# Copyright 2011-2013 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of # the License is located at # # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF # ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. require 'aws/version' require 'set' # AWS is the root module for all of the Amazon Web Services. It is also # where you can configure you access to AWS. # # # Configuration # # Call {AWS.config} with a hash of options to configure your # access to the Amazon Web Services. # # At a minimum you need to set your access credentials. See {AWS.config} # for additional configuration options. # # AWS.config( # :access_key_id => 'ACCESS_KEY_ID', # :secret_access_key => 'SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', # :region => 'us-west-2') # module AWS # @api private class SvcDetails def initialize class_name, options @class_name = class_name @full_name = options[:full_name] @method_name = options[:method_name] @method_alias = options[:method_alias] @old_name = @method_alias || @method_name end attr_reader :class_name, :full_name, :method_name, :method_alias, :old_name end # @api private SERVICES = [ SvcDetails.new("CloudFront", :full_name => "Amazon CloudFront", :method_name => :cloud_front), SvcDetails.new("CloudSearch", :full_name => "Amazon CloudSearch", :method_name => :cloud_search), SvcDetails.new("CloudWatch", :full_name => "Amazon CloudWatch", :method_name => :cloud_watch), SvcDetails.new("DynamoDB", :full_name => "Amazon DynamoDB", :method_name => :dynamo_db), SvcDetails.new("EC2", :full_name => "Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud", :method_name => :ec2), SvcDetails.new("EMR", :full_name => "Amazon Elastic MapReduce", :method_name => :emr), SvcDetails.new("ElastiCache", :full_name => "Amazon ElastiCache", :method_name => :elasticache), SvcDetails.new("Glacier", :full_name => "Amazon Glacier", :method_name => :glacier), SvcDetails.new("RDS", :full_name => "Amazon Relational Database Service (Beta)", :method_name => :rds), SvcDetails.new("Route53", :full_name => "Amazon Route 53", :method_name => :route_53), SvcDetails.new("SimpleEmailService", :full_name => "Amazon Simple E-mail Service", :method_name => :ses, :method_alias => :simple_email_service), SvcDetails.new("SNS", :full_name => "Amazon Simple Notifications Service", :method_name => :sns), SvcDetails.new("SQS", :full_name => "Amazon Simple Queue Service", :method_name => :sqs), SvcDetails.new("SimpleWorkflow", :full_name => "Amazon Simple Workflow Service", :method_name => :swf, :method_alias => :simple_workflow), SvcDetails.new("SimpleDB", :full_name => "Amazon SimpleDB", :method_name => :simple_db), SvcDetails.new("AutoScaling", :full_name => "Auto Scaling", :method_name => :auto_scaling), SvcDetails.new("CloudFormation", :full_name => "AWS CloudFormation", :method_name => :cloud_formation), SvcDetails.new("DataPipeline", :full_name => "AWS Data Pipeline", :method_name => :data_pipeline), SvcDetails.new("DirectConnect", :full_name => "AWS Direct Connect", :method_name => :direct_connect), SvcDetails.new("ElasticBeanstalk", :full_name => "AWS Elastic Beanstalk", :method_name => :elastic_beanstalk), SvcDetails.new("IAM", :full_name => "AWS Identity and Access Management", :method_name => :iam), SvcDetails.new("ImportExport", :full_name => "AWS Import/Export", :method_name => :import_export), SvcDetails.new("OpsWorks", :full_name => "AWS OpsWorks", :method_name => :ops_works), SvcDetails.new("STS", :full_name => "AWS Security Token Service", :method_name => :sts), SvcDetails.new("StorageGateway", :full_name => "AWS Storage Gateway", :method_name => :storage_gateway), SvcDetails.new("Support", :full_name => "AWS Support", :method_name => :support), SvcDetails.new("ELB", :full_name => "Elastic Load Balancing", :method_name => :elb), SvcDetails.new("ElasticTranscoder", :full_name => "Amazon Elastic Transcoder", :method_name => :elastic_transcoder), SvcDetails.new("Redshift", :full_name => "Amazon Redshift", :method_name => :redshift), SvcDetails.new("S3", :full_name => "Amazon Simple Storage Service", :method_name => :s3) ].inject({}) { |h,svc| h[svc.class_name] = svc; h } # @api private ROOT = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..')) autoload :Errors, 'aws/errors' autoload :Record, 'aws/record' module Core autoload :AsyncHandle, 'aws/core/async_handle' autoload :Cacheable, 'aws/core/cacheable' autoload :Client, 'aws/core/client' autoload :Collection, 'aws/core/collection' autoload :Configuration, 'aws/core/configuration' autoload :CredentialProviders, 'aws/core/credential_providers' autoload :Data, 'aws/core/data' autoload :Deprecations, 'aws/core/deprecations' autoload :IndifferentHash, 'aws/core/indifferent_hash' autoload :Inflection, 