import { getSafeTimers } from '@vitest/utils'; import { c as createBirpc } from './index.BpSiYbpB.js'; import { g as getWorkerState } from './utils.Ck2hJTRs.js'; const { get } = Reflect; function withSafeTimers(fn) { const { setTimeout, clearTimeout, nextTick, setImmediate, clearImmediate } = getSafeTimers(); const currentSetTimeout = globalThis.setTimeout; const currentClearTimeout = globalThis.clearTimeout; const currentSetImmediate = globalThis.setImmediate; const currentClearImmediate = globalThis.clearImmediate; const currentNextTick = globalThis.process?.nextTick; try { globalThis.setTimeout = setTimeout; globalThis.clearTimeout = clearTimeout; globalThis.setImmediate = setImmediate; globalThis.clearImmediate = clearImmediate; if (globalThis.process) { globalThis.process.nextTick = nextTick; } const result = fn(); return result; } finally { globalThis.setTimeout = currentSetTimeout; globalThis.clearTimeout = currentClearTimeout; globalThis.setImmediate = currentSetImmediate; globalThis.clearImmediate = currentClearImmediate; if (globalThis.process) { nextTick(() => { globalThis.process.nextTick = currentNextTick; }); } } } const promises = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); async function rpcDone() { if (!promises.size) { return; } const awaitable = Array.from(promises); return Promise.all(awaitable); } function createRuntimeRpc(options) { let setCancel = (_reason) => { }; const onCancel = new Promise((resolve) => { setCancel = resolve; }); const rpc2 = createSafeRpc( createBirpc( { onCancel: setCancel }, { eventNames: [ "onUserConsoleLog", "onFinished", "onCollected", "onCancel" ], onTimeoutError(functionName, args) { let message = `[vitest-worker]: Timeout calling "${functionName}"`; if (functionName === "fetch" || functionName === "transform" || functionName === "resolveId") { message += ` with "${JSON.stringify(args)}"`; } if (functionName === "onUnhandledError") { message += ` with "${args[0]?.message || args[0]}"`; } throw new Error(message); }, ...options } ) ); return { rpc: rpc2, onCancel }; } function createSafeRpc(rpc2) { return new Proxy(rpc2, { get(target, p, handler) { const sendCall = get(target, p, handler); const safeSendCall = (...args) => withSafeTimers(async () => { const result = sendCall(...args); promises.add(result); try { return await result; } finally { promises.delete(result); } }); safeSendCall.asEvent = sendCall.asEvent; return safeSendCall; } }); } function rpc() { const { rpc: rpc2 } = getWorkerState(); return rpc2; } export { rpcDone as a, createRuntimeRpc as c, rpc as r };