#! /usr/bin/env ruby -S rspec require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/util/network_device' require 'puppet/util/network_device/cisco/interface' describe Puppet::Util::NetworkDevice::Cisco::Interface do before(:each) do @transport = stub_everything 'transport' @interface = Puppet::Util::NetworkDevice::Cisco::Interface.new("FastEthernet0/1",@transport) end it "should include IPCalc" do @interface.class.include?(Puppet::Util::NetworkDevice::IPCalc) end describe "when updating the physical device" do it "should enter global configuration mode" do @transport.expects(:command).with("conf t") @interface.update end it "should enter interface configuration mode" do @transport.expects(:command).with("interface FastEthernet0/1") @interface.update end it "should 'execute' all differing properties" do @interface.expects(:execute).with(:description, "b") @interface.expects(:execute).with(:mode, :access).never @interface.update({ :description => "a", :mode => :access }, { :description => "b", :mode => :access }) end it "should execute in cisco ios defined order" do speed = states('speed').starts_as('notset') @interface.expects(:execute).with(:speed, :auto).then(speed.is('set')) @interface.expects(:execute).with(:duplex, :auto).when(speed.is('set')) @interface.update({ :duplex => :half, :speed => "10" }, { :duplex => :auto, :speed => :auto }) end it "should execute absent properties with a no prefix" do @interface.expects(:execute).with(:description, "a", "no ") @interface.update({ :description => "a"}, { }) end it "should exit twice" do @transport.expects(:command).with("exit").twice @interface.update end end describe "when executing commands" do it "should execute string commands directly" do @transport.expects(:command).with("speed auto") @interface.execute(:speed, :auto) end it "should execute string commands with the given prefix" do @transport.expects(:command).with("no speed auto") @interface.execute(:speed, :auto, "no ") end it "should stop at executing the first command that works for array" do @transport.expects(:command).with("channel-group 1").yields("% Invalid command") @transport.expects(:command).with("port group 1") @interface.execute(:etherchannel, "1") end it "should execute the block for block commands" do @transport.expects(:command).with("ip address") @interface.execute(:ipaddress, [[24, IPAddr.new(''), nil]]) end it "should execute the block for block commands" do @transport.expects(:command).with("ipv6 address fe08::/76 link-local") @interface.execute(:ipaddress, [[76, IPAddr.new('fe08::'), 'link-local']]) end end describe "when sending commands to the device" do it "should detect errors" do Puppet.expects(:err) @transport.stubs(:command).yields("% Invalid Command") @interface.command("sh ver") end end end