# introspection.rb: get informations about what is known to ctioga2 # copyright (c) 2009 by Vincent Fourmond # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details (in the COPYING file). require 'ctioga2/utils' require 'ctioga2/commands/commands' module CTioga2 Version::register_svn_info('$Revision$', '$Date$') module Commands module Documentation # This class provides facilities to display information class Introspection # Display all known commands, along with their definition place def list_commands(format = :pretty) cmds = Interpreter::commands names = cmds.keys.sort case format when :list puts names when :yaml require 'yaml' commands = {} for n in names cmd = cmds[n] command = {} command['name'] = n f,l = cmd.context command['file'] = f command['line'] = l.to_i command['long_option'] = cmd.long_option command['short_option'] = cmd.short_option command['short_description'] = cmd.short_description command['long_description'] = cmd.long_description commands[n] = command end puts YAML.dump(commands) else puts "Known commands:" max = names.inject(0) {|m,x| [m,x.size].max} max2 = names.inject(0) {|m,x| [m,cmds[x].long_option.size].max} for n in names f,l = cmds[n].context puts "\t%-#{max}s\t--%-#{max2}s\t(#{f}: #{l})" % [n, cmds[n].long_option ] end end end # List known groups def list_groups(raw = false) puts "Known groups:" unless raw groups = Interpreter::groups names = groups.keys.sort if raw puts names else for n in names f,l = groups[n].context puts "\t#{n}\t(#{f}: #{l})" end end end # List known types def list_types(raw = false) puts "Known types:" unless raw types = Interpreter::types names = types.keys.sort if raw puts names else for n in names f,l = types[n].context puts "\t#{n}\t(#{f}: #{l})" end end end # Lauches an editor to edit the given command: def edit_command(cmd) cmd = Interpreter::command(cmd) if cmd edit_file(*cmd.context) end end # Lauches an editor to edit the given command: def edit_group(group) group = Interpreter::group(group) if group edit_file(*group.context) end end # Lauches an editor to edit the given command: def edit_type(type) type = Interpreter::type(type) if type edit_file(*type.context) end end protected # Launches an editor to edit the given file at the given place. def edit_file(file, line) editor = ENV['EDITOR'] || 'emacs' if ENV['CT2_DEV_HOME'] file = "#{ENV['CT2_DEV_HOME']}/#{file}" end system("#{editor} +#{line} #{file} &") end end InternalFormatRE = { /list|raw/i => :list, /default|pretty/i => :pretty, /yaml/i => :yaml } InternalFormatType = CmdType.new('internal-format', { :type => :re_list, :list => InternalFormatRE}, < CmdArg.new('internal-format')} RawOption = {'raw' => CmdArg.new('boolean')} ListCommandsCmd = Cmd.new('list-commands', nil, '--list-commands', [], RawOption.dup.update(TypeOption)) do |p, opts| opts['format'] = :list if opts['raw'] Introspection.new.list_commands(opts['format']) end ListCommandsCmd.describe("List known commands", <