require 'spec_helper' require 'digest/md5' D = {'actor' => 'daemianmack', 'url' => ''} def DM(hsh) D.merge(hsh) end describe Stratify::GitHub::Activity do context 'save-time requirements' do it 'checksums properly' do fields = { 'action' => nil, 'actor' => 'bender', 'url' => '', 'type' => 'WatchEvent'} checksum = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(fields.values.compact.sort.join(' ')) activity = Stratify::GitHub::Activity.from_api_hash(fields) activity.checksum.should == checksum end end context 'translation' do it 'raises an error when the API passes an unknown event type' do fields = {'type' => 'BendEvent'} lambda {Stratify::GitHub::Activity.from_api_hash(fields)}.should raise_error(GitHubApiError) end it 'produces correct fields for a branch CreateEvent' do data = DM({'type' => 'CreateEvent', 'url' => '', 'payload' => { 'ref' => 'new', 'ref_type' => 'branch'}}) event = Stratify::GitHub::Activity.from_api_hash(data) event.event_type.should == 'CreateEvent' event.ref.should == 'new' event.ref_type.should == 'branch' event.repository.should == '' end it 'produces correct fields for a repo CreateEvent' do data = DM({'type' => 'CreateEvent', 'url' => '', 'payload' => { 'ref' => nil, 'ref_type' => 'repository'}}) event = Stratify::GitHub::Activity.from_api_hash(data) event.event_type.should == 'CreateEvent' event.ref.should == nil event.ref_type.should == 'repository' event.repository.should == '' end it 'produces correct fields for a CommitCommentEvent' do data = DM({'type' => 'CommitCommentEvent', 'url' => ''}) event = Stratify::GitHub::Activity.from_api_hash(data) event.event_type.should == 'CommitCommentEvent' event.repository.should == '' end it 'produces correct fields for a DeleteEvent' do data = DM({'type' => 'DeleteEvent', 'payload' => { 'ref' => 'expendable', 'ref_type' => 'branch'}, 'repository' => { 'url' => ''}}) event = Stratify::GitHub::Activity.from_api_hash(data) event.event_type.should == 'DeleteEvent' event.ref.should == 'expendable' event.ref_type.should == 'branch' event.repository.should == '' end it 'produces correct fields for a FollowEvent' do data = DM({'type' => 'FollowEvent', 'payload' => { 'target' => { 'login' => 'defunkt'}}}) event = Stratify::GitHub::Activity.from_api_hash(data) event.event_type.should == 'FollowEvent' event.thing.should == 'defunkt' end it 'produces correct fields for a ForkEvent' do data = DM({'type' => 'ForkEvent', 'repository' => { 'url' => ''}}) event = Stratify::GitHub::Activity.from_api_hash(data) event.event_type.should == 'ForkEvent' event.thing.should == '' end it 'produces correct fields for a GistEvent' do data = DM({'type' => 'GistEvent', 'payload' => { 'action' => 'fork', 'desc' => 'using ActiveSupport::Concerns to extend Rails'}}) event = Stratify::GitHub::Activity.from_api_hash(data) event.action.should == 'fork' event.event_type.should == 'GistEvent' event.payload.should == 'using ActiveSupport::Concerns to extend Rails' end it 'produces correct fields for a GollumEvent' do data = DM({'type' => 'GollumEvent', 'payload' => { 'pages' => [{ 'action' => 'created', 'page_name' => 'Contributing'}]}, 'repository' => { 'url' => ''}}) event = Stratify::GitHub::Activity.from_api_hash(data) event.action.should == 'created' event.event_type.should == 'GollumEvent' event.repository.should == '' event.thing.should == 'Contributing' end it 'produces correct fields for a IssueCommentEvent' do data = DM({'type' => 'IssueCommentEvent', 'repository' => { 'url' => ''}}) event = Stratify::GitHub::Activity.from_api_hash(data) event.event_type.should == 'IssueCommentEvent' event.repository.should == '' end it 'produces correct fields for a IssuesEvent' do data = DM({'type' => 'IssuesEvent', 'payload' => { 'action' => 'created'}, 'url' => ''}) event = Stratify::GitHub::Activity.from_api_hash(data) event.action.should == 'created' event.event_type.should == 'IssuesEvent' event.repository.should == '' end it 'produces correct fields for a MemberEvent' do data = DM({'type' => 'MemberEvent', 'payload' => { 'action' => 'added', 'member' => { 'login' => 'bender'}}, 'url' => ''}) event = Stratify::GitHub::Activity.from_api_hash(data) event.action.should == 'added' event.event_type.should == 'MemberEvent' event.repository.should == '' event.thing.should == 'bender' end it 'produces correct fields for a PublicEvent' do data = DM({'type' => 'PublicEvent', 'repository' => { 'url' => ''}}) event = Stratify::GitHub::Activity.from_api_hash(data) event.action.should == 'publicized' event.event_type.should == 'PublicEvent' event.repository.should == '' end it 'produces correct fields for a PullRequestEvent' do data = DM({'type' => 'PullRequestEvent', 'payload' => { 'pull_request' => { 'title' => 'Allow time to flow in reverse'}}, 'repository' => { 'url' => ''}}) event = Stratify::GitHub::Activity.from_api_hash(data) event.event_type.should == 'PullRequestEvent' event.payload.should == 'Allow time to flow in reverse' event.repository.should == '' end it 'produces correct fields for a PullRequestReviewCommentEvent' do data = DM({'type' => 'PullRequestReviewCommentEvent', 'payload' => { 'comment' => { 'body' => 'Please remove all semicolons from this JavaScript.'}}, 'repository' => { 'url' => ''}}) event = Stratify::GitHub::Activity.from_api_hash(data) event.event_type.should == 'PullRequestReviewCommentEvent' event.payload.should == 'Please remove all semicolons from this JavaScript.' event.repository.should == '' end it 'produces correct fields for a PushEvent' do data = DM({'type' => 'PushEvent', 'payload' => { 'ref' => 'refs/head/master', 'shas' => [[nil, nil, 'Fix all the things']]}, 'repository' => { 'url' => ''}}) event = Stratify::GitHub::Activity.from_api_hash(data) event.action.should == 'pushed' event.event_type.should == 'PushEvent' event.ref.should == 'refs/head/master' event.repository.should == '' event.payload.should == 'Fix all the things' end it 'produces correct fields for a WatchEvent' do data = DM({'type' => 'WatchEvent'}) event = Stratify::GitHub::Activity.from_api_hash(data) event.event_type.should == 'WatchEvent' end end end