'aws/core/inflection' autoload :JSONParser, 'aws/core/json_parser' autoload :JSONClient, 'aws/core/json_client' autoload :JSONRequestBuilder, 'aws/core/json_request_builder' autoload :JSONResponseParser, 'aws/core/json_response_parser' autoload :LazyErrorClasses, 'aws/core/lazy_error_classes' autoload :LogFormatter, 'aws/core/log_formatter' autoload :MetaUtils, 'aws/core/meta_utils' autoload :ManagedFile, 'aws/core/managed_file' autoload :Model, 'aws/core/model' autoload :Naming, 'aws/core/naming' autoload :OptionGrammar, 'aws/core/option_grammar' autoload :PageResult, 'aws/core/page_result' autoload :Policy, 'aws/core/policy' autoload :QueryClient, 'aws/core/query_client' autoload :QueryRequestBuilder, 'aws/core/query_request_builder' autoload :QueryResponseParser, 'aws/core/query_response_parser' autoload :Region, 'aws/core/region' autoload :RegionCollection, 'aws/core/region_collection' autoload :Resource, 'aws/core/resource' autoload :ResourceCache, 'aws/core/resource_cache' autoload :Response, 'aws/core/response' autoload :ResponseCache, 'aws/core/response_cache' autoload :RESTClient, 'aws/core/rest_xml_client' autoload :RESTJSONClient, 'aws/core/rest_json_client' autoload :RESTXMLClient, 'aws/core/rest_xml_client' autoload :RESTRequestBuilder, 'aws/core/rest_request_builder' autoload :RESTResponseParser, 'aws/core/rest_response_parser' autoload :ServiceInterface, 'aws/core/service_interface' autoload :Signer, 'aws/core/signer' autoload :UriEscape, 'aws/core/uri_escape' module Options autoload :JSONSerializer, 'aws/core/options/json_serializer' autoload :XMLSerializer, 'aws/core/options/xml_serializer' autoload :Validator, 'aws/core/options/validator' end module Signature autoload :Version2, 'aws/core/signature/version_2' autoload :Version3, 'aws/core/signature/version_3' autoload :Version3HTTPS, 'aws/core/signature/version_3_https' autoload :Version4, 'aws/core/signature/version_4' end module XML autoload :Parser, 'aws/core/xml/parser' autoload :Grammar, 'aws/core/xml/grammar' autoload :Stub, 'aws/core/xml/stub' autoload :Frame, 'aws/core/xml/frame' autoload :RootFrame, 'aws/core/xml/root_frame' autoload :FrameStack, 'aws/core/xml/frame_stack' module SaxHandlers autoload :Nokogiri, 'aws/core/xml/sax_handlers/nokogiri' autoload :REXML, 'aws/core/xml/sax_handlers/rexml' end end module Http autoload :ConnectionPool, 'aws/core/http/connection_pool' autoload :Handler, 'aws/core/http/handler' autoload :NetHttpHandler, 'aws/core/http/net_http_handler' autoload :Request, 'aws/core/http/request' autoload :Response, 'aws/core/http/response' end end class << self SERVICES.values.each do |svc| define_method(svc.method_name) do |*args| AWS.const_get(svc.class_name).new(args.first || {}) end alias_method(svc.method_alias, svc.method_name) if svc.method_alias end # @api private @@config = nil # The global configuration for AWS. Generally you set your preferred # configuration operations once after loading the aws-sdk gem. # # AWS.config({ # :access_key_id => 'ACCESS_KEY_ID', # :secret_access_key => 'SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', # :region => 'us-west-2', # }) # # When using AWS classes they will always default to use configuration # values defined in {AWS.config}. # # AWS.config(:max_retries => 2) # # sqs = AWS::SQS.new # sqs.config.max_retries #=> 2 # # If you want to change a configuration value for a single instance you # pass the new configuration value to that object's initializer: # # AWS::SQS.new(:max_retries => 0) # # @note Changing the global configuration does not affect objects # that have already been constructed. # # @param [Hash] options # # @option options [String] :access_key_id AWS access key id # credential. # # @option options [String] :secret_access_key AWS secret access # key credential. # # @option options [String,nil] :session_token AWS secret token # credential. # # @option options [String] :region ('us-east-1') The default AWS region. # # @option options [Boolean] :dynamo_db_big_decimals (true) When `true`, # {DynamoDB} will convert number values returned by {DynamoDB::Client} # from strings to BigDecimal objects. If you set this to `false`, # they will be converted from strings into floats (with a potential # loss of precision). # # @option options [Boolean] :dynamo_db_retry_throughput_errors (true) When # true, AWS::DynamoDB::Errors::ProvisionedThroughputExceededException # errors will be retried. # # @option options [Float] :http_continue_timeout (1) The number of # seconds to wait for a "100-continue" response before sending the request # payload. **This option has no effect unless the `:http_continue_threshold` # is configured to a positive integer and the payload exeedes the # threshold.