#require 'epitools' require 'epitools/minimal' require 'epitools/core_ext/string' require 'io/console' # # Example usage: # puts Term::Table[ (1..100).to_a ].horizontally #=> prints all the numbers, ordered across rows # puts Term::Table[ (1..100).to_a ].vertically #=> prints all the numbers, ordered across columns # puts Term::Table[ [[1,2], [3,4]] ] #=> prints the table that was supplied # # Term::Table.new do |t| # t.row [...] # t.rows[5] = [...] # t.rows << [...] # t.col [] # end.to_s # # table.compact.to_s #=> minimize the table's columns # module Term extend self attr_accessor :wrap, :x, :y # # Return the [width,height] of the terminal. # def size STDIN.winsize.reverse end def width; size[0]; end def height; size[1]; end def goto(x,y); @x, @y = x, y; end def pos; [@x, @y]; end def clear print "\e[H\e[J" end def color(fore, back=nil) @fore = fore @back = back if back end def puts(s) # some curses shit end class Window def initialize end def scroll(dx, dy) end end class Table # TODO: # # * make Table's configuration eaiser to remember by putting the formatting parameters in initialize # eg: Table.new(elements, :sort=>:vertical).to_s # attr_accessor :border, :columns, :padding, :strip_color, :indent, :width, :height def self.[](data) self.new(data) end def initialize(data, options={}) @data = data.map(&:to_s) @strip_color = options[:ansi] || options[:colorized] || options[:colored] || options[:strip_color] || options[:strip_ansi] if strip_color @max_size = @data.map { |e| e.strip_color.size }.max else @max_size = @data.map(&:size).max end @indent = options[:indent] || 0 @border = options[:border] @columns = options[:columns] @padding = options[:padding] || 1 # Update the terminal size @width, @height = Term.size end def num_columns return @columns if @columns w = @width w -= indent (w-2) / (@max_size + @padding) end def num_rows (@data.size / num_columns.to_f).ceil end def column_order cols = [] @data.each_slice(num_rows) { |col| cols << col } if (diff = cols.first.size - cols.last.size) > 0 cols.last.concat [''] * diff end cols.transpose end def row_order rows = [] @data.each_slice(num_columns) { |row| rows << row } if (diff = rows.first.size - rows.last.size) > 0 rows.last.concat [''] * diff end rows end def sliced_into(n) elems = [] @data.each_slice(n) { |e| elems << e } if (diff = elems.first.size - elems.last.size) > 0 elems.last.concat [''] * diff end elems end def by_columns return '' if @data.empty? render sliced_into(num_rows).transpose end def by_rows return '' if @data.empty? render sliced_into(num_columns) end def to_s by_rows end def render(rows, options={}) num_cols = rows.first.size result = [] if @border separator = "+#{(["-" * @max_size] * num_cols).join('+')}+" result << separator end for row in rows justified = row.map do |e| if (diff = @max_size - e.strip_color.size) > 0 e = e + (" " * diff) end e end if @border line = "|#{justified.join('|')}|" else line = justified.join(' '*@padding) end result << (" "*indent) + line end result << separator if @border result.join("\n") end end end