# ===============================================================================
# Copyright (c) 2005, Christopher Kleckner
# All rights reserved
# This file is part of the Rio library for ruby.
# Rio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Rio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Rio; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# ===============================================================================
# To create the documentation for Rio run the command
# rake rdoc
# from the distribution directory. Then point your browser at the 'doc/rdoc' directory.
# Suggested Reading
# * RIO::Doc::INTRO
# * RIO::Doc::HOWTO
# * RIO::Rio
# Rio is pre-alpha software.
# The documented interface and behavior is subject to change without notice.
module RIO
class Rio
# Calls Dir#chdir.
# Changes the current working directory of the process to the directory specified by the Rio.
# Raises a SystemCallError (probably Errno::ENOENT) if the target directory does not exist or
# if the Rio does not reference a directory.
# If a block is given changes to the directory specified by the rio for the length of the block
# and changes back outside the block
# Returns the Rio
# rio('/home').chdir # change the current working directory to /home
# # the working directory here is /home
# rio('/tmp/data/mydata').delete!.mkpath.chdir {
# # the working directory here is /tmp/data/mydata
# }
# # the working directory here is /home
def chdir(&block) target.chdir(&block) end
# Calls Find#find
# Uses Find#find to find all entries recursively for a Rio that
# specifies a directory. Note that there are other ways to recurse through
# a directory structure using a Rio. See Rio#each and Rio#all.
# Calls the block passing a Rio for each entry found. The Rio inherits
# attrubutes from the directory Rio.
# Returns itself
# rio('adir').find { |entrio| puts "#{entrio}: #{entrio.file?}" }
# rio('adir').chomp.find do |entrio|
# next unless entrio.file?
# lines = entrio[0..10] # lines are chomped because 'chomp' was inherited
# end
def find(*args,&block) target.find_entries(*args,&block); self end
# Calls Dir#glob
# Returns the filenames found by expanding the pattern given in string,
# either as an array or as parameters to the block. In both cases the filenames
# are expressed as a Rio.
# Note that this pattern is not a regexp (it’s closer to a shell glob).
# See File::fnmatch for details of file name matching and the meaning of the flags parameter.
def glob(string,*args,&block) target.glob(string,*args,&block) end
# Calls Dir#rmdir
# Deletes the directory referenced by the Rio.
# Raises a subclass of SystemCallError if the directory isn’t empty.
# Returns the Rio. If the directory does not exist, just returns the Rio.
# See also Rio#rmtree, Rio#delete, Rio#delete!
# rio('adir').rmdir # remove the empty directory 'adir'
def rmdir() target.rmdir(); self end
# Calls FileUtils#rmtree
# Removes a directory Rio recursively. Returns the Rio.
# If the directory does not exist, simply returns the Rio
# If called with a block, behaves as if rmtree.each(&block) had been called
# See also Rio#delete!
# rio('adir').rmtree # removes the directory 'adir' recursively
# # delete the directory 'adir', recreate it and then change to the new directory
# rio('adir/asubdir').rmtree.mkpath.chdir {
# ...
# }
def rmtree() target.rmtree(); self end
# Calls FileUtils#mkpath
# Makes a new directory named by the Rio and any directories in its path that do not exist.
# Returns the Rio. If the directory already exists, just returns the Rio.
# rio('adir/a/b').mkpath
def mkpath(&block) target.mkpath(&block); self end
# Calls FileUtils#mkdir
# Makes a new directory named by the Rio with permissions specified by the optional parameter.
# The permissions may be modified by the value of File::umask
# Returns the Rio. If the directory already exists, just returns the Rio.
# rio('adir').mkdir
def mkdir(*args,&block) target.mkdir(*args,&block); self end