require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[spec_helper]) module XS describe Socket do socket_types = [XS::REQ, XS::REP, XS::DEALER, XS::ROUTER, XS::PUB, XS::SUB, XS::PUSH, XS::PULL, XS::PAIR, XS::XPUB, XS::XSUB] context "when initializing" do before(:all) { @ctx = } after(:all) { @ctx.terminate } it "should raise an error for a nil context" do lambda {, XS::REQ) }.should raise_exception(XS::ContextError) end it "works with a Context#pointer as the context_ptr" do lambda do s =, XS::REQ) s.close end.should_not raise_exception(XS::ContextError) end it "works with a Context instance as the context_ptr" do lambda do s =, XS::SUB) s.close end.should_not raise_exception(XS::ContextError) end socket_types.each do |socket_type| it "should not raise an error for a [#{XS::SocketTypeNameMap[socket_type]}] socket type" do sock = nil lambda { sock =, socket_type) }.should_not raise_error sock.close end end # each socket_type it "should set the :socket accessor to the raw socket allocated by libxs" do socket = mock('socket') socket.stub!(:null? => false) LibXS.should_receive(:xs_socket).and_return(socket) sock =, XS::REQ) sock.socket.should == socket end it "should define a finalizer on this object" do ObjectSpace.should_receive(:define_finalizer).at_least(1) sock =, XS::REQ) sock.close end end # context initializing context "calling close" do before(:all) { @ctx = } after(:all) { @ctx.terminate } it "should call LibXS.close only once" do sock = @ctx.pointer, XS::REQ raw_socket = sock.socket LibXS.should_receive(:close).with(raw_socket) sock.close sock.close LibXS.close raw_socket # *really close it otherwise the context will block indefinitely end end # context calling close context "identity=" do before(:all) { @ctx = } after(:all) { @ctx.terminate } it "fails to set identity for identities in excess of 255 bytes" do sock = @ctx.pointer, XS::REQ sock.identity = ('a' * 256) sock.identity.should == '' sock.close end it "fails to set identity for identities of length 0" do sock = @ctx.pointer, XS::REQ sock.identity = '' sock.identity.should == '' sock.close end it "sets the identity for identities of 1 byte" do sock = @ctx.pointer, XS::REQ sock.identity = 'a' sock.identity.should == 'a' sock.close end it "set the identity identities of 255 bytes" do sock = @ctx.pointer, XS::REQ sock.identity = ('a' * 255) sock.identity.should == ('a' * 255) sock.close end it "should convert numeric identities to strings" do sock = @ctx.pointer, XS::REQ sock.identity = 7 sock.identity.should == '7' sock.close end end # context identity= socket_types.each do |socket_type| context "#setsockopt for a #{XS::SocketTypeNameMap[socket_type]} socket" do before(:all) { @ctx = } after(:all) { @ctx.terminate } let(:socket) do @ctx.pointer, socket_type end after(:each) do socket.close end context "using option XS::IDENTITY" do it "should set the identity given any string under 255 characters" do length = 4 (1..255).each do |length| identity = 'a' * length socket.setsockopt XS::IDENTITY, identity array = [] rc = socket.getsockopt(XS::IDENTITY, array) rc.should == 0 array[0].should == identity end end it "returns -1 given a string 256 characters or longer" do identity = 'a' * 256 array = [] rc = socket.setsockopt(XS::IDENTITY, identity) rc.should == -1 end end # context using option XS::IDENTITY context "using option XS::SUBSCRIBE" do if XS::SUB == socket_type it "returns 0 for a SUB socket" do rc = socket.setsockopt(XS::SUBSCRIBE, "topic.string") rc.should == 0 end else it "returns -1 for non-SUB sockets" do rc = socket.setsockopt(XS::SUBSCRIBE, "topic.string") rc.should == -1 end end end # context using option XS::SUBSCRIBE context "using option XS::UNSUBSCRIBE" do if XS::SUB == socket_type it "returns 0 given a topic string that was previously subscribed" do socket.setsockopt XS::SUBSCRIBE, "topic.string" rc = socket.setsockopt(XS::UNSUBSCRIBE, "topic.string") rc.should == 0 end else it "returns -1 for non-SUB sockets" do rc = socket.setsockopt(XS::UNSUBSCRIBE, "topic.string") rc.should == -1 end end end # context using option