<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Settings><!--This file was automatically generated by Ruby plugin. You are allowed to: 1. Remove rake task 2. Add existing rake tasks To add existing rake tasks automatically delete this file and reload the project. --><RakeGroup description="" fullCmd="" taksId="rake"><RakeTask description="Build punty-0.0.18.gem into the pkg directory" fullCmd="build" taksId="build" /><RakeTask description="Build and install punty-0.0.18.gem into system gems" fullCmd="install" taksId="install" /><RakeTask description="Create tag v0.0.18 and build and push punty-0.0.18.gem to Rubygems" fullCmd="release" taksId="release" /><RakeTask description="" fullCmd="default" taksId="default" /></RakeGroup></Settings>