require File.expand_path("../../test_helper.rb", __FILE__) describe Collector::Repository do before do Object.send(:remove_const, :TestRepository) if Object.const_defined?(:TestRepository) class TestRepository include Collector::Repository end end it "has a model derived from its class name" do "Test" end it "has a collection_name derived from its model" do TestRepository.collection_name.must_equal "tests" end describe "collection" do describe "when a connection is set" do it "returns the mongo collection" do collection = mock() connection = mock { stubs(:[]).with("tests").returns(collection) } Collector.stubs(:connection).returns(connection) TestRepository.collection.must_equal collection end end end describe "save" do it "touches the model and then saves it" do model = mock(:touch) TestRepository.expects(:save_without_updating_timestamps).with(model) end end describe "save_without_updating_timestamps" do it "serializes the model and then inserts it into the collection" do model = stub() TestRepository.expects(:serialize!).with(model).returns({ foo: "bar" }) collection = mock(insert: { foo: "bar" }) TestRepository.stubs(:collection).returns(collection) TestRepository.save_without_updating_timestamps(model) end end describe "serialize!" do it "normalize id to _id" do model = mock(attributes: { id: 123, foo: "bar" }) TestRepository.serialize!(model).must_equal({ "_id" => 123, "foo" => "bar" }) end it "returns a model's attributes without nil values" do model = mock(attributes: { foo: "bar", nothing: nil }) TestRepository.serialize!(model).must_equal({ "foo" => "bar" }) end end describe "serialize" do it "returns a model's attributes" do model = mock(attributes: { foo: "bar" }) TestRepository.serialize(model).must_equal({ "foo" => "bar" }) end end describe "deserialize!" do it "normalizes _id to id" do TestRepository.expects(:deserialize).with("id" => 123, "name" => "Brandon") TestRepository.deserialize!(_id: 123, name: "Brandon") end end describe "deserialize" do it "instantiates a new model from a hash of attributes" do attributes = { first_name: "Brandon", last_name: "Weiss" } TestRepository.model.expects(:new).with(attributes) TestRepository.deserialize(attributes) end end describe "all" do it "returns all documents in a collection" do document_1 = stub document_2 = stub documents = [document_1, document_2] TestRepository.expects(:deserialize!).with(document_1) TestRepository.expects(:deserialize!).with(document_2) collection = mock { expects(:find).returns(documents) } TestRepository.expects(:collection).returns(collection) TestRepository.all end end describe "find_by_id" do it "returns documents by their ID" do id = "bson-id" document_1 = stub document_2 = stub documents = [document_1, document_2] TestRepository.expects(:deserialize!).with(document_1) TestRepository.expects(:deserialize!).with(document_2) collection = mock { expects(:find).with(_id: id).returns(documents) } TestRepository.expects(:collection).returns(collection) TestRepository.find_by_id(id) end end describe "finders" do it "dynamically matches find_by finders" do document_1 = stub document_2 = stub documents = [document_1, document_2] TestRepository.expects(:deserialize!).with(document_1) TestRepository.expects(:deserialize!).with(document_2) collection = mock { expects(:find).with(email: "").returns(documents) } TestRepository.expects(:collection).returns(collection) TestRepository.find_by_email("") end it "responds to dynamically matched finders" do TestRepository.respond_to?(:find_by_email).must_equal true end end end