Concrete.UI.Workbench = { // Toplevel setup of an editor workbench. // Creates editor views and connects event and command handlers. // // Options: // // moduleBrowserOptions: options passed to the module browser, default: none // moduleEditorOptions: options passed to the module editor, default: none // setup: function(metamodel, indexMetamodel, options) { options = options || {}; var layoutManager = new Concrete.UI.LayoutManager(); var toolbar = new Concrete.UI.Toolbar(layoutManager.toolbar); var mp = new Concrete.MetamodelProvider(metamodel); var index = []; var eip = new Concrete.IndexBasedExternalIdentifierProvider(index, mp); var editorOptions = options.moduleEditorOptions || {}; editorOptions.onFollowReference = function(module, ident) { jumpReference(module, ident); }; var moduleEditor = new Concrete.UI.ModuleEditor(layoutManager.main, eip, mp, editorOptions); var browserOptions = options.moduleBrowserOptions || {}; browserOptions.onOpenModule = function(module, ident) { jumpReference(module, ident); }; var moduleBrowser = new Concrete.UI.ModuleBrowser(layoutManager.sidebar, indexMetamodel, browserOptions); var openElementDialog = new Concrete.UI.OpenElementDialog(eip, { onOpenReference: function(module, ident) { jumpReference(module, ident); } }); var searchReplaceDialog = new Concrete.UI.SearchReplaceDialog({ metamodelProvider: mp }); var preferencesDialog = new Concrete.UI.PreferencesDialog(); // Event Handler Event.observe(window, 'click', function(event) { moduleEditor.handleEvent(event); moduleBrowser.handleEvent(event); }); Event.observe(window, 'dblclick', function(event) { moduleBrowser.handleEvent(event); }); Event.observe(window, 'keydown', function(event) { if (toolbar.handleEvent(event)) {} else if ($$(".popup_dialog").any(function(d) {return d.visible();})) {} else { moduleEditor.handleEvent(event); moduleBrowser.handleEvent(event); } }); Event.observe(window, 'mousedown', function(event) { layoutManager.handleEvent(event); }); Event.observe(window, 'mouseup', function(event) { layoutManager.handleEvent(event); }); Event.observe(window, 'mousemove', function(event) { toolbar.handleEvent(event); if (layoutManager.handleEvent(event)) {} else { moduleEditor.handleEvent(event); moduleBrowser.handleEvent(event); } }); // Commands toolbar.addCommand({buttonClass: "ct_create_module_button", tooltip: "Create Module"}, function() { moduleEditor.createModule({ onSuccess: function() { loadIndex(); }, onFailure: function() { alert("Create module failed"); } }); }); toolbar.addCommand({buttonClass: "ct_save_button", hotkey: "ctrl+shift+S", tooltip: "Save Module"}, function() {{ onSuccess: function() { loadIndex(); }, onFailure: function() { alert("Save failed"); } }); }); toolbar.addCommand({buttonClass: "ct_open_element_button", hotkey: "ctrl+shift+E", tooltip: "Open Element"}, function() {; }); toolbar.addCommand({buttonClass: "ct_search_replace_button", hotkey: "ctrl+shift+F", tooltip: "Search and Replace"}, function() {; }); toolbar.addCommand({buttonClass: "ct_toggle_short_references_button", tooltip: "Toggle Short References"}, function() { moduleEditor.toggleShortReferences(); }); toolbar.addCommand({buttonClass: "ct_stop_server_button", tooltip: "Stop Server"}, function() { new Ajax.Request("/exit"); }); toolbar.addCommand({buttonClass: "ct_browse_help_button", tooltip: "Browse Help"}, function() {"/doc/concrete_users_guide.html", "Concrete Users Guide"); }); toolbar.addCommand({buttonClass: "ct_preferences_button", tooltip: "Preferences"}, function() {; }); function jumpReference(module, ident) { var href = "#"+module+((ident && ":"+ident) || ""); window.location.href = href; } function loadIndex(options) { new Ajax.Request("/loadIndex", { method: "get", onSuccess: function(transport) { index.clear(); var indexJson = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); indexJson.sortBy(function(m) {return}).each(function(m) { index.push(m); }); moduleBrowser.loadIndex(index); if (options && options.onIndexLoaded) options.onIndexLoaded(); } }); } window.onresize = function() { layoutManager.layout(); }; window.onhashchange = function() { var match = window.location.href.match(/#([^:]+):?(.*)/) var module = match && match[1]; var ident = match && match[2];, ident); }; // first update after loading window.onresize(); loadIndex({onIndexLoaded: function() { window.onhashchange(); }}); } };