XS::UNSUBSCRIBE context "using option XS::AFFINITY" do it "should set the affinity value given a positive value" do affinity = 3 socket.setsockopt XS::AFFINITY, affinity array = [] rc = socket.getsockopt(XS::AFFINITY, array) rc.should == 0 array[0].should == affinity end end # context using option XS::AFFINITY context "using option XS::RATE" do it "should set the multicast send rate given a positive value" do rate = 200 socket.setsockopt XS::RATE, rate array = [] rc = socket.getsockopt(XS::RATE, array) rc.should == 0 array[0].should == rate end it "returns -1 given a negative value" do rate = -200 rc = socket.setsockopt XS::RATE, rate rc.should == -1 end end # context using option XS::RATE context "using option XS::RECOVERY_IVL" do it "should set the multicast recovery buffer measured in seconds given a positive value" do rate = 200 socket.setsockopt XS::RECOVERY_IVL, rate array = [] rc = socket.getsockopt(XS::RECOVERY_IVL, array) rc.should == 0 array[0].should == rate end it "returns -1 given a negative value" do rate = -200 rc = socket.setsockopt XS::RECOVERY_IVL, rate rc.should == -1 end end # context using option XS::RECOVERY_IVL context "using option XS::SNDBUF" do it "should set the OS send buffer given a positive value" do size = 100 socket.setsockopt XS::SNDBUF, size array = [] rc = socket.getsockopt(XS::SNDBUF, array) rc.should == 0 array[0].should == size end end # context using option XS::SNDBUF context "using option XS::RCVBUF" do it "should set the OS receive buffer given a positive value" do size = 100 socket.setsockopt XS::RCVBUF, size array = [] rc = socket.getsockopt(XS::RCVBUF, array) rc.should == 0 array[0].should == size end end # context using option XS::RCVBUF context "using option XS::LINGER" do it "should set the socket message linger option measured in milliseconds given a positive value" do value = 200 socket.setsockopt XS::LINGER, value array = [] rc = socket.getsockopt(XS::LINGER, array) rc.should == 0 array[0].should == value end it "should set the socket message linger option to 0 for dropping packets" do value = 0 socket.setsockopt XS::LINGER, value array = [] rc = socket.getsockopt(XS::LINGER, array) rc.should == 0 array[0].should == value end if (defined?(XS::XSUB) && XS::XSUB == socket_type) or (defined?(XS::SUB) && XS::SUB == socket_type) it "should default to a value of 0" do value = 0 array = [] rc = socket.getsockopt(XS::LINGER, array) rc.should == 0 array[0].should == value end else it "should default to a value of -1" do value = -1 array = [] rc = socket.getsockopt(XS::LINGER, array) rc.should == 0 array[0].should == value end end end # context using option XS::LINGER context "using option XS::RECONNECT_IVL" do it "should set the time interval for reconnecting disconnected sockets measured in milliseconds given a positive value" do value = 200 socket.setsockopt XS::RECONNECT_IVL, value array = [] rc = socket.getsockopt(XS::RECONNECT_IVL, array) rc.should == 0 array[0].should == value end it "should default to a value of 100" do value = 100 array = [] rc = socket.getsockopt(XS::RECONNECT_IVL, array) rc.should == 0 array[0].should == value end end # context using option XS::RECONNECT_IVL context "using option XS::BACKLOG" do it "should set the maximum number of pending socket connections given a positive value" do value = 200 socket.setsockopt XS::BACKLOG, value array = [] rc = socket.getsockopt(XS::BACKLOG, array) rc.should == 0 array[0].should == value end it "should default to a value of 100" do value = 100 array = [] rc = socket.getsockopt(XS::BACKLOG, array) rc.should == 0 array[0].should == value end end # context using option XS::BACKLOG context "using option XS::KEEPALIVE" do it "should enable use of protocol keepalives if set to 1" do value = 1 socket.setsockopt XS::KEEPALIVE, value array = [] rc = socket.getsockopt(XS::KEEPALIVE, array) rc.should == 0 array[0].should == value end it "should default to a value of 0" do value = 0 array = [] rc = socket.getsockopt(XS::KEEPALIVE, array) rc.should == 0 array[0].should == value end it "returns -1 given a negative