class TestLab class Provisioner # Bind Provisioner Error Class class BindError < ProvisionerError; end # Bind Provisioner Class # # @author Zachary Patten class Bind def initialize(config={}, ui=nil) @config = (config || @ui = (ui || TestLab.ui) @config[:bind] ||= @config[:bind][:domain] ||= "" @ui.logger.debug { "config(#{@config.inspect})" } end # Bind Provisioner Node Setup # # @param [TestLab::Node] node The node which we want to provision. # @return [Boolean] True if successful. def on_node_setup(node) @ui.logger.debug { "BIND Provisioner: Node #{}" } bind_setup(node.ssh) true end # Builds the main bind configuration sections def build_bind_main_partial(file) bind_conf_template = File.join(TestLab::Provisioner.template_dir, "bind", "bind.erb") file.puts(ZTK::Template.do_not_edit_notice(:message => "TestLab v#{TestLab::VERSION} BIND Configuration", :char => '//')) file.puts(ZTK::Template.render(bind_conf_template, {})) end def build_bind_records forward_records = reverse_records = TestLab::Container.all.each do |container| container.domain ||= @config[:bind][:domain] container.interfaces.each do |interface| forward_records[container.domain] ||= forward_records[container.domain] << %(#{} IN A #{interface.ip}) reverse_records[interface.network_id] ||= reverse_records[interface.network_id] << %(#{interface.ptr} IN PTR #{container.fqdn}.) end end { :forward => forward_records, :reverse => reverse_records } end # Builds the bind configuration sections for our zones def build_bind_zone_partial(ssh, file) bind_zone_template = File.join(TestLab::Provisioner.template_dir, "bind", 'bind-zone.erb') bind_records = build_bind_records forward_records = bind_records[:forward] reverse_records = bind_records[:reverse] TestLab::Network.all.each do |network| context = { :zone => } file.puts file.puts(ZTK::Template.render(bind_zone_template, context)) build_bind_db(ssh,, reverse_records[]) end do |domain| context = { :zone => domain } file.puts file.puts(ZTK::Template.render(bind_zone_template, context)) build_bind_db(ssh, domain, forward_records[domain]) end end def build_bind_db(ssh, zone, records) bind_db_template = File.join(TestLab::Provisioner.template_dir, "bind", 'bind-db.erb') ssh.file(:target => %(/etc/bind/db.#{zone}), :chown => "bind:bind") do |file| file.puts(ZTK::Template.do_not_edit_notice(:message => "TestLab v#{TestLab::VERSION} BIND DB: #{zone}", :char => ';')) file.puts(ZTK::Template.render(bind_db_template, { :zone => zone, :records => records })) end end # Builds the BIND configuration def build_bind_conf(ssh) ssh.file(:target => %(/etc/bind/named.conf), :chown => "bind:bind") do |file| build_bind_main_partial(file) build_bind_zone_partial(ssh, file) end end def bind_install(ssh) ssh.exec(%(sudo apt-get -y install bind9)) ssh.exec(%(sudo rm -fv /etc/bind/{*.arpa,*.zone,*.conf*})) end def bind_reload(ssh) ssh.exec(%(sudo chown -Rv bind:bind /etc/bind)) ssh.exec(%(sudo rndc reload)) end def bind_setup(ssh) bind_install(ssh) build_bind_conf(ssh) bind_reload(ssh) end end end end