/* * * Copyright 2015 gRPC authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ #include #include "src/core/tsi/grpc_shadow_boringssl.h" #include "src/core/lib/security/credentials/jwt/jwt_verifier.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include extern "C" { #include #include #include } #include "src/core/lib/gpr/string.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/manual_constructor.h" #include "src/core/lib/http/httpcli.h" #include "src/core/lib/iomgr/polling_entity.h" #include "src/core/lib/slice/b64.h" #include "src/core/lib/slice/slice_internal.h" #include "src/core/tsi/ssl_types.h" using grpc_core::Json; /* --- Utils. --- */ const char* grpc_jwt_verifier_status_to_string( grpc_jwt_verifier_status status) { switch (status) { case GRPC_JWT_VERIFIER_OK: return "OK"; case GRPC_JWT_VERIFIER_BAD_SIGNATURE: return "BAD_SIGNATURE"; case GRPC_JWT_VERIFIER_BAD_FORMAT: return "BAD_FORMAT"; case GRPC_JWT_VERIFIER_BAD_AUDIENCE: return "BAD_AUDIENCE"; case GRPC_JWT_VERIFIER_KEY_RETRIEVAL_ERROR: return "KEY_RETRIEVAL_ERROR"; case GRPC_JWT_VERIFIER_TIME_CONSTRAINT_FAILURE: return "TIME_CONSTRAINT_FAILURE"; case GRPC_JWT_VERIFIER_GENERIC_ERROR: return "GENERIC_ERROR"; default: return "UNKNOWN"; } } static const EVP_MD* evp_md_from_alg(const char* alg) { if (strcmp(alg, "RS256") == 0) { return EVP_sha256(); } else if (strcmp(alg, "RS384") == 0) { return EVP_sha384(); } else if (strcmp(alg, "RS512") == 0) { return EVP_sha512(); } else { return nullptr; } } static Json parse_json_part_from_jwt(const char* str, size_t len) { grpc_slice slice = grpc_base64_decode_with_len(str, len, 1); if (GRPC_SLICE_IS_EMPTY(slice)) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Invalid base64."); return Json(); // JSON null } grpc_core::StringView string( reinterpret_cast(GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR(slice)), GRPC_SLICE_LENGTH(slice)); grpc_error* error = GRPC_ERROR_NONE; Json json = Json::Parse(string, &error); if (error != GRPC_ERROR_NONE) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "JSON parse error: %s", grpc_error_string(error)); GRPC_ERROR_UNREF(error); json = Json(); // JSON null } grpc_slice_unref_internal(slice); return json; } static const char* validate_string_field(const Json& json, const char* key) { if (json.type() != Json::Type::STRING) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Invalid %s field", key); return nullptr; } return json.string_value().c_str(); } static gpr_timespec validate_time_field(const Json& json, const char* key) { gpr_timespec result = gpr_time_0(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME); if (json.type() != Json::Type::NUMBER) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Invalid %s field", key); return result; } result.tv_sec = strtol(json.string_value().c_str(), nullptr, 10); return result; } /* --- JOSE header. see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7515#section-4 --- */ typedef struct { const char* alg; const char* kid; const char* typ; /* TODO(jboeuf): Add others as needed (jku, jwk, x5u, x5c and so on...). */ grpc_core::ManualConstructor json; } jose_header; static void jose_header_destroy(jose_header* h) { h->json.Destroy(); gpr_free(h); } static jose_header* jose_header_from_json(Json json) { const char* alg_value; Json::Object::const_iterator it; jose_header* h = static_cast(gpr_zalloc(sizeof(jose_header))); if (json.type() != Json::Type::OBJECT) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "JSON value is not an object"); goto error; } // Check alg field. it = json.object_value().find("alg"); if (it == json.object_value().end()) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Missing alg field."); goto error; } /* We only support RSA-1.5 signatures for now. Beware of this if we add HMAC support: https://auth0.com/blog/2015/03/31/critical-vulnerabilities-in-json-web-token-libraries/ */ alg_value = it->second.string_value().c_str(); if (it->second.type() != Json::Type::STRING || strncmp(alg_value, "RS", 2) || evp_md_from_alg(alg_value) == nullptr) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Invalid