# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require 'spec_helper' describe Manifestation, :solr => true do fixtures :all before do Manifestation.reindex end it "should set year_of_publication" do manifestation = FactoryGirl.create(:manifestation, :pub_date => '2000') manifestation.year_of_publication.should eq 2000 manifestation.date_of_publication.should eq Time.zone.parse('2000-01-01') end it "should set date_of_publication" do manifestation = FactoryGirl.create(:manifestation, :pub_date => '2000-01') manifestation.year_of_publication.should eq 2000 manifestation.month_of_publication.should eq 1 manifestation.date_of_publication.should eq Time.zone.parse('2000-01-01') end it "should set volume_number" do manifestation = FactoryGirl.create(:manifestation, :volume_number_string => '第1巻', :issue_number_string => '20号分冊1', :edition_string => '第3版') manifestation.volume_number.should eq 1 manifestation.issue_number.should eq 20 manifestation.edition.should eq 3 end it "should search title in openurl" do openurl = Openurl.new({:title => "プログラミング"}) results = openurl.search openurl.query_text.should eq "btitle_text:プログラミング" results.size.should eq 7 openurl = Openurl.new({:jtitle => "テスト"}) results = openurl.search results.size.should eq 3 openurl.query_text.should eq "jtitle_text:テスト" openurl = Openurl.new({:atitle => "2005"}) results = openurl.search results.size.should eq 1 openurl.query_text.should eq "atitle_text:2005" openurl = Openurl.new({:atitle => "テスト", :jtitle => "テスト雑誌"}) results = openurl.search results.size.should eq 2 end it "should search agent in openurl" do openurl = Openurl.new({:aulast => "Administrator"}) results = openurl.search openurl.query_text.should eq "au_text:Administrator" results.size.should eq 2 openurl = Openurl.new({:aufirst => "名称"}) results = openurl.search openurl.query_text.should eq "au_text:名称" results.size.should eq 1 openurl = Openurl.new({:au => "テスト"}) results = openurl.search openurl.query_text.should eq "au_text:テスト" results.size.should eq 1 openurl = Openurl.new({:pub => "Administrator"}) results = openurl.search openurl.query_text.should eq "publisher_text:Administrator" results.size.should eq 4 end it "should search isbn in openurl" do openurl = Openurl.new({:api => "openurl", :isbn => "4798"}) results = openurl.search openurl.query_text.should eq "isbn_sm:4798*" results.size.should eq 2 end it "should search issn in openurl" do openurl = Openurl.new({:api => "openurl", :issn => "0913"}) results = openurl.search openurl.query_text.should eq "issn_sm:0913*" results.size.should eq 1 end it "should search any in openurl" do openurl = Openurl.new({:any => "テスト"}) results = openurl.search results.size.should eq 9 end it "should serach multi in openurl" do openurl = Openurl.new({:btitle => "CGI Perl プログラミング"}) results = openurl.search results.size.should eq 2 openurl = Openurl.new({:jtitle => "テスト", :pub => "テスト"}) results = openurl.search results.size.should eq 2 end it "shoulld get search_error in openurl" do lambda{Openurl.new({:isbn => "12345678901234"})}.should raise_error(OpenurlQuerySyntaxError) lambda{Openurl.new({:issn => "1234abcd"})}.should raise_error(OpenurlQuerySyntaxError) lambda{Openurl.new({:aufirst => "テスト 名称"})}.should raise_error(OpenurlQuerySyntaxError) end it "should search in sru" do sru = Sru.new({:query => "title=Ruby"}) sru.search sru.manifestations.size.should eq 18 sru.manifestations.first.titles.first.should eq 'Ruby' sru = Sru.new({:query => "title=^ruby"}) sru.search sru.manifestations.size.should eq 9 sru = Sru.new({:query => 'title ALL "awk sed"'}) sru.search sru.manifestations.size.should eq 2 sru.manifestations.collect{|m| m.id}.should eq [184, 116] sru = Sru.new({:query => 'title ANY "ruby awk sed"'}) sru.search sru.manifestations.size.should eq 22 sru = Sru.new({:query => 'isbn=9784756137470'}) sru.search sru.manifestations.first.id.should eq 114 sru = Sru.new({:query => "creator=テスト"}) sru.search sru.manifestations.size.should eq 1 end it "should search date in sru" do sru = Sru.new({:query => "from = 2000-09 AND until = 2000-11-01"}) sru.search sru.manifestations.size.should eq 1 sru.manifestations.first.id.should eq 120 sru = Sru.new({:query => "from = 1993-02-24"}) sru.search sru.manifestations.size.should eq 5 sru = Sru.new({:query => "until = 2006-08-06"}) sru.search sru.manifestations.size.should eq 4 end it "should accept sort_by in sru" do sru = Sru.new({:query => "title=Ruby"}) sru.sort_by.should eq({:sort_by => 'created_at', :order => 'desc'}) sru = Sru.new({:query => 'title=Ruby AND sortBy="title/sort.ascending"', :sortKeys => 'creator,0', :version => '1.2'}) sru.sort_by.should eq({:sort_by => 'sort_title', :order => 'asc'}) sru = Sru.new({:query => 'title=Ruby AND sortBy="title/sort.ascending"', :sortKeys => 'creator,0', :version => '1.1'}) sru.sort_by.should eq({:sort_by => 'creator', :order => 'desc'}) sru = Sru.new({:query => 'title=Ruby AND sortBy="title/sort.ascending"', :sortKeys => 'creator,1', :version => '1.1'}) sru.sort_by.should eq({:sort_by => 'creator', :order => 'asc'}) sru = Sru.new({:query => 'title=Ruby AND sortBy="title'}) sru.sort_by.should eq({:sort_by => 'sort_title', :order => 'asc'}) #TODO ソート基準が入手しやすさの場合の処理 end it "should accept ranges in sru" do sru = Sru.new({:query => "from = 1993-02-24 AND until = 2006-08-06 AND title=プログラミング"}) sru.search sru.manifestations.size.should eq 2 sru = Sru.new({:query => "until = 2000 AND title=プログラミング"}) sru.search sru.manifestations.size.should eq 1 sru = Sru.new({:query => "from = 2006 AND title=プログラミング"}) sru.search sru.manifestations.size.should eq 1 sru = Sru.new({:query => "from = 2007 OR title=awk"}) sru.search sru.manifestations.size.should eq 6 end it "should be reserved" do manifestations(:manifestation_00007).is_reserved_by?