require "active_model" module Lookbook module Params VALUE_TYPE_MATCH_REGEXP = /^(\[\s?([A-Z]{1}\w+)\s?\])/ DESCRIPTION_MATCH_REGEXP = /"(.*[^\\])"$/ PARAM_OPTION_KEYS = %i[name input label hint description value_type value_default].freeze class << self def build_param(param, default: nil, eval_scope: nil) input, value_type, options_str, description = parse_param_tag_text(param.text) tag_options =, base_dir: (File.dirname(param.object.files.first[0]) if param.object.files.any?), eval_scope: eval_scope).options if tag_options.is_a? Array # handle special case legacy situation for selects where # options are an array of choices rather than a Hash tag_options = {choices: tag_options} end param_options = { |key| PARAM_OPTION_KEYS.include? key } input_options = tag_options.except(*PARAM_OPTION_KEYS) value_type ||= param_options[:value_type] input ||= param_options[:input] || guess_input(value_type, default) name = { name: name, label: param_options[:label] || name.titleize, hint: param_options[:hint], description: description || param_options[:description], input:"_", "-"), input_options: input_options, value: nil, value_type: value_type || guess_value_type(input, default), value_default: default } end # Parses param tag strings with the format: `[] ` def parse_param_tag_text(text) text = (text.presence || "").strip value_type = nil text.match(VALUE_TYPE_MATCH_REGEXP) do |m| value_type = m[2] text.gsub!(VALUE_TYPE_MATCH_REGEXP, "").strip! end text, options_str = Lookbook::TagOptions.extract_options(text) description = nil text.match(DESCRIPTION_MATCH_REGEXP) do |m| description = m[1] text.gsub!(DESCRIPTION_MATCH_REGEXP, "").strip! end input, rest = text.split(" ", 2) [input, value_type, options_str, description, rest] end def parse_method_param_str(param_str) return nil if param_str[0].nil? || param_str[1].nil? name = param_str[0].chomp(":") value = param_str[1]&.strip value = case value when "nil" nil else if value&.first == ":" value.delete_prefix(":").to_sym else YAML.safe_load(value) end end [name, value] end def cast(value, type = "String") case type.downcase when "symbol" value.presence&.delete_prefix(":")&.to_sym when "hash" result = safe_parse_yaml(value, {}) unless result.is_a? Hash Lookbook.logger.debug "Failed to parse '#{value}' into a Hash" result = {} end result when "array" result = safe_parse_yaml(value, []) unless result.is_a? Array Lookbook.logger.debug "Failed to parse '#{value}' into an Array" result = [] end result when "datetime" begin result = DateTime.parse(value) rescue Date::Error Lookbook.logger.debug "Failed to parse '#{value}' into a DateTime" result = end result else begin type_class = "ActiveModel::Type::#{type}".constantize rescue NameError raise ArgumentError, "'#{type}' is not a valid param type to cast to." end end end private def guess_input(value_type, default) if value_type&.downcase == "boolean" || (value_type.blank? && boolean?(default)) "toggle" else "text" end end def guess_value_type(input, default) if input&.downcase == "toggle" "Boolean" elsif input&.downcase == "number" "Integer" elsif boolean?(default) "Boolean" elsif default.is_a? Symbol "Symbol" elsif ["date", "datetime-local"].include?(input&.downcase) || default.is_a?(DateTime) "DateTime" else "String" end end def safe_parse_yaml(value, fallback) value.present? ? YAML.safe_load(value) : fallback rescue Psych::SyntaxError fallback end def boolean?(value) value == true || value == false end end end end