One hop, a skip and a jump. In just suca a fashion we're on to the next major veriosn of Reap. Reap 6 has now reached a whole new level of elegance and capability. The core of the system has been completely rewritten, thanks to lessons learned from the previous incarnations and honoring the defacto standard of Rake's task definitions, a Reap task is now easily defined like so: module Tasks def footask( name, &data ) desc "Describing a foo task" task name do data = data.to_openobject puts "Doing what a foo task #{data.does}!" end end end See the resemblance? Does Reap require Rake? No! Reap has it's own task system that work's like Rake's --provided by Facets' taskable.rb library. And you can use Reap much like you'd use Rake. Indeed, one can resuse Reap's built-in tasks without even setting up a ProjectInfo file. In a Reapfile: task_footask 'footask' do |data| data.does = 'does' end Yep. You can do that. Of course why you would want to forgo the beauty of the ProjectInfo file and this gorgeous solution? footask: !!footask does: 'does' That's something for your own conscious to wrestle ;) Enjoy, T.