(users(:admin)).should be_truthy end it "should not be reserved" do manifestations(:manifestation_00007).is_reserved_by?(users(:user1)).should be_falsy end it "should_get_number_of_pages" do manifestations(:manifestation_00001).number_of_pages.should eq 100 end it "should get youtube_id" do manifestations(:manifestation_00022).youtube_id.should eq 'BSHBzd9ftDE' end it "should get nicovideo_id" do manifestations(:manifestation_00023).nicovideo_id.should eq 'sm3015373' end it "should have parent_of_series" do manifestations(:manifestation_00001).parent_of_series.should be_truthy end it "should respond to extract_text" do manifestations(:manifestation_00001).extract_text.should be_nil end it "should not be reserved it it has no item" do manifestations(:manifestation_00008).is_reservable_by?(users(:admin)).should be_falsy end it "should respond to title" do manifestations(:manifestation_00001).title.should be_truthy end it "should respond to pickup" do lambda{Manifestation.pickup}.should_not raise_error #(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end it "should be periodical if its series_statement is periodical" do manifestations(:manifestation_00202).serial?.should be_truthy end it "should validate access_address" do manifestation = manifestations(:manifestation_00202) manifestation.access_address = 'http:/www.example.jp' manifestation.should_not be_valid end #it "should set series_statement if the manifestation is periodical" do # manifestation = series_statements(:two).manifestations.new # manifestation.set_series_statements([series_statements(:two)]) # #manifestation.original_title.should eq 'テスト雑誌2月号' # #manifestation.serial_number.should eq 3 # #manifestation.issue_number.should eq 3 # #manifestation.volume_number.should eq 1 #end context ".export" do it "should export a header line" do lines = Manifestation.export CSV.parse(lines, col_sep: "\t") (header, *lines) = lines.split(/\r?\n/) header = header.split(/\t/) expect(header.size).to eq lines.first.split(/\t/).size expect(header).to include "manifestation_id" expect(header).to include "manifestation_created_at" expect(header).to include "manifestation_updated_at" expect(header).to include "item_created_at" expect(header).to include "item_updated_at" expect(header).to include "item_id" expect(header).to include "manifestation_identifier" end end if defined?(EnjuCirculation) it "should respond to is_checked_out_by?" do manifestations(:manifestation_00001).is_checked_out_by?(users(:admin)).should be_truthy manifestations(:manifestation_00001).is_checked_out_by?(users(:librarian2)).should be_falsy end end end # == Schema Information # # Table name: manifestations # # id :integer not null, primary key # original_title :text not null # title_alternative :text # title_transcription :text # classification_number :string(255) # manifestation_identifier :string(255) # date_of_publication :datetime # date_copyrighted :datetime # created_at :datetime # updated_at :datetime # deleted_at :datetime # access_address :string(255) # language_id :integer default(1), not null # carrier_type_id :integer default(1), not null # start_page :integer # end_page :integer # height :integer # width :integer # depth :integer # price :integer # fulltext :text # volume_number_string :string(255) # issue_number_string :string(255) # serial_number_string :string(255) # edition :integer # note :text # repository_content :boolean default(FALSE), not null # lock_version :integer default(0), not null # required_role_id :integer default(1), not null # required_score :integer default(0), not null # frequency_id :integer default(1), not null # subscription_master :boolean default(FALSE), not null # attachment_file_name :string(255) # attachment_content_type :string(255) # attachment_file_size :integer # attachment_updated_at :datetime # title_alternative_transcription :text # description :text # abstract :text # available_at :datetime # valid_until :datetime # date_submitted :datetime # date_accepted :datetime # date_caputured :datetime # pub_date :string(255) # edition_string :string(255) # volume_number :integer # issue_number :integer # serial_number :integer # content_type_id :integer default(1) # year_of_publication :integer # attachment_meta :text # month_of_publication :integer # fulltext_content :boolean # serial :boolean # statement_of_responsibility :text # publication_place :text # extent :text # dimensions :text #