value" do value = -1 rc = socket.setsockopt XS::KEEPALIVE, value rc.should == -1 end it "returns -1 given a value > 1" do value = 2 rc = socket.setsockopt XS::KEEPALIVE, value rc.should == -1 end end # context using option XS::KEEPALIVE context "using option XS::IPV4ONLY" do it "should enable use of IPV6 sockets when set to 0" do value = 0 socket.setsockopt XS::IPV4ONLY, value array = [] rc = socket.getsockopt(XS::IPV4ONLY, array) rc.should == 0 array[0].should == value end it "should default to a value of 1" do value = 1 array = [] rc = socket.getsockopt(XS::IPV4ONLY, array) rc.should == 0 array[0].should == value end it "returns -1 given a negative value" do value = -1 rc = socket.setsockopt XS::IPV4ONLY, value rc.should == -1 end it "returns -1 given a value > 1" do value = 2 rc = socket.setsockopt XS::IPV4ONLY, value rc.should == -1 end end # context using option XS::IPV4ONLY end # context #setsockopt context "#getsockopt for a #{XS::SocketTypeNameMap[socket_type]} socket" do before(:all) { @ctx = } after(:all) { @ctx.terminate } let(:socket) do @ctx.pointer, socket_type end after(:each) do socket.close end if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /linux|darwin/ # this spec doesn't work on Windows; hints welcome context "using option XS::FD" do it "should return an FD as a positive integer" do array = [] rc = socket.getsockopt(XS::FD, array) rc.should == 0 array[0].should be_a(Fixnum) end it "returns a valid FD that is accepted by the system poll() function" do # Use FFI to wrap the C library function +poll+ so that we can execute it # on the 0mq file descriptor. If it returns 0, then it succeeded and the FD # is valid! module LibSocket extend FFI::Library # figures out the correct libc for each platform including Windows library = ffi_lib(FFI::Library::LIBC).first find_type(:nfds_t) rescue typedef(:uint32, :nfds_t) attach_function :poll, [:pointer, :nfds_t, :int], :int class PollFD < FFI::Struct layout :fd, :int, :events, :short, :revents, :short end end # module LibSocket array = [] rc = socket.getsockopt(XS::FD, array) rc.should be_zero fd = array[0] # setup the BSD poll_fd struct pollfd = pollfd[:fd] = fd pollfd[:events] = 0 pollfd[:revents] = 0 rc = LibSocket.poll(pollfd, 1, 0) rc.should be_zero end end end # posix platform context "using option XS::EVENTS" do it "should return a mask of events as a Fixnum" do array = [] rc = socket.getsockopt(XS::EVENTS, array) rc.should == 0 array[0].should be_a(Fixnum) end end context "using option XS::TYPE" do it "should return the socket type" do array = [] rc = socket.getsockopt(XS::TYPE, array) rc.should == 0 array[0].should == socket_type end end end # context #getsockopt end # each socket_type describe "Mapping socket EVENTS to POLLIN and POLLOUT" do include APIHelper shared_examples_for "pubsub sockets where" do it "SUB socket that received a message always has POLLIN set" do events = [] rc = @sub.getsockopt(XS::EVENTS, events) rc.should == 0 events[0].should == XS::POLLIN end it "PUB socket always has POLLOUT set" do events = [] rc = @pub.getsockopt(XS::EVENTS, events) rc.should == 0 events[0].should == XS::POLLOUT end it "PUB socket never has POLLIN set" do events = [] rc = @pub.getsockopt(XS::EVENTS, events) rc.should == 0 events[0].should_not == XS::POLLIN end it "SUB socket never has POLLOUT set" do events = [] rc = @sub.getsockopt(XS::EVENTS, events) rc.should == 0 events[0].should_not == XS::POLLOUT end end # shared example for pubsub context "when SUB connects and PUB binds" do before(:each) do @ctx = @sub = @ctx.socket XS::SUB rc = @sub.setsockopt XS::SUBSCRIBE, '' @pub = @ctx.socket XS::PUB port = bind_to_random_tcp_port(@pub) rc = @sub.connect "tcp://{port}" sleep 0.5 rc = @pub.send_string('test') sleep 0.2 end it_behaves_like "pubsub sockets where" end # context SUB binds PUB connects after(:each) do @sub.close @pub.close # must call close on *every* socket before calling terminate otherwise it blocks indefinitely @ctx.terminate end end # describe 'events mapping to pollin and pollout' end # describe Socket end # module XS