HttpMachinegun ====================== It sends data (or get data) via http with The number-of-times thread. install ------ `gem install http_machinegun` usage ------ ```ruby http_machinegun fire -u #{url} ``` ###example ```ruby #simple get request by one times http_machinegun fire -u http://localhost #get request to 3000 port option by one times http_machinegun fire -u http://localhost -p 3000 #post request with data by one times http_machinegun fire -u http://localhost -d abc -m post #or http_machinegun fire -u http://localhost -d data.txt #get request with data by ten times http_machinegun fire -u http://localhost -t 10 ``` ###options * -u, --url target url * -p, --port target port * -d, --data_or_file string or file path * -m, --method http method (get,post,put,delete ) * -t, --thread_number request number of times you want