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# => true ``` ### Following actions Avaiable methods: - decline_follow_request_of - remove_follow_request_for - send_follow_request_to - following? - mutual_following_with? - sent_follow_request_to? ### Usage ```ruby @foo = User.first @bar = User.last @foo.send_follow_request_to(@bar) # => true @foo.sent_follow_request_to?(@bar) # => true @bar.decline_follow_request_of(@foo) # => true @bar.accept_follow_request_of(@foo) # => false @bar.errors.full_messages # => [...] @foo.remove_follow_request_for(@bar) # => false @foo.errors.full_messages # => [...] @foo.mutual_following_with?(@bar) # => false @foo.errors.full_messages # => [...] @bar.following?(@foo) # => false @foo.errors.full_messages # => [...] ``` ### Blocking actions Avaiable methods: - block_to - unblock_to - blocked? - blocked_by? ### Usage ```ruby @foo.block_to(@bar) # => true @foo.blocked?(@bar) # => true @bar.blocked_by?(@foo) # => true @foo.unblock_to(@bar) # => true ``` ### Common Avaiable methods: - myself? ### Usage ```ruby class User < ActiveRecord::Base followability def follow_request_removed_by_someone(record) unless myself?(record) # Do something end end end ``` ### Relations Avaiable methods: - follow_requests - pending_requests - followerable_relationships - followable_relationships - followers - following - blocks ### Usage ```ruby @foo.follow_requests # => [#] @foo.pending_requests # => [#] @foo.followerable_relationships # => [#] @foo.followable_relationships # => [#] @foo.followers # => [#] @foo.following # => [#] @foo.blocks # => [#] ``` ### Callback Methods Available methods: - follow_request_sent_to_me - follow_request_sent_to_someone - follow_request_accepted_by_me - follow_request_accepted_by_someone - follow_request_declined_by_me - follow_request_declined_by_someone - follow_request_removed_by_me - follow_request_removed_by_someone - followable_blocked_by_me - followable_blocked_by_someone - followable_unblocked_by_me - followable_unblocked_by_someone - followability_triggered ### Usage ```ruby class User < ActiveRecord::Base followability def follow_request_sent_to_me(record) Notifications::FollowRequestSentToMeJob.perform_later(from_id: record.id) end def follow_request_sent_to_someone(record); end def follow_request_accepted_by_me(record); end def follow_request_accepted_by_someone(record); end def follow_request_declined_by_me(record); end def follow_request_declined_by_someone(record); end def follow_request_removed_by_me(record); end def follow_request_removed_by_someone(record); end def followable_blocked_by_me(record); end def followable_blocked_by_someone(record); end def followable_unblocked_by_me(record); end def followable_unblocked_by_someone(record); end def followability_triggered(record, callback_name); end end ``` ## I18n ```yml --- --- en: followability: errors: block: unblock_to: myself: 'You can not run this action for yourself' block_to: myself: 'You can not run this action for yourself' blocked_by: 'You can not block to who blocked to you' already_blocked: '%{klass} already blocked' not_blocked_for_blocking: 'You can not unblock to %{klass} because was not blocked' follow: decline_follow_request_of: myself: 'You can not run this action for yourself' empty_relation: 'You can not decline follow request of %{klass} because was not sent' accept_follow_request_of: myself: 'You can not run this action for yourself' empty_relation: 'You can not accept follow request of %{klass} because was not sent' remove_follow_request_for: empty_relation: 'You can not remove follow request of %{klass} because was not sent' myself: 'You can not run this action for yourself' send_follow_request_to: myself: 'You can not run this action for yourself' blocked_by: 'You can not send follow request to who blocked to you' following: 'You are already following to %{klass}' already_sent: 'You are already sent follow request' blocked: 'You can not send follow request to blocked %{klass}' ``` ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake test` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/nejdetkadir/followability. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [code of conduct](https://github.com/nejdetkadir/followability/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](LICENSE). ## Code of Conduct Everyone interacting in the Followability project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the [code of conduct](https://github.com/nejdetkadir/followability/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).