--- - file: a.rb diagnostics: - range: start: line: 3 character: 4 end: line: 3 character: 7 severity: ERROR message: |- Cannot allow method body have type `::Integer` because declared as type `::String` ::Integer <: ::String ::Numeric <: ::String ::Object <: ::String ::BasicObject <: ::String code: Ruby::MethodBodyTypeMismatch - range: start: line: 6 character: 2 end: line: 6 character: 7 severity: ERROR message: |- Cannot assign a value of type `::Integer` to a variable of type `::String` ::Integer <: ::String ::Numeric <: ::String ::Object <: ::String ::BasicObject <: ::String code: Ruby::IncompatibleAssignment - range: start: line: 8 character: 2 end: line: 8 character: 7 severity: ERROR message: |- Cannot assign a value of type `::Integer` to a variable of type `::String` ::Integer <: ::String ::Numeric <: ::String ::Object <: ::String ::BasicObject <: ::String code: Ruby::IncompatibleAssignment - range: start: line: 15 character: 11 end: line: 15 character: 12 severity: ERROR message: The method parameter is incompatible with the declaration `(::Integer) -> ::String` code: Ruby::MethodParameterMismatch - range: start: line: 18 character: 2 end: line: 18 character: 7 severity: ERROR message: |- Cannot assign a value of type `::Integer` to a variable of type `::String` ::Integer <: ::String ::Numeric <: ::String ::Object <: ::String ::BasicObject <: ::String code: Ruby::IncompatibleAssignment - file: b.rb diagnostics: - range: start: line: 1 character: 6 end: line: 1 character: 7 severity: ERROR message: 'Cannot find the declaration of class: `A`' code: Ruby::UnknownConstant - range: start: line: 4 character: 6 end: line: 4 character: 9 severity: ERROR message: |- Cannot allow method body have type `::Symbol` because declared as type `(::Integer | ::String)` ::Symbol <: (::Integer | ::String) ::Symbol <: ::Integer ::Object <: ::Integer ::BasicObject <: ::Integer code: Ruby::MethodBodyTypeMismatch - range: start: line: 9 character: 6 end: line: 9 character: 7 severity: ERROR message: 'Cannot find the declaration of class: `B`' code: Ruby::UnknownConstant - range: start: line: 18 character: 6 end: line: 18 character: 7 severity: ERROR message: 'Cannot find the declaration of class: `C`' code: Ruby::UnknownConstant