** NOTE: currently there is a bug in Net::HTTP. # You must call `AWS.patch_net_http_100_continue!` for this feature to work. # Not supported in Ruby < 1.9. # # @option options [Integer,false] :http_continue_threshold (false) If a request # body exceedes the `:http_continue_threshold` size (in bytes), then # an "Expect" header will be added to the request with the value of # "100-continue". This will cause the SDK to wait up to # `:http_continue_timeout` seconds for a 100 Contiue HTTP response # before sending the request payload. By default, this feature # is disbled. Set this option to a positive number of bytes # to enable 100 continues. NOTE: currently there is a bug in Net::HTTP. # You must call `AWS.patch_net_http_100_continue!` for this feature to work. # Not supported in Ruby < 1.9. # # @option options [Object] :http_handler (AWS::Core::Http::NetHttpHandler) # The http handler that sends requests to AWS. # # @option options [Integer] :http_idle_timeout (60) The number of seconds # a persistent connection is allowed to sit idle before it should no # longer be used. # # @option options [Integer] :http_open_timeout (15) The number of seconds # before the `:http_handler` should timeout while trying to open a new # HTTP session. # # @option options [Integer] :http_read_timeout (60) The number of seconds # before the `:http_handler` should timeout while waiting for a HTTP # response. # # @option options [Boolean] :http_wire_trace (false) When `true`, the # http handler will log all wire traces to the `:logger`. If a # `:logger` is not configured, then wire traces will be sent to # standard out. # # @option options [Logger,nil] :logger (nil) A logger to send # log messages to. Here is an example that logs to standard out. # # require 'logger' # AWS.config(:logger => Logger.new($stdout)) # # @option options [Symbol] :log_level (:info) The level log messages are # sent to the logger with (e.g. `:notice`, `:info`, `:warn`, # `:debug`, etc). # # @option options [Object] :log_formatter The log formatter is responsible # for building log messages from responses. You can quickly change # log formats by providing a pre-configured log formatter. # # AWS.config(:log_formatter => AWS::Core::LogFormatter.colored) # # Here is a list of pre-configured log formatters: # # * `AWS::Core::LogFormatter.default` # * `AWS::Core::LogFormatter.short` # * `AWS::Core::LogFormatter.debug` # * `AWS::Core::LogFormatter.colored` # # You can also create an instance of AWS::Core::LogFormatter # with a custom log message pattern. See {Core::LogFormatter} for # a complete list of pattern substitutions. # # pattern = "[AWS :operation :duration] :error_message" # AWS.config(:log_formatter => AWS::Core::LogFormatter.new(pattern)) # # Lastly you can pass any object that responds to `#format` accepting # and instance of {Core::Response} and returns a string. # # @option options [Integer] :max_retries (3) The maximum number of times # service errors (500) should be retried. There is an exponential # backoff in between service request retries, so the more retries the # longer it can take to fail. # # @option options [String, URI, nil] :proxy_uri (nil) The URI of the proxy # to send service requests through. You can pass a URI object or a # URI string: # # AWS.config(:proxy_uri => 'https://user:password@my.proxy:443/path?query') # # @option options [Boolean] :s3_force_path_style (false) When # `true`, requests will always use path style. This can be useful # for testing environments. # # @option options [Integer] :s3_multipart_max_parts (10000) The maximum # number of parts to split a file into when uploading in parts to S3. # # @option options [Integer] :s3_multipart_threshold (16777216) When # uploading data to S3, if the number of bytes to send exceeds # `:s3_multipart_threshold` then a multi part session is automatically # started and the data is sent up in chunks. The size of each part # is specified by `:s3_multipart_min_part_size`. Defaults to # 16777216 (16MB). # # @option options [Integer] :s3_multipart_min_part_size (5242880) The # absolute minimum size (in bytes) each S3 multipart segment should be. # Defaults to 5242880 (5MB). # # @option options [Symbol] :s3_server_side_encryption (nil) The # algorithm to use when encrypting object data on the server # side. The only valid value is `:aes256`, which specifies that # the object should be stored using the AES encryption algorithm # with 256 bit keys. Defaults to `nil`, meaning server side # encryption is not used unless specified on each individual # call to upload an object. This option controls the default # behavior for the following methods: # # * {S3::S3Object#write} # * {S3::S3Object#multipart_upload} # * {S3::S3Object#copy_from} and {S3::S3Object#copy_to} # * {S3::S3Object#presigned_post} # * {S3::Bucket#presigned_post} # # @option options [OpenSSL::PKey::RSA, String] :s3_encryption_key (nil) # If this is set, AWS::S3::S3Object #read and #write methods will always # perform client-side encryption with this key. The key can be overridden # at runtime by using the :encryption_key option. A value of nil # means that client-side encryption will not be used. # # @option options [Symbol] :s3_encryption_materials_location (:metadata) # When set to `:instruction_file`, AWS::S3::S3Object will store # encryption materials in a separate object, instead of the object # metadata. # # @option options [Boolean] :simple_db_consistent_reads (false) Determines # if all SimpleDB read requests should be done consistently. # Consistent reads are slower, but reflect all changes to SDB. # # @option options [CredentialProviders::Provider] :credential_provider (AWS::Core::CredentialProviders::DefaultProvider.new) # Returns the credential provider. The default credential provider # attempts to check for statically assigned credentials, ENV credentials # and credentials in the metadata service of EC2. # # @option options [String] :ssl_ca_file The path to a CA cert bundle in # PEM format. # # If `:ssl_verify_peer` is `true` (the default) this bundle will be # used to validate the server certificate in each HTTPS request. # The AWS SDK for Ruby ships with a CA cert bundle, which is the # default value for this option. # # @option options [String] :ssl_ca_path (nil) # The path the a CA cert directory. # # @option options [Boolean] :ssl_verify_peer (true) When `true` # the HTTP handler validate server certificates for HTTPS requests. # # This option should only be disabled for diagnostic purposes; # leaving this option set to `false` exposes your application to # man-in-the-middle attacks and can pose a serious security # risk. # # @option options [Boolean] :stub_requests (false) When `true` requests # are not sent to AWS, instead empty responses are generated and # returned to each service request. # # @option options [Boolean] :use_ssl (true) When `true`, all requests # to AWS are sent using HTTPS instead vanilla HTTP. # # @option options [String] :user_agent_prefix (nil) A string prefix to # append to all requests against AWS services. This should be set # for clients and applications built ontop of the aws-sdk gem. # # @option options [Boolean] :verify_response_body_content_length (true) # When `true` all HTTP handlers will perform a check to ensure # that response bodies match the content-length specified in the # response header, if present. Note that some HTTP handlers will # always do this whether or not this value is true. # # @option options [Boolean] :sqs_verify_checksums (true) # When `true` all SQS operations will check body content against # MD5 checksums, raising an exception if there is a mismatch. # # @return [Core::Configuration] Returns the new configuration. # def config options = {} @@config ||= Core::Configuration.new @@config = @@config.with(options) unless options.empty? @@config end # Returns a collection that represents public (non-gov-cloud) AWS # regions. You can use this collection to get a specific region by name # or to enumerate all regions. # # When enumerating regions, a single HTTP request is made to get a current # list of regions (this is cached). When getting a region by name # no requests are made. # # @example Getting a region by name # # region = AWS.regions['us-west-1'] # region.dynamo_db.tables.map(&:name) # # @example Enumerating all regions # # AWS.regions.each do |region| # puts "EC2 Instances in #{region.name}:" # puts region.ec2.instances.map(&:id) # end # # @return [Core::RegionCollection] def regions Core::RegionCollection.new end # @note Memoization is currently only supported for APIs which # inherit from the "Resource" class; other APIs are unaffected # by the status of memoization. # # Resets memoizing service requests made in the current thread. # See {memoize} for a full discussion of the memoization feature. # This has no effect if memoization is already enabled. def reset_memoization Thread.current[:aws_memoization] = {} end # @note Memoization is currently only supported for APIs which # inherit from the "Resource" class; other APIs are unaffected # by the status of memoization. # # Starts memoizing service requests made in the current thread. # See {memoize} for a full discussion of the memoization feature. # This has no effect if memoization is already enabled. def start_memoizing Thread.current[:aws_memoization] ||= {} nil end # @note Memoization is currently only supported for APIs which # inherit from the "Resource" class; other APIs are unaffected # by