module NoNotifierNeeded module Translate def url_for(destination) unless destination.is_a?(Hash) || destination.match(/_path/i) raise" must pass something that ends with a _path. #{destination} sent.") end to_send = "Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.#{destination}" instance_eval to_send end def email_link_to(title, link) return title if link.blank? if link.match(/http:\/\/[\w*\.]*\//i) root_link = link else link_broken = link.split('//').last link_broken = link_broken.split('/').reject{|e| e.blank?}.join('/') root_link = "" + link_broken end "#{title}" end def get_send_hash mailers = ActiveSupport::DescendantsTracker.descendants(ActionMailer::Base) send_hash = {} send_hash.merge!(mailers.first.default) send_hash[:subject] = render_template_subject_type(@template) send_hash[:to] = @to.nil? ? : @to send_hash[:from] = @from unless @from.nil? send_hash[:reply_to] = @reply_to unless @reply_to.nil? send_hash end def args_to_instance_vars(args) #take each key, if a model, make it an @#{model} = model.find(value) known_models = ActiveRecord::Base.send( :subclasses ) #else make it a @#{name}=#{value} args.each do |k,v| if Object.const_defined?(k.classify) && known_models.include?(k.classify.constantize) self.instance_eval("@#{k}= #{k.classify}.find(#{v})") else if v.is_a?(String) self.instance_eval("@#{k} = \"#{v}\"") else self.instance_eval("@#{k}=#{v}") end end end end def translate_to_hash(which_email, args) known_models = ActiveRecord::Base.send( :subclasses ) th = {} th[:which_email] = which_email args = args.flatten if args.respond_to?(:flatten) args.each do |a| next if a.blank? if known_models.include?(a.class) th[] = elsif a.is_a?(Hash) a.each{|k,v| th[k.to_sym] = CGI.escapeHTML(v) } else raise"Unknown values passed to email procesor '#{a}' with #{args.inspect}") end end th end end end