require 'test/unit' require 'axlsx.rb' class TestStyles < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @styles = end def teardown end def test_valid_document schema = Nokogiri::XML::Schema( doc = Nokogiri::XML(@styles.to_xml) errors = [] schema.validate(doc).each do |error| errors.push error puts error.message end assert(errors.size == 0) end def test_add_style fill_count = @styles.fills.size font_count = @styles.fonts.size xf_count = @styles.cellXfs.size @styles.add_style :bg_color=>"FF000000", :fg_color=>"FFFFFFFF", :sz=>13, :num_fmt=>Axlsx::NUM_FMT_PERCENT, :alignment=>{:horizontal=>:left}, :border=>Axlsx::STYLE_THIN_BORDER, :hidden=>true, :locked=>true assert_equal(@styles.fills.size, fill_count+1) assert_equal(@styles.fonts.size, font_count+1) assert_equal(@styles.cellXfs.size, xf_count+1) xf = @styles.cellXfs.last assert_equal(xf.fillId, (@styles.fills.size-1), "points to the last created fill") assert_equal(@styles.fills.last.fill_type.fgColor.rgb, "FF000000", "fill created with color") assert_equal(xf.fontId, (@styles.fonts.size-1), "points to the last created font") assert_equal(, 13, "font sz applied") assert_equal(@styles.fonts.last.color.rgb, "FFFFFFFF", "font color applied") assert_equal(xf.borderId, Axlsx::STYLE_THIN_BORDER, "border id is set") assert_equal(xf.numFmtId, Axlsx::NUM_FMT_PERCENT, "number format id is set") assert(xf.alignment.is_a?(Axlsx::CellAlignment), "alignment was created") assert_equal(xf.alignment.horizontal, :left, "horizontal alignment applied") assert_equal(xf.applyProtection, 1, "protection applied") assert_equal(, true, "hidden protection set") assert_equal(, true, "cell locking set") assert_raise(ArgumentError, "should reject invalid borderId") { @styles.add_style :border => 2 } end #:numFmts, :fonts, :fills, :borders, :cellStyleXfs, :cellXfs, :dxfs, :tableStyles def test_ensure_locking assert_equal(@styles.numFmts.locked_at, 2, "numFmts should be locked at 2") assert_equal(@styles.fonts.locked_at, 1, "fonts should be locked at 1" ) assert_equal(@styles.fills.locked_at, 2, "fills should be locked at 2" ) assert_equal(@styles.borders.locked_at, 2, "borders should be locked at two" ) assert_equal(@styles.cellStyleXfs.locked_at, 1, "cellStyleXfs should be locked at two" ) assert_equal(@styles.cellXfs.locked_at, 2, "cellXfs should be locked at 2" ) assert_equal(@styles.dxfs.locked_at, 0, "dxfs should be locked at 0" ) assert_equal(@styles.tableStyles.locked_at, 0, "tableStyles should be locked at 0" ) end end