module Fandango class Parser::Theater def initialize(entry) @entry = entry end # Compose hash with each attribute as key and result of #parse_ as value. def parse atts = [:name, :id, :address, :postal_code] atts.each_with_object({}) do |attr, hash| hash[attr] = send :"parse_#{attr}" end end private def parse_name @entry[:title] end # E.g. 'aaicu' in def parse_id @entry[:url].match(%r{fandango\.com/.*_(?.*)/theaterpage})[:id] end # Cache address in variable for postal_code. def parse_address @address = @entry.summary_doc.at_css('p').content end def parse_postal_code @address.match(/(?\d+)$/)[:postal_code] end end end