# frozen_string_literal: true module Valkyrie::Persistence::Solr # Responsible for handling the logic for persisting or deleting multiple # objects into or out of solr. class Repository COMMIT_PARAMS = { softCommit: true, versions: true }.freeze attr_reader :resources, :connection, :resource_factory # @param [Array] resources # @param [RSolr::Client] connection # @param [ResourceFactory] resource_factory def initialize(resources:, connection:, resource_factory:) @resources = resources @connection = connection @resource_factory = resource_factory end # Persist the resources into Solr # @return [Array] def persist documents = resources.map do |resource| generate_id(resource) if resource.id.blank? solr_document(resource) end results = add_documents(documents) versions = results["adds"]&.each_slice(2)&.to_h documents.map do |document| document["_version_"] = versions.fetch(document[:id]) resource_factory.to_resource(object: document.stringify_keys) end end # @param [Array] array of Solr documents # @return [RSolr::HashWithResponse] # rubocop:disable Style/IfUnlessModifier def add_documents(documents) connection.add documents, params: COMMIT_PARAMS rescue RSolr::Error::Http => exception # Error 409 conflict is returned when versions do not match if exception.response[:status] == 409 handle_conflict end raise exception end # rubocop:enable Style/IfUnlessModifier # Deletes a Solr Document using the ID # @return [Array] resources which have been deleted from Solr def delete connection.delete_by_id resources.map { |resource| resource.id.to_s }, params: COMMIT_PARAMS resources end # Given a Valkyrie Resource, generate the Hash for the Solr Document # @param [Valkyrie::Resource] resource # @return [Hash] def solr_document(resource) resource_factory.from_resource(resource: resource).to_h end # Given a new Valkyrie Resource, generate a random UUID and assign it to the Resource # @param [Valkyrie::Resource] resource # @param [String] the UUID for the new resource def generate_id(resource) Valkyrie.logger.warn "The Solr adapter is not meant to persist new resources, but is now generating an ID." resource.id = SecureRandom.uuid end # If a 409 conflict response is encountered when attempting to commit updates to Solr, raise a StaleObjectError # @see https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/updating-parts-of-documents.html#optimistic-concurrency # @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6.5.8 def handle_conflict raise Valkyrie::Persistence::StaleObjectError, "One or more resources have been updated by another process." if resources.count > 1 raise Valkyrie::Persistence::StaleObjectError, "The object #{resources.first.id} has been updated by another process." end end end