Feature: Survey export As an api consumer I want to represent a survey in JSON So that I can use it offline Scenario: Exporting basic questions Given I parse """ survey "Simple json" do section "Basic questions" do label "These questions are examples of the basic supported input types" question_1 "What is your favorite color?", :pick => :one answer "red" answer "blue" answer "green" answer :other q_2b "Choose the colors you don't like", :pick => :any a "orange" a "purple" a "brown" a :omit end end """ And I visit "/surveys/simple-json.json" Then the JSON should be: """ { "title": "Simple json", "uuid": "*", "sections": [{ "title": "Basic questions", "display_order":0, "questions_and_groups": [ { "uuid": "*", "type": "label", "text": "These questions are examples of the basic supported input types" }, { "uuid": "*", "reference_identifier": "1", "pick": "one", "text": "What is your favorite color?", "answers": [{"text": "red", "uuid": "*"}, {"text": "blue", "uuid": "*"}, {"text": "green", "uuid": "*"}, {"text": "Other", "uuid": "*"}]}, { "uuid": "*", "reference_identifier": "2b", "pick": "any", "text": "Choose the colors you don't like", "answers": [{"text": "orange", "uuid": "*"},{"text": "purple", "uuid": "*"},{"text": "brown", "uuid": "*"},{"text": "Omit", "exclusive":true, "uuid": "*"}]}] }] } """ Scenario: Exporting export and reference identifiers Given I parse """ survey "Exportable" do section "First section" do question_1 "What is your favorite color?", :pick => :one, :data_export_identifier => "favorite_color" a_red "red" a_blue "blue" q_2b "Choose the colors you don't like", :pick => :any a_1 "orange", :data_export_identifier => "dont_like_orange" a_2 "purple" end end """ And I visit "/surveys/exportable.json" Then the JSON should be: """ { "title": "Exportable", "uuid": "*", "sections": [{ "title": "First section", "display_order":0, "questions_and_groups": [ { "uuid": "*", "reference_identifier": "1", "pick": "one", "text": "What is your favorite color?", "data_export_identifier": "favorite_color", "answers": [{"text": "red", "uuid": "*", "reference_identifier": "red"}, {"text": "blue", "uuid": "*", "reference_identifier": "blue"}]}, { "uuid": "*", "reference_identifier": "2b", "pick": "any", "text": "Choose the colors you don't like", "answers": [{"text": "orange", "uuid": "*", "reference_identifier": "1", "data_export_identifier": "dont_like_orange"},{"text": "purple", "uuid": "*", "reference_identifier": "2"}]}] }] } """ Scenario: Exporting versioned survey questions Given I parse """ survey "Simple json" do section "Basic questions" do label "These questions are examples of the basic supported input types" question_1 "What is your favorite color?", :pick => :one answer "red" answer "blue" answer "green" answer :other q_2b "Choose the colors you don't like", :pick => :any a "orange" a "purple" a "brown" a :omit end end """ And I parse """ survey "Simple json" do section "Not so basic questions" do label "These questions are examples of the basic supported input types" question_1 "What is your favorite color?", :pick => :one answer "reddish" answer "blueish" answer "greenish" answer :other q_2b "Choose the colors you don't like", :pick => :any a "orange" a "purple" a "brown" a :omit end end """ And I visit "/surveys/simple-json.json" Then the JSON should be: """ { "title": "Simple json", "uuid": "*", "sections": [{ "title": "Not so basic questions", "display_order":0, "questions_and_groups": [ { "uuid": "*", "type": "label", "text": "These questions are examples of the basic supported input types" }, { "uuid": "*", "reference_identifier": "1", "pick": "one", "text": "What is your favorite color?", "answers": [{"text": "reddish", "uuid": "*"}, {"text": "blueish", "uuid": "*"}, {"text": "greenish", "uuid": "*"}, {"text": "Other", "uuid": "*"}]}, { "uuid": "*", "reference_identifier": "2b", "pick": "any", "text": "Choose the colors you don't like", "answers": [{"text": "orange", "uuid": "*"},{"text": "purple", "uuid": "*"},{"text": "brown", "uuid": "*"},{"text": "Omit", "exclusive":true, "uuid": "*"}]}] }] } """ And I visit "/surveys/simple-json.json?survey_version=0" Then the JSON should be: """ { "title": "Simple json", "uuid": "*", "sections": [{ "title": "Basic questions", "display_order":0, "questions_and_groups": [ { "uuid": "*", "type": "label", "text": "These questions are examples of the basic supported input types" }, { "uuid": "*", "reference_identifier": "1", "pick": "one", "text": "What is your favorite color?", "answers": [{"text": "red", "uuid": "*"}, {"text": "blue", "uuid": "*"}, {"text": "green", "uuid": "*"}, {"text": "Other", "uuid": "*"}]}, { "uuid": "*", "reference_identifier": "2b", "pick": "any", "text": "Choose the colors you don't like", "answers": [{"text": "orange", "uuid": "*"},{"text": "purple", "uuid": "*"},{"text": "brown", "uuid": "*"},{"text": "Omit", "exclusive":true, "uuid": "*"}]}] }] } """ Scenario: Exporting response sets Given I parse """ survey "Simple json response sets" do section "Section 1" do question_1 "What is your favorite color?", :pick => :one answer "red" answer "blue" answer "green" answer :other q_2b "What color don't you like?" a_1 "color", :string end section "Section 2" do label "no" end end """ When I start the "Simple json response sets" survey And I choose "red" And I press "Section 2" And I press "Section 1" And I fill in "color" with "orange" And I press "Section 2" And I press "Click here to finish" Then there should be 1 response set with 2 responses with: | answer | | red | And I export the response set Then the JSON at "responses" should have 2 entries Then the JSON should not have "responses/0/value" And the JSON response at "responses/0/answer_id" should correspond to an answer with text "red" And the JSON response at "responses/1/value" should be "orange" And the JSON response at "responses/1/answer_id" should correspond to an answer with text "color" # Issue #294 - ResponseSet#to_json generates unexpected results with zero Responses Scenario: Exporting response sets without responses Given I parse """ survey "Simple json response sets" do section "Colors" do question_1 "What is your favorite color?", :pick => :one answer "red" answer "blue" answer "green" answer :other q_2b "What color don't you like?" a_1 "color", :string end section "Other" do label "no" end end """ When I start the "Simple json response sets" survey And I export the response set Then the JSON at "responses" should be an array Then the JSON at "responses" should have 0 entries Scenario: Exporting response sets for versioned surveys Given I parse """ survey "Simple json response sets" do section "Colors" do question "What is your least favorite color?" a "least favorite color", :string end end """ And I start the "Simple json response sets" survey And I fill in "color" with "orange" And I press "Click here to finish" And I export the response set Then the JSON at "responses" should have 1 entry And the JSON response at "responses/0/value" should be "orange" And the JSON response at "responses/0/answer_id" should correspond to an answer with text "least favorite color" And I parse """ survey "Simple json response sets" do section "Colors" do question_1 "What is your most favorite color?" a "most favorite color", :string end end """ And I start the "Simple json response sets" survey And I fill in "color" with "blueish" And I press "Click here to finish" And I export the response set Then the JSON at "responses" should have 1 entry And the JSON response at "responses/0/value" should be "blueish" And the JSON response at "responses/0/answer_id" should correspond to an answer with text "most favorite color"