the status of memoization. # # Stops memoizing service requests made in the current thread. # See {memoize} for a full discussion of the memoization feature. # This has no effect if memoization is already disabled. def stop_memoizing Thread.current[:aws_memoization] = nil end # @note Memoization is currently only supported for APIs which # inherit from the "Resource" class; other APIs are unaffected # by the status of memoization. # # @return [Boolean] True if memoization is enabled for the current # thread. See {memoize} for a full discussion of the # memoization feature. def memoizing? !Thread.current[:aws_memoization].nil? end # @note Memoization is currently only supported for APIs which # inherit from the "Resource" class; other APIs are unaffected # by the status of memoization. # # Enables memoization for the current thread, within a block. # Memoization lets you avoid making multiple requests for the same # data by reusing the responses which have already been received. # For example, consider the following code to get the most # recently launched EC2 instance: # # latest = ec2.instances.sort_by(&:launch_time).last # # The above code would make N+1 requests (where N is the number of # instances in the account); iterating the collection of instances # is one request, and `Enumerable#sort_by` calls # {AWS::EC2::Instance#launch_time} for each instance, causing # another request per instance. We can rewrite the code as # follows to make only one request: # # latest = AWS.memoize do # ec2.instances.sort_by(&:launch_time).last # end # # Iterating the collection still causes a request, but each # subsequent call to {AWS::EC2::Instance#launch_time} uses the # results from that first request rather than making a new request # for the same data. # # While memoization is enabled, every response that is received # from the service is retained in memory. Therefore you should # use memoization only for short-lived blocks of code that make # relatively small numbers of requests. The cached responses are # used in two ways while memoization is enabled: # # * Before making a request, the SDK checks the cache for a # response to a request with the same signature (credentials, # service endpoint, operation name, and parameters). If such a # response is found, it is used instead of making a new # request. # # * Before retrieving data for an attribute of a resource # (e.g. {AWS::EC2::Instance#launch_time}), the SDK attempts to # find a cached response that contains the requested data. If # such a response is found, the cached data is returned instead # of making a new request. # # When memoization is disabled, all previously cached responses # are discarded. def memoize return yield if memoizing? begin start_memoizing yield if block_given? ensure stop_memoizing end end # @api private def resource_cache if memoizing? Thread.current[:aws_memoization][:resource_cache] ||= Core::ResourceCache.new end end # @api private def response_cache if memoizing? Thread.current[:aws_memoization][:response_cache] ||= Core::ResponseCache.new end end # Causes all requests to return empty responses without making any # requests against the live services. This does not attempt to # mock the services. # @return [nil] def stub! config(:stub_requests => true) nil end # Eagerly loads all AWS classes/modules registered with autoload. # @return [void] def eager_autoload! klass_or_module = AWS, visited = Set.new klass_or_module.constants.each do |const_name| path = klass_or_module.autoload?(const_name) require(path) if path const = klass_or_module.const_get(const_name) if const.is_a?(Module) unless visited.include?(const) visited << const eager_autoload!(const, visited) end end end end # Patches Net::HTTP, fixing a bug in how it handles non 100-continue # responses while waiting for a 100-continue. def patch_net_http_100_continue! require 'aws/core/http/patch' AWS::Core::Http.patch_net_http_100_continue! nil end # @api private # @return [Hash] def api_versions @versions ||= begin # get a list of support services/apis from disk versions = {} pattern = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'api_config', '*.yml') Dir.glob(pattern).each do |path| matches = path.match(/(\w+)-(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})/) svc = SERVICES[$1].full_name versions[svc] ||= [] versions[svc] << $2 end # s3 does not have an API configuration, so we have to add it manually versions[SERVICES['S3'].full_name] = ['2006-03-01'] # sort the services alphabetically versions.keys.sort_by(&:downcase).inject({}) do |hash,svc| hash[svc] = versions[svc] hash end end end end SERVICES.values.each do |svc| autoload(svc.class_name, "aws/#{svc.old_name}") require "aws/#{svc.old_name}/config" end end