require 'nokogiri' require 'cgi' module Deface class Parser # converts erb to markup # def self.erb_markup!(source) #all opening html tags that contain <% %> blocks source.scan(/<\w+[^<>]+(?:<%.*?%>[^<>]*)+/m).each do |line| #regexs to catch <% %> inside attributes id="<% something %>" - with double, single or no quotes erb_attrs_regexs = [/([\w-]+)(\s?=\s?)(")([^"]*<%.*?%>[^"]*)/m, /([\w-]+)(\s?=\s?)(')([^']*<%.*?%>[^']*)'/m, /([\w-]+)(\s?=\s?)()(<%.*?%>)(?:\s|>|\z)/m] replace_line = erb_attrs_regexs.inject(line.clone) do |replace_line, regex| replace_line = line.scan(regex).inject(replace_line) do |replace_line, match| replace_line.sub("#{