alg field"); goto error; } h->alg = alg_value; // Check typ field. it = json.object_value().find("typ"); if (it != json.object_value().end()) { h->typ = validate_string_field(it->second, "typ"); if (h->typ == nullptr) goto error; } // Check kid field. it = json.object_value().find("kid"); if (it != json.object_value().end()) { h->kid = validate_string_field(it->second, "kid"); if (h->kid == nullptr) goto error; } h->json.Init(std::move(json)); return h; error: jose_header_destroy(h); return nullptr; } /* --- JWT claims. see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7519#section-4.1 */ struct grpc_jwt_claims { /* Well known properties already parsed. */ const char* sub; const char* iss; const char* aud; const char* jti; gpr_timespec iat; gpr_timespec exp; gpr_timespec nbf; grpc_core::ManualConstructor json; }; void grpc_jwt_claims_destroy(grpc_jwt_claims* claims) { claims->json.Destroy(); gpr_free(claims); } const Json* grpc_jwt_claims_json(const grpc_jwt_claims* claims) { if (claims == nullptr) return nullptr; return claims->json.get(); } const char* grpc_jwt_claims_subject(const grpc_jwt_claims* claims) { if (claims == nullptr) return nullptr; return claims->sub; } const char* grpc_jwt_claims_issuer(const grpc_jwt_claims* claims) { if (claims == nullptr) return nullptr; return claims->iss; } const char* grpc_jwt_claims_id(const grpc_jwt_claims* claims) { if (claims == nullptr) return nullptr; return claims->jti; } const char* grpc_jwt_claims_audience(const grpc_jwt_claims* claims) { if (claims == nullptr) return nullptr; return claims->aud; } gpr_timespec grpc_jwt_claims_issued_at(const grpc_jwt_claims* claims) { if (claims == nullptr) return gpr_inf_past(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME); return claims->iat; } gpr_timespec grpc_jwt_claims_expires_at(const grpc_jwt_claims* claims) { if (claims == nullptr) return gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME); return claims->exp; } gpr_timespec grpc_jwt_claims_not_before(const grpc_jwt_claims* claims) { if (claims == nullptr) return gpr_inf_past(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME); return claims->nbf; } grpc_jwt_claims* grpc_jwt_claims_from_json(Json json) { grpc_jwt_claims* claims = static_cast(gpr_zalloc(sizeof(grpc_jwt_claims))); claims->json.Init(std::move(json)); claims->iat = gpr_inf_past(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME); claims->nbf = gpr_inf_past(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME); claims->exp = gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME); /* Per the spec, all fields are optional. */ for (const auto& p : claims->json->object_value()) { if (p.first == "sub") { claims->sub = validate_string_field(p.second, "sub"); if (claims->sub == nullptr) goto error; } else if (p.first == "iss") { claims->iss = validate_string_field(p.second, "iss"); if (claims->iss == nullptr) goto error; } else if (p.first == "aud") { claims->aud = validate_string_field(p.second, "aud"); if (claims->aud == nullptr) goto error; } else if (p.first == "jti") { claims->jti = validate_string_field(p.second, "jti"); if (claims->jti == nullptr) goto error; } else if (p.first == "iat") { claims->iat = validate_time_field(p.second, "iat"); if (gpr_time_cmp(claims->iat, gpr_time_0(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME)) == 0) { goto error; } } else if (p.first == "exp") { claims->exp = validate_time_field(p.second, "exp"); if (gpr_time_cmp(claims->exp, gpr_time_0(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME)) == 0) { goto error; } } else if (p.first == "nbf") { claims->nbf = validate_time_field(p.second, "nbf"); if (gpr_time_cmp(claims->nbf, gpr_time_0(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME)) == 0) { goto error; } } } return claims; error: grpc_jwt_claims_destroy(claims); return nullptr; } grpc_jwt_verifier_status grpc_jwt_claims_check(const grpc_jwt_claims* claims, const char* audience) { gpr_timespec skewed_now; int audience_ok; GPR_ASSERT(claims != nullptr); skewed_now = gpr_time_add(gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME), grpc_jwt_verifier_clock_skew); if (gpr_time_cmp(skewed_now, claims->nbf) < 0) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "JWT is not valid yet."); return GRPC_JWT_VERIFIER_TIME_CONSTRAINT_FAILURE; } skewed_now = gpr_time_sub(gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME), grpc_jwt_verifier_clock_skew); if (gpr_time_cmp(skewed_now, claims->exp) > 0) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "JWT is expired."); return GRPC_JWT_VERIFIER_TIME_CONSTRAINT_FAILURE; } /* This should be probably up to the upper layer to decide but let's harcode the 99% use case here for email issuers, where the JWT must be self issued. */ if (grpc_jwt_issuer_email_domain(claims->iss) != nullptr && claims->sub != nullptr && strcmp(claims->iss, claims->sub) != 0) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Email issuer (%s) cannot assert another subject (%s) than itself.", claims->iss, claims->sub); return GRPC_JWT_VERIFIER_BAD_SUBJECT; } if (audience == nullptr) { audience_ok = claims->aud == nullptr; } else { audience_ok = claims->aud != nullptr && strcmp(audience, claims->aud) == 0; } if (!audience_ok) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Audience mismatch: expected %s and found %s.", audience == nullptr ? "NULL" : audience, claims->aud == nullptr ? "NULL" : claims->aud); return GRPC_JWT_VERIFIER_BAD_AUDIENCE; } return GRPC_JWT_VERIFIER_OK; } /* --- verifier_cb_ctx object. --- */ typedef enum { HTTP_RESPONSE_OPENID = 0, HTTP_RESPONSE_KEYS, HTTP_RESPONSE_COUNT /* must be last */ } http_response_index; typedef struct { grpc_jwt_verifier* verifier; grpc_polling_entity pollent; jose_header* header; grpc_jwt_claims* claims; char* audience; grpc_slice signature; grpc_slice signed_data; void* user_data; grpc_jwt_verification_done_cb user_cb; grpc_http_response responses[HTTP_RESPONSE_COUNT]; } verifier_cb_ctx; /* Takes ownership of the header, claims and signature. */ static verifier_cb_ctx* verifier_cb_ctx_create( grpc_jwt_verifier* verifier, grpc_pollset* pollset, jose_header* header, grpc_jwt_claims* claims, const char* audience, const grpc_slice& signature, const char* signed_jwt, size_t signed_jwt_len, void* user_data, grpc_jwt_verification_done_cb cb) { grpc_core::ApplicationCallbackExecCtx callback_exec_ctx; grpc_core::ExecCtx exec_ctx; verifier_cb_ctx* ctx = static_cast(gpr_zalloc(sizeof(verifier_cb_ctx))); ctx->verifier = verifier; ctx->pollent = grpc_polling_entity_create_from_pollset(pollset); ctx->header = header; ctx->audience = gpr_strdup(audience); ctx->claims = claims; ctx->signature = signature; ctx->signed_data = grpc_slice_from_copied_buffer(signed_jwt, signed_jwt_len); ctx->user_data = user_data; ctx->user_cb = cb; return ctx; } void verifier_cb_ctx_destroy(verifier_cb_ctx* ctx) { if (ctx->audience != nullptr) gpr_free(ctx->audience); if (ctx->claims != nullptr) grpc_jwt_claims_destroy(ctx->claims); grpc_slice_unref_internal(ctx->signature); grpc_slice_unref_internal(ctx->signed_data); jose_header_destroy(ctx->header); for (size_t i = 0; i < HTTP_RESPONSE_COUNT; i++) { grpc_http_response_destroy(&ctx->responses[i]); } /* TODO: see what to do with claims... */ gpr_free(ctx); } /* --- grpc_jwt_verifier object. --- */ /* Clock skew defaults to one minute. */ gpr_timespec grpc_jwt_verifier_clock_skew = {60, 0, GPR_TIMESPAN}; /* Max delay defaults to one minute. */ grpc_millis grpc_jwt_verifier_max_delay = 60 * GPR_MS_PER_SEC; typedef struct { char* email_domain; char* key_url_prefix; } email_key_mapping; struct grpc_jwt_verifier { email_key_mapping* mappings; size_t num_mappings; /* Should be very few, linear search ok. */ size_t allocated_mappings; grpc_httpcli_context http_ctx; }; static Json json_from_http(const grpc_httpcli_response* response) { if (response == nullptr) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "HTTP response is NULL."); return Json(); // JSON null } if (response->status != 200) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Call to http server failed with error %d.", response->status); return Json(); // JSON null } grpc_error* error = GRPC_ERROR_NONE; Json json = Json::Parse( grpc_core::StringView(response->body, response->body_length), &error); if (error != GRPC_ERROR_NONE) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Invalid JSON found in response."); return Json(); // JSON null } return json; } static const Json* find_property_by_name(const Json& json, const char* name) { auto it = json.object_value().find(name); if (it == json.object_value().end()) { return nullptr; } return &it->second; } static EVP_PKEY* extract_pkey_from_x509(const char* x509_str) { X509* x509 = nullptr; EVP_PKEY* result = nullptr; BIO* bio = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()); size_t len = strlen(x509_str); GPR_ASSERT(len < INT_MAX); BIO_write(bio, x509_str, static_cast(len)); x509 = PEM_read_bio_X509(bio, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); if (x509 == nullptr) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Unable to parse x509 cert."); goto end; } result = X509_get_pubkey(x509); if (result == nullptr) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Cannot find public key in X509 cert."); } end: BIO_free(bio); X509_free(x509); return result; } static BIGNUM* bignum_from_base64(const char* b64) { BIGNUM* result = nullptr; grpc_slice bin; if (b64 == nullptr) return nullptr; bin = grpc_base64_decode(b64, 1); if (GRPC_SLICE_IS_EMPTY(bin)) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Invalid base64 for big num."); return nullptr; } result = BN_bin2bn(GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR(bin), TSI_SIZE_AS_SIZE(GRPC_SLICE_LENGTH(bin)), nullptr); grpc_slice_unref_internal(bin); return result; } #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L // Provide compatibility across OpenSSL 1.02 and 1.1. static int RSA_set0_key(RSA* r, BIGNUM* n, BIGNUM* e, BIGNUM* d) { /* If the fields n and e in r are NULL, the corresponding input * parameters MUST be non-NULL for n and e. d may be * left NULL (in case only the public key is used). */ if ((r->n == nullptr && n == nullptr) || (r->e == nullptr && e == nullptr)) { return 0; } if (n != nullptr) { BN_free(r->n); r->n = n; } if (e != nullptr) { BN_free(r->e); r->e = e; } if (d != nullptr) { BN_free(r->d); r->d = d; } return 1; } #endif // OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L static EVP_PKEY* pkey_from_jwk(const Json& json, const char* kty) { RSA* rsa = nullptr; EVP_PKEY* result = nullptr; BIGNUM* tmp_n = nullptr; BIGNUM* tmp_e = nullptr; Json::Object::const_iterator it; GPR_ASSERT(json.type() == Json::Type::OBJECT); GPR_ASSERT(kty != nullptr); if (strcmp(kty, "RSA") != 0) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Unsupported key type %s.", kty); goto end; } rsa = RSA_new(); if (rsa == nullptr) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Could not create rsa key."); goto end; } it = json.object_value().find("n"); if (it == json.object_value().end()) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Missing RSA public key field."); goto end; } tmp_n = bignum_from_base64(validate_string_field(it->second, "n")); if (tmp_n == nullptr) goto end; it = json.object_value().find("e"); if (it == json.object_value().end()) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Missing RSA public key field."); goto end; } tmp_e = bignum_from_base64(validate_string_field(it->second, "e")); if (tmp_e == nullptr) goto end; if (!RSA_set0_key(rsa, tmp_n, tmp_e, nullptr)) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Cannot set RSA key from inputs."); goto end; } /* RSA_set0_key takes ownership on success. */ tmp_n = nullptr; tmp_e = nullptr; result = EVP_PKEY_new(); EVP_PKEY_set1_RSA(result, rsa); /* uprefs rsa. */ end: RSA_free(rsa); BN_free(tmp_n); BN_free(tmp_e); return result; } static EVP_PKEY* find_verification_key(const Json& json, const char* header_alg, const char* header_kid) { /* Try to parse the json as a JWK set: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7517#section-5. */ const Json* jwt_keys = find_property_by_name(json, "keys"); if (jwt_keys == nullptr) { /* Use the google proprietary format which is: { : , : , ... } */ const Json* cur = find_property_by_name(json, header_kid); if (cur == nullptr) return nullptr; return extract_pkey_from_x509(cur->string_value().c_str()); } if (jwt_keys->type() != Json::Type::ARRAY) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Unexpected value type of keys property in jwks key set."); return nullptr; } /* Key format is specified in: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7518#section-6. */ for (const Json& jkey : jwt_keys->array_value()) { if (jkey.type() != Json::Type::OBJECT) continue; const char* alg = nullptr; auto it = jkey.object_value().find("alg"); if (it != jkey.object_value().end()) { alg = validate_string_field(it->second, "alg"); } const char* kid = nullptr; it = jkey.object_value().find("kid"); if (it != jkey.object_value().end()) { kid = validate_string_field(it->second, "kid"); } const char* kty = nullptr; it = jkey.object_value().find("kty"); if (it != jkey.object_value().end()) { kty = validate_string_field(it->second, "kty"); } if (alg != nullptr && kid != nullptr && kty != nullptr && strcmp(kid, header_kid) == 0 && strcmp(alg, header_alg) == 0) { return pkey_from_jwk(jkey, kty); } } gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Could not find matching key in key set for kid=%s and alg=%s", header_kid, header_alg); return nullptr; } static int verify_jwt_signature(EVP_PKEY* key, const char* alg, const grpc_slice& signature, const grpc_slice& signed_data) { EVP_MD_CTX* md_ctx = EVP_MD_CTX_create(); const EVP_MD* md = evp_md_from_alg(alg); int result = 0; GPR_ASSERT(md != nullptr); /* Checked before. */ if (md_ctx == nullptr) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Could not create EVP_MD_CTX."); goto end; } if (EVP_DigestVerifyInit(md_ctx, nullptr, md, nullptr, key) != 1) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "EVP_DigestVerifyInit failed."); goto end; } if (EVP_DigestVerifyUpdate(md_ctx, GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR(signed_data), GRPC_SLICE_LENGTH(signed_data)) != 1) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "EVP_DigestVerifyUpdate failed."); goto end; } if (EVP_DigestVerifyFinal(md_ctx, GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR(signature), GRPC_SLICE_LENGTH(signature)) != 1) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "JWT signature verification failed."); goto end; } result = 1; end: EVP_MD_CTX_destroy(md_ctx); return result; } static void on_keys_retrieved(void* user_data, grpc_error* /*error*/) { verifier_cb_ctx* ctx = static_cast(user_data); Json json = json_from_http(&ctx->responses[HTTP_RESPONSE_KEYS]); EVP_PKEY* verification_key = nullptr; grpc_jwt_verifier_status status = GRPC_JWT_VERIFIER_GENERIC_ERROR; grpc_jwt_claims* claims = nullptr; if (json.type() == Json::Type::JSON_NULL) { status = GRPC_JWT_VERIFIER_KEY_RETRIEVAL_ERROR; goto end; } verification_key = find_verification_key(json, ctx->header->alg, ctx->header->kid); if (verification_key == nullptr) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Could not find verification key with kid %s.", ctx->header->kid); status = GRPC_JWT_VERIFIER_KEY_RETRIEVAL_ERROR; goto end; } if (!verify_jwt_signature(verification_key, ctx->header->alg, ctx->signature, ctx->signed_data)) { status = GRPC_JWT_VERIFIER_BAD_SIGNATURE; goto end; } status = grpc_jwt_claims_check(ctx->claims, ctx->audience); if (status == GRPC_JWT_VERIFIER_OK) { /* Pass ownership. */ claims = ctx->claims; ctx->claims = nullptr; } end: EVP_PKEY_free(verification_key); ctx->user_cb(ctx->user_data, status, claims); verifier_cb_ctx_destroy(ctx); } static void on_openid_config_retrieved(void* user_data, grpc_error* /*error*/) { verifier_cb_ctx* ctx = static_cast(user_data); const grpc_http_response* response = &ctx->responses[HTTP_RESPONSE_OPENID]; Json json = json_from_http(response); grpc_httpcli_request req; const char* jwks_uri; grpc_resource_quota* resource_quota = nullptr; const Json* cur; /* TODO(jboeuf): Cache the jwks_uri in order to avoid this hop next time. */ if (json.type() == Json::Type::JSON_NULL) goto error; cur = find_property_by_name(json, "jwks_uri"); if (cur == nullptr) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Could