require 'brakeman/processors/template_processor' require 'brakeman/processors/lib/render_helper' class Brakeman::SlimTemplateProcessor < Brakeman::TemplateProcessor include Brakeman::RenderHelper SAFE_BUFFER = s(:call, s(:colon2, s(:const, :ActiveSupport), :SafeBuffer), :new) OUTPUT_BUFFER = s(:ivar, :@output_buffer) TEMPLE_UTILS = s(:colon2, s(:colon3, :Temple), :Utils) def process_call exp target = method = exp.method if method == :safe_concat and (target == SAFE_BUFFER or target == OUTPUT_BUFFER) arg = exp.first_arg if call? arg and arg.method == :to_s arg = end if is_escaped? arg make_escaped_output arg elsif string? arg ignore elsif render? arg make_output make_render_in_view arg elsif node_type? arg, :interp, :dstr process_inside_interp arg elsif node_type? arg, :ignore ignore else make_output arg end elsif is_escaped? exp make_escaped_output exp.first_arg elsif target == nil and method == :render exp.arglist = process exp.arglist make_render_in_view exp else call = make_call target, method, process_all!(exp.args) call.original_line(exp.original_line) call.line(exp.line) call end end def make_output exp s = :output, exp s.line(exp.line) @current_template[:outputs] << s s end def make_escaped_output exp s = :escaped_output, exp.first_arg s.line(exp.line) @current_template[:outputs] << s s end #Slim likes to interpolate output into strings then pass them to safe_concat. #Better to pull those values out directly. def process_inside_interp exp! do |e| if node_type? e, :evstr, :string_eval e.value = process_interp_output e.value e else e end end exp end def process_interp_output exp if sexp? exp if node_type? exp, :if process_interp_output exp.then_clause process_interp_output exp.else_clause elsif exp == SAFE_BUFFER ignore elsif render? exp make_output make_render_in_view exp elsif node_type? :output, :escaped_output exp elsif is_escaped? exp make_escaped_output exp else make_output exp end end end def is_escaped? exp call? exp and == TEMPLE_UTILS and exp.method == :escape_html end def render? exp call? exp and and exp.method == :render end def process_render exp #Still confused as to why this is not needed in other template processors #but is needed here exp end end