Feature: Index Scoping Viewing resources and scoping them Scenario: Viewing resources with one scope and no default Given 3 posts exist And an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do scope :all end """ Then I should see the scope "All" not selected And I should see the scope "All" with the count 3 And I should see 3 posts in the table Scenario: Viewing resources with one scope with dynamic name Given 3 posts exist And an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do scope -> { scope_title }, :all controller do def scope_title 'Neat scope' end helper_method :scope_title end end """ Then I should see the scope with label "Neat scope" And I should see 3 posts in the table When I follow "Neat scope" And I should see 3 posts in the table And I should see the current scope with label "Neat scope" Scenario: Viewing resources with one scope as the default Given 3 posts exist And an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do scope :all, default: true end """ Then I should see the scope "All" selected And I should see the scope "All" with the count 3 And I should see 3 posts in the table Scenario: Viewing resources with one scope that is set as not default Given 3 posts exist And an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do scope :all, default: proc{ false } end """ Then I should see the scope "All" not selected And I should see the scope "All" with the count 3 And I should see 3 posts in the table Scenario: Viewing resources with a scope and no results Given 3 posts exist And an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do scope :all, default: true filter :title end """ When I fill in "Title" with "Non Existing Post" And I press "Filter" Then I should see the scope "All" selected Scenario: Viewing resources with a scope but scope_count turned off Given 3 posts exist And an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do scope :all, default: true index as: :table, scope_count: false end """ Then I should see the scope "All" selected And I should see the scope "All" with no count And I should see 3 posts in the table @scope Scenario: Viewing resources with a scope and scope count turned off for a single scope Given 3 posts exist And an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do scope :all, default: true, show_count: false end """ Then I should see the scope "All" selected And I should see the scope "All" with no count And I should see 3 posts in the table Scenario: Viewing resources when scoping Given 2 posts exist And 3 published posts exist And an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do scope :all, default: true scope :published do |posts| posts.where("published_date IS NOT NULL") end end """ Then I should see the scope "All" with the count 5 And I should see 5 posts in the table And I should see the scope "Published" with the count 3 When I follow "Published" Then I should see the scope "Published" selected Then I should see the current scope with label "Published" And I should see 3 posts in the table Scenario: Viewing resources when scoping and filtering Given 2 posts written by "Daft Punk" exist Given 1 published posts written by "Daft Punk" exist Given 1 posts written by "Alfred" exist Given 2 published posts written by "Alfred" exist And an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do scope :all, default: true scope :published do |posts| posts.where("published_date IS NOT NULL") end end """ Then I should see the scope "All" with the count 6 And I should see the scope "Published" with the count 3 And I should see 6 posts in the table When I follow "Published" Then I should see the scope "Published" selected And I should see the current scope with label "Published" And I should see the scope "All" with the count 6 And I should see the scope "Published" with the count 3 And I should see 3 posts in the table When I select "Daft Punk" from "Author" And I press "Filter" Then I should see the scope "Published" selected And I should see the scope "All" with the count 3 And I should see the scope "Published" with the count 1 And I should see 1 posts in the table Scenario: Viewing resources with optional scopes Given 3 posts exist And an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do scope :all, if: proc { false } scope "Shown", if: proc { true } do |posts| posts end scope "Default", default: true do |posts| posts end scope 'Today', if: proc { false } do |posts| posts.where(["created_at > ? AND created_at < ?", ::Time.zone.now.beginning_of_day, ::Time.zone.now.end_of_day]) end end """ Then I should see the scope "Default" selected And I should not see the scope "All" And I should not see the scope "Today" And I should see the scope "Shown" And I should see the scope "Default" with the count 3 Scenario: Viewing resources with multiple scopes as blocks Given 3 posts exist And an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do scope 'Today', default: true do |posts| posts.where(["created_at > ? AND created_at < ?", ::Time.zone.now.beginning_of_day, ::Time.zone.now.end_of_day]) end scope 'Tomorrow' do |posts| posts.where(["created_at > ? AND created_at < ?", ::Time.zone.now.beginning_of_day + 1.day, ::Time.zone.now.end_of_day + 1.day]) end end """ Then I should see the scope "Today" selected And I should see the scope "Tomorrow" not selected And I should see the scope "Today" with the count 3 And I should see the scope "Tomorrow" with the count 0 And I should see 3 posts in the table And I should see a link to "Tomorrow" When I follow "Tomorrow" Then I should see the scope "Tomorrow" selected And I should see the scope "Today" not selected And I should see a link to "Today" And I should see the current scope with label "Tomorrow" Scenario: Viewing resources with scopes when scoping to user Given 2 posts written by "Daft Punk" exist And a post with the title "Monkey Wrench" written by "Foo Fighters" exists And a post with the title "Everlong" written by "Foo Fighters" exists And an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do scope_to :current_user scope :all, default: true filter :title controller do def current_user User.find_by_username('foo_fighters') end end end """ Then I should see the scope "All" selected And I should see the scope "All" with the count 2 When I fill in "Title" with "Monkey" And I press "Filter" Then I should see the scope "All" selected And I should see the scope "All" with the count 1 Scenario: Viewing resources when scoping and filtering and group bys and stuff Given 2 posts written by "Daft Punk" exist Given 1 published posts written by "Daft Punk" exist Given 1 posts written by "Alfred" exist And an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do scope :all, default: true scope :published do |posts| posts.where("published_date IS NOT NULL") end scope :single do |posts| posts.page(1).per(1) end index do column :author_id column :count end config.sort_order = "author_id_asc" controller do def scoped_collection Post.select("author_id, count(*) as count").group("author_id") end end end """ Then I should see the scope "All" with the count 2 And I should see the scope "Published" with the count 1 And I should see the scope "Single" with the count 1 And I should see 2 posts in the table When I follow "Single" Then I should see 1 posts in the table When I follow "Published" Then I should see the scope "Published" selected And I should see the scope "All" with the count 2 And I should see the scope "Published" with the count 1 And I should see 1 posts in the table When I select "Daft Punk" from "Author" And I press "Filter" Then I should see the scope "Published" selected And I should see the scope "All" with the count 1 And I should see the scope "Published" with the count 1 And I should see 1 posts in the table And I should see the current scope with label "Published"