paper-icon-button ================= Material Design: Buttons `paper-icon-button` is a button with an image placed at the center. When the user touches the button, a ripple effect emanates from the center of the button. `paper-icon-button` includes a default icon set. Use `icon` to specify which icon from the icon set to use. ```html ``` See [`iron-iconset`](#iron-iconset) for more information about how to use a custom icon set. Example: ```html ``` Styling ------- Style the button with CSS as you would a normal DOM element. If you are using the icons provided by `iron-icons`, they will inherit the foreground color of the button. ```html ``` By default, the ripple is the same color as the foreground at 25% opacity. You may customize the color using this selector: ```css /* make #my-button use a blue ripple instead of foreground color */ #my-button::shadow #ripple { color: blue; } ``` The opacity of the ripple is not customizable via CSS.