class Section < Content @@types = ['Section'] cattr_reader :types acts_as_role_context :actions => ["create article", "update article", "delete article"], :parent => Site serialize :permissions has_option :articles_per_page, :default => 15 has_permalink :title, :scope => :site_id acts_as_nested_set has_many_comments instantiates_with_sti belongs_to :site has_many :articles, :foreign_key => 'section_id', :dependent => :destroy do def primary find_published :first, :order => :position end def permalinks find_published(:all).map(&:permalink) end end has_many :categories, :dependent => :destroy, :order => 'lft' do def roots find :all, :conditions => {:parent_id => nil}, :order => 'lft' end end before_validation :set_path, :set_comment_age validates_presence_of :title # :site wtf ... this breaks install_controller#index validates_uniqueness_of :permalink, :scope => :site_id validates_numericality_of :articles_per_page, :only_integer => true, :message => :only_integer # TODO validates_inclusion_of :articles_per_page, :in => 1..30, :message => "can only be between 1 and 30." delegate :spam_engine, :to => :site class << self def register_type(type) @@types << type @@types.uniq! end def content_type 'Article' end end def owner site end def type read_attribute(:type) || 'Section' end def tag_counts Content.tag_counts :conditions => "section_id = #{id}" end def render_options(options = {:template => nil, :layout => nil}) options.merge options.keys.inject({}) { |options, type| value = send(type) options[type] = value.sub /^templates\//, '' unless value.blank? options } end def root_section? self == site.sections.root end def accept_comments? comment_age.to_i > -1 end protected def set_comment_age self.comment_age ||= -1 end def set_path self.path = build_path end def build_path'/') end end