not find jwks_uri in openid config."); goto error; } jwks_uri = validate_string_field(*cur, "jwks_uri"); if (jwks_uri == nullptr) goto error; if (strstr(jwks_uri, "https://") != jwks_uri) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Invalid non https jwks_uri: %s.", jwks_uri); goto error; } jwks_uri += 8; req.handshaker = &grpc_httpcli_ssl; req.host = gpr_strdup(jwks_uri); req.http.path = const_cast(strchr(jwks_uri, '/')); if (req.http.path == nullptr) { req.http.path = (char*)""; } else { *(req.host + (req.http.path - jwks_uri)) = '\0'; } /* TODO(ctiller): Carry the resource_quota in ctx and share it with the host channel. This would allow us to cancel an authentication query when under extreme memory pressure. */ resource_quota = grpc_resource_quota_create("jwt_verifier"); grpc_httpcli_get( &ctx->verifier->http_ctx, &ctx->pollent, resource_quota, &req, grpc_core::ExecCtx::Get()->Now() + grpc_jwt_verifier_max_delay, GRPC_CLOSURE_CREATE(on_keys_retrieved, ctx, grpc_schedule_on_exec_ctx), &ctx->responses[HTTP_RESPONSE_KEYS]); grpc_resource_quota_unref_internal(resource_quota); gpr_free(req.host); return; error: ctx->user_cb(ctx->user_data, GRPC_JWT_VERIFIER_KEY_RETRIEVAL_ERROR, nullptr); verifier_cb_ctx_destroy(ctx); } static email_key_mapping* verifier_get_mapping(grpc_jwt_verifier* v, const char* email_domain) { size_t i; if (v->mappings == nullptr) return nullptr; for (i = 0; i < v->num_mappings; i++) { if (strcmp(email_domain, v->mappings[i].email_domain) == 0) { return &v->mappings[i]; } } return nullptr; } static void verifier_put_mapping(grpc_jwt_verifier* v, const char* email_domain, const char* key_url_prefix) { email_key_mapping* mapping = verifier_get_mapping(v, email_domain); GPR_ASSERT(v->num_mappings < v->allocated_mappings); if (mapping != nullptr) { gpr_free(mapping->key_url_prefix); mapping->key_url_prefix = gpr_strdup(key_url_prefix); return; } v->mappings[v->num_mappings].email_domain = gpr_strdup(email_domain); v->mappings[v->num_mappings].key_url_prefix = gpr_strdup(key_url_prefix); v->num_mappings++; GPR_ASSERT(v->num_mappings <= v->allocated_mappings); } /* Very non-sophisticated way to detect an email address. Should be good enough for now... */ const char* grpc_jwt_issuer_email_domain(const char* issuer) { const char* at_sign = strchr(issuer, '@'); if (at_sign == nullptr) return nullptr; const char* email_domain = at_sign + 1; if (*email_domain == '\0') return nullptr; const char* dot = strrchr(email_domain, '.'); if (dot == nullptr || dot == email_domain) return email_domain; GPR_ASSERT(dot > email_domain); /* There may be a subdomain, we just want the domain. */ dot = static_cast(gpr_memrchr( (void*)email_domain, '.', static_cast(dot - email_domain))); if (dot == nullptr) return email_domain; return dot + 1; } /* Takes ownership of ctx. */ static void retrieve_key_and_verify(verifier_cb_ctx* ctx) { const char* email_domain; grpc_closure* http_cb; char* path_prefix = nullptr; const char* iss; grpc_httpcli_request req; grpc_resource_quota* resource_quota = nullptr; memset(&req, 0, sizeof(grpc_httpcli_request)); req.handshaker = &grpc_httpcli_ssl; http_response_index rsp_idx; GPR_ASSERT(ctx != nullptr && ctx->header != nullptr && ctx->claims != nullptr); iss = ctx->claims->iss; if (ctx->header->kid == nullptr) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Missing kid in jose header."); goto error; } if (iss == nullptr) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Missing iss in claims."); goto error; } /* This code relies on: https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-discovery-1_0.html Nobody seems to implement the account/email/webfinger part 2. of the spec so we will rely instead on email/url mappings if we detect such an issuer. Part 4, on the other hand is implemented by both google and salesforce. */ email_domain = grpc_jwt_issuer_email_domain(iss); if (email_domain != nullptr) { email_key_mapping* mapping; GPR_ASSERT(ctx->verifier != nullptr); mapping = verifier_get_mapping(ctx->verifier, email_domain); if (mapping == nullptr) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Missing