Feature: before_http_request hook The `before_http_request` hook gets called with each request just before it proceeds. It can be used for many things: * globally logging requests * inserting a particular cassette based on the request URI host * raising a timeout error You can also pass one or more "filters" to `before_http_request`, to make the hook only be called for some requests. Any object that responds to `#to_proc` can be a filter. Here are some simple examples: * `:real?` -- only real requests * `:stubbed?` -- only stubbed requests * `:ignored?` -- only ignored requests * `:recordable?` -- only requests that are being recorded * `lambda { |r| URI(r.uri).host == 'amazon.com' }` -- only requests to amazon.com. Scenario Outline: log all requests using a before_http_request hook Given a file named "before_http_request.rb" with: """ruby include_http_adapter_for("") if ARGV.include?('--with-server') start_sinatra_app(:port => 7777) do get('/') { "Hello World" } end end require 'vcr' VCR.configure do |c| c.cassette_library_dir = 'cassettes' c.before_http_request(:real?) do |request| File.open(ARGV.first, 'w') do |f| f.write("before real request: #{request.method} #{request.uri}") end end end VCR.use_cassette('hook_example') do make_http_request(:get, "http://localhost:7777/") end """ When I run `ruby before_http_request.rb run1.log --with-server` Then the file "run1.log" should contain "before real request: get http://localhost:7777/" When I run `ruby before_http_request.rb run2.log` Then the file "run2.log" should not exist Examples: | configuration | http_lib | | c.hook_into :fakeweb | net/http | | c.hook_into :webmock | net/http | | c.hook_into :webmock | httpclient | | c.hook_into :webmock | curb | | c.hook_into :typhoeus | typhoeus | | c.hook_into :excon | excon | | c.hook_into :faraday | faraday (w/ net_http) |