require 'tap/env' require 'tap/task' require 'tap/schema' module Tap module Exe # Adapted from Gem.find_home # def self.user_home # ['HOME', 'USERPROFILE'].each do |homekey| # return ENV[homekey] if ENV[homekey] # end # # if ENV['HOMEDRIVE'] && ENV['HOMEPATH'] then # return "#{ENV['HOMEDRIVE']}#{ENV['HOMEPATH']}" # end # # begin # File.expand_path("~") # rescue # File::ALT_SEPARATOR ? "C:/" : "/" # end # end # Setup an execution environment. def self.setup(options={}, argv=ARGV, env=ENV) if argv[-1] == "-d-" argv.pop $DEBUG = true end options = { :dir => Dir.pwd, :config_file => CONFIG_FILE }.merge(options) # load configurations dir = options.delete(:dir) config_file = options.delete(:config_file) user_config_file = config_file ? File.join(dir, config_file) : nil user = Env.load_config(user_config_file) global = {} env.each_pair do |key, value| if key =~ /\ATAP_(.*)\z/ global[$1.downcase] = value end end config = { 'root' => dir, 'gems' => :all }.merge(global).merge(user).merge(options) # keys must be symbolize as they are immediately # used to initialize the Env configs config = config.inject({}) do |options, (key, value)| options[key.to_sym || key] = value options end # instantiate exe =, :basename => config_file).extend(Exe) exe.register('command') do |env| env.root.glob(:cmd, "**/*.rb") end # add the tap env if necessary unless exe.any? {|env| env.root.root == TAP_HOME } exe.push, exe.context) end exe end # The config file path CONFIG_FILE = "tap.yml" # The home directory for Tap TAP_HOME = File.expand_path("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../..") def launch(argv=ARGV) case command = argv.shift.to_s when '', '--help' yield else if path = seek('command', command) load path # run the command, if it exists else puts "Unknown command: '#{command}'" puts "Type 'tap --help' for usage information." end end end def self.set_signals(app) # info signal -- Note: some systems do # not support the INFO signal # (windows, fedora, at least) signals = Signal.list.keys Signal.trap("INFO") do puts end if signals.include?("INFO") # interuption signal Signal.trap("INT") do puts " interrupted!" # prompt for decision while true print "stop, terminate, exit, or resume? (s/t/e/r):" case gets.strip when /s(top)?/i app.stop break when /t(erminate)?/i app.terminate break when /e(xit)?/i exit when /r(esume)?/i break else puts "unexpected response..." end end end if signals.include?("INT") end end end