mapping for issuer email."); goto error; } req.host = gpr_strdup(mapping->key_url_prefix); path_prefix = strchr(req.host, '/'); if (path_prefix == nullptr) { gpr_asprintf(&req.http.path, "/%s", iss); } else { *(path_prefix++) = '\0'; gpr_asprintf(&req.http.path, "/%s/%s", path_prefix, iss); } http_cb = GRPC_CLOSURE_CREATE(on_keys_retrieved, ctx, grpc_schedule_on_exec_ctx); rsp_idx = HTTP_RESPONSE_KEYS; } else { req.host = gpr_strdup(strstr(iss, "https://") == iss ? iss + 8 : iss); path_prefix = strchr(req.host, '/'); if (path_prefix == nullptr) { req.http.path = gpr_strdup(GRPC_OPENID_CONFIG_URL_SUFFIX); } else { *(path_prefix++) = 0; gpr_asprintf(&req.http.path, "/%s%s", path_prefix, GRPC_OPENID_CONFIG_URL_SUFFIX); } http_cb = GRPC_CLOSURE_CREATE(on_openid_config_retrieved, ctx, grpc_schedule_on_exec_ctx); rsp_idx = HTTP_RESPONSE_OPENID; } /* TODO(ctiller): Carry the resource_quota in ctx and share it with the host channel. This would allow us to cancel an authentication query when under extreme memory pressure. */ resource_quota = grpc_resource_quota_create("jwt_verifier"); grpc_httpcli_get( &ctx->verifier->http_ctx, &ctx->pollent, resource_quota, &req, grpc_core::ExecCtx::Get()->Now() + grpc_jwt_verifier_max_delay, http_cb, &ctx->responses[rsp_idx]); grpc_resource_quota_unref_internal(resource_quota); gpr_free(req.host); gpr_free(req.http.path); return; error: ctx->user_cb(ctx->user_data, GRPC_JWT_VERIFIER_KEY_RETRIEVAL_ERROR, nullptr); verifier_cb_ctx_destroy(ctx); } void grpc_jwt_verifier_verify(grpc_jwt_verifier* verifier, grpc_pollset* pollset, const char* jwt, const char* audience, grpc_jwt_verification_done_cb cb, void* user_data) { const char* dot = nullptr; jose_header* header = nullptr; grpc_jwt_claims* claims = nullptr; grpc_slice signature; size_t signed_jwt_len; const char* cur = jwt; Json json; GPR_ASSERT(verifier != nullptr && jwt != nullptr && audience != nullptr && cb != nullptr); dot = strchr(cur, '.'); if (dot == nullptr) goto error; json = parse_json_part_from_jwt(cur, static_cast(dot - cur)); if (json.type() == Json::Type::JSON_NULL) goto error; header = jose_header_from_json(std::move(json)); if (header == nullptr) goto error; cur = dot + 1; dot = strchr(cur, '.'); if (dot == nullptr) goto error; json = parse_json_part_from_jwt(cur, static_cast(dot - cur)); if (json.type() == Json::Type::JSON_NULL) goto error; claims = grpc_jwt_claims_from_json(std::move(json)); if (claims == nullptr) goto error; signed_jwt_len = static_cast(dot - jwt); cur = dot + 1; signature = grpc_base64_decode(cur, 1); if (GRPC_SLICE_IS_EMPTY(signature)) goto error; retrieve_key_and_verify( verifier_cb_ctx_create(verifier, pollset, header, claims, audience, signature, jwt, signed_jwt_len, user_data, cb)); return; error: if (header != nullptr) jose_header_destroy(header); if (claims != nullptr) grpc_jwt_claims_destroy(claims); cb(user_data, GRPC_JWT_VERIFIER_BAD_FORMAT, nullptr); } grpc_jwt_verifier* grpc_jwt_verifier_create( const grpc_jwt_verifier_email_domain_key_url_mapping* mappings, size_t num_mappings) { grpc_jwt_verifier* v = static_cast(gpr_zalloc(sizeof(grpc_jwt_verifier))); grpc_httpcli_context_init(&v->http_ctx); /* We know at least of one mapping. */ v->allocated_mappings = 1 + num_mappings; v->mappings = static_cast( gpr_malloc(v->allocated_mappings * sizeof(email_key_mapping))); verifier_put_mapping(v, GRPC_GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNTS_EMAIL_DOMAIN, GRPC_GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNTS_KEY_URL_PREFIX); /* User-Provided mappings. */ if (mappings != nullptr) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < num_mappings; i++) { verifier_put_mapping(v, mappings[i].email_domain, mappings[i].key_url_prefix); } } return v; } void grpc_jwt_verifier_destroy(grpc_jwt_verifier* v) { size_t i; if (v == nullptr) return; grpc_httpcli_context_destroy(&v->http_ctx); if (v->mappings != nullptr) { for (i = 0; i < v->num_mappings; i++) { gpr_free(v->mappings[i].email_domain); gpr_free(v->mappings[i].key_url_prefix); } gpr_free(v->mappings); } gpr_free(v); }