから利用するためのラッパーです。 [link; rubygems](https://rubygems.org/gems/nissen-collect) [link; travis](https://travis-ci.org/yu1ch1/nissen-collect) [link; gemasium](https://gemnasium.com/gems/nissen-collect) [link; nissen](http://collect.nissen.co.jp/atobarai-ec/) [link; php module@nissen](http://www.ec-cube.net/products/detail.php?product_id=371) ### Installation 導入 gem install nissen-collect ### Configuration 設定 nissen-collect requires you to authenticate via https. So, you'll need to configure enviroment varuables. ニッセン社より付与されたID,PASSを環境変数に設定してください。 ```ruby ENV['NISSEN_COLLECT_SHOPCODE'] = #shopCode from nissen ENV['NISSEN_COLLECT_PASSWORD'] = #shopPassword from nissen ENV['NISSEN_COLLECT_TERMINALID'] = #terminalId: from nissen ``` ### Usage 使用法 Next 5 APIs can call.(only production server@nissen) 次の5個のAPIを叩けます。 * Transaction(注文情報登録) ```ruby request = NissenCollect:Transaction.new request.body => {"shopInfo"=>{"shopCode"=> , "shopPassword"=> , "terminalId"=> }, "httpInfo"=>{"httpHeader"=> , "deviceInfo"=> }, "buyer"=> {"shopTransactionId"=> , "shopOrderDate"=> , "fullName"=> , "firstName"=> , "lastName"=> , "fullKanaName"=> , "firstKanaName"=> , "lastKanaName"=> , "tel"=> , "mobile"=> , "email"=> , "mobileEmail"=> , "zipCode"=> , "address1"=> , "address2"=> , "address3"=> , "companyName"=> , "departmentName"=> , "billedAmount"=> , "paymentType"=> }, "deliveries"=> {"delivery"=> {"deliveryCustomer"=> , "fullName"=> , "firstName"=> , "lastName"=> , "fullKanaName"=> , "firstKanaName"=> , "lastKanaName"=> , "zipCode"=> , "address1"=> , "address2"=> , "address3"=> , "companyName"=> , "departmentName"=> , "tel"=> , "email"=> }, "details"=> {"detail"=>{"detailId"=> , "detailName"=> , "detailQuantity"=> }}} } request.call ``` * Getauthor(与信結果取得) ```ruby request = NissenCollect::Getauthor.new request.body => {"shopInfo"=>{"shopCode"=> , "shopPassword"=> , "terminalId"=> }, "buyer"=> {"shopTransactionId"=> , "shopOrderDate"=> , "fullName"=> , "firstName"=> , "lastName"=> , "fullKanaName"=> , "firstKanaName"=> , "lastKanaName"=> , "tel"=> , "mobile"=> , "email"=> , "mobileEmail"=> , "zipCode"=> , "address1"=> , "address2"=> , "address3"=> , "companyName"=> , "departmentName"=> , "billedAmount"=> , "paymentType"=> }} request.call ``` * Modifytransaction(注文情報修正) ```ruby request = NissenCollect::Modifytransaction.new request.body => {"shopInfo"=>{"shopCode"=> , "shopPassword"=> , "terminalId"=> }, "buyer"=> {"shopTransactionId"=> , "shopOrderDate"=> , "fullName"=> , "firstName"=> , "lastName"=> , "fullKanaName"=> , "firstKanaName"=> , "lastKanaName"=> , "tel"=> , "mobile"=> , "email"=> , "mobileEmail"=> , "zipCode"=> , "address1"=> , "address2"=> , "address3"=> , "companyName"=> , "departmentName"=> , "billedAmount"=> , "paymentType"=> }, "deliveries"=> {"delivery"=> {"deliveryCustomer"=> , "fullName"=> , "firstName"=> , "lastName"=> , "fullKanaName"=> , "firstKanaName"=> , "lastKanaName"=> , "zipCode"=> , "address1"=> , "address2"=> , "address3"=> , "companyName"=> , "departmentName"=> , "tel"=> , "email"=> }, "details"=> {"detail"=>{"detailId"=> , "detailName"=> , "detailQuantity"=> }}}} request.call ``` * Pdrequest(発送情報登録) ```ruby request = NissenCollect::Pdrequest.new request.body => {"shopInfo"=>{"shopCode"=> , "shopPassword"=> , "terminalId"=> }, "transaction"=> {"nissenTransactionId"=> , "shopTransactionId"=> , "billedAmount"=> }, "PdRequest"=> {"pdcompanycode"=> , "slipno"=> , "address1"=> , "address2"=> , "address3"=> }} request.call ``` * Cancel(キャンセル登録) ```ruby request = NissenCollect::Cancel.new request.body => {"shopInfo"=>{"shopCode"=> , "shopPassword"=> , "terminalId"=> }, "transaction"=> {"nissenTransactionId"=> , "shopTransactionId"=> , "billedAmount"=> }} request.call ``` ### Copyright Copyright (c) 2013 Yuichi Sano. See [LICENSE][] for details. [license]: LICENSE.md