require "spec_helper" describe GraphQL::Query::Executor do let(:operation_name) { nil } let(:schema) { DummySchema } let(:variables) { {"cheeseId" => 2} } let(:query) { schema, query_string, variables: variables, operation_name: operation_name, )} let(:result) { query.result } describe "multiple operations" do let(:query_string) { %| query getCheese1 { cheese(id: 1) { flavor } } query getCheese2 { cheese(id: 2) { flavor } } |} describe "when an operation is named" do let(:operation_name) { "getCheese2" } it "runs the named one" do expected = { "data" => { "cheese" => { "flavor" => "Gouda" } } } assert_equal(expected, result) end end describe "when one is NOT named" do it "returns an error" do expected = { "errors" => [ {"message" => "You must provide an operation name from: getCheese1, getCheese2"} ] } assert_equal(expected, result) end end end describe "execution order" do let(:query_string) {%| mutation setInOrder { first: pushValue(value: 1) second: pushValue(value: 5) third: pushValue(value: 2) fourth: replaceValues(input: {values: [6,5,4]}) } |} it "executes mutations in order" do expected = {"data"=>{ "first"=> [1], "second"=>[1, 5], "third"=> [1, 5, 2], "fourth"=> [6, 5 ,4], }} assert_equal(expected, result) end end describe "fragment resolution" do let(:schema) { # we will raise if the dairy field is resolved more than one time resolved = false DummyQueryType = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name "Query" field :dairy do type DairyType resolve -> (t, a, c) { raise if resolved resolved = true DAIRY } end end GraphQL::Schema.define(query: DummyQueryType, mutation: MutationType) } let(:variables) { nil } let(:query_string) { %| query getDairy { dairy { id ... on Dairy { id } ...repetitiveFragment } } fragment repetitiveFragment on Dairy { id } |} it "resolves each field only one time, even when present in multiple fragments" do expected = {"data" => { "dairy" => { "id" => "1" } }} assert_equal(expected, result) end end describe "runtime errors" do let(:query_string) {%| query noMilk { error }|} it "raises error" do assert_raises(RuntimeError) { result } end describe "if nil is given for a non-null field" do let(:query_string) {%| query noMilk { cow { name cantBeNullButIs } }|} it "turns into error message and nulls the entire selection" do expected = { "data" => { "cow" => nil }, "errors" => [ { "message" => "Cannot return null for non-nullable field cantBeNullButIs" } ] } assert_equal(expected, result) end end describe "if an execution error is raised for a non-null field" do let(:query_string) {%| query noMilk { cow { name cantBeNullButRaisesExecutionError } }|} it "uses provided error message and nulls the entire selection" do expected = { "data" => { "cow" => nil }, "errors" => [ { "message" => "BOOM", "locations" => [ { "line" => 1, "column" => 28 } ], "path" => ["noMilk", "cow", "cantBeNullButRaisesExecutionError"] } ] } assert_equal(expected, result) end end describe "if the schema has a rescue handler" do before do schema.rescue_from(RuntimeError) { "Error was handled!" } end after do # remove the handler from the middleware: schema.remove_handler(RuntimeError) end it "adds to the errors key" do expected = { "data" => {"error" => nil}, "errors"=>[ { "message"=>"Error was handled!", "locations" => [{"line"=>1, "column"=>17}], "path"=>["noMilk", "error"] } ] } assert_equal(expected, result) end end end describe "variable coercion" do describe "for unspecified with default" do let(:query_string) {%| query Q($limit: Int = 2) { milk(id: 1) { flavors(limit: $limit) } } |} it "uses the default value" do expected = { "data" => { "milk" => { "flavors" => ["Natural", "Chocolate"], } } } assert_equal(expected, result) end end describe "for input object type" do let(:variables) { {"input" => [{ "source" => "SHEEP" }]} } let(:query_string) {%| query Q($input: [DairyProductInput]) { searchDairy(product: $input) { __typename, ... on Cheese { id, source } } } |} it "uses the default value" do expected = { "data" => { "searchDairy" => { "__typename" => "Cheese", "id" => 3, "source" => "SHEEP" } } } assert_equal(expected, result) end end describe "for required input objects" do let(:variables) { { } } let(:query_string) {%| mutation M($input: ReplaceValuesInput!) { replaceValues(input: $input) } |} it "returns a variable validation error" do expected = { "errors"=>[ { "message" => "Variable input of type ReplaceValuesInput! was provided invalid value", "locations" => [{ "line" => 1, "column" => 13 }], "value" => nil, "problems" => [ { "path" => [], "explanation" => "Expected value to not be null" } ] } ] } assert_equal(expected, result) end end describe "for required input object fields" do let(:variables) { {"input" => {} } } let(:query_string) {%| mutation M($input: ReplaceValuesInput!) { replaceValues(input: $input) } |} it "returns a variable validation error" do expected = { "errors"=>[ { "message" => "Variable input of type ReplaceValuesInput! was provided invalid value", "locations" => [{ "line" => 1, "column" => 13 }], "value" => {}, "problems" => [ { "path" => ["values"], "explanation" => "Expected value to not be null" } ] } ] } assert_equal(expected, result) end end describe "for input objects with unknown keys in value" do let(:variables) { {"input" => [{ "foo" => "bar" }]} } let(:query_string) {%| query Q($input: [DairyProductInput]) { searchDairy(product: $input) { __typename, ... on Cheese { id, source } } } |} it "returns a variable validation error" do expected = { "errors"=>[ { "message" => "Variable input of type [DairyProductInput] was provided invalid value", "locations" => [{ "line" => 1, "column" => 10 }], "value" => [{ "foo" => "bar" }], "problems" => [ { "path" => [0, "foo"], "explanation" => "Field is not defined on DairyProductInput" }, { "path" => [0, "source"], "explanation" => "Expected value to not be null" } ] } ] } assert_equal(expected, result) end end end end