# Compass Normalize.css This simple plugin for [Compass](http://compass-style.org/) enables you to use [normalize.css](http://necolas.github.com/normalize.css/) in your stylesheets without having to download it. ## Installation From the command line: $ (sudo) gem install compass-normalize --pre You can also install the gem from your local fork: $ git clone git://github.com/ksmandersen/compass-normalize.git $ rake build $ rake install When creating a new project with compass: $ compass create new_project -r compass-normalize --using compass-normalize If using an existing project, edit your config.rb and add this line: require 'compass-normalize' ## Usage To use the normalize plugin, just import and include normalize: @import normalize; You can also just import parts you need: @import "normalize/base"; // Basic styles @import "normalize/html5"; // HTML5 elements @import "normalize/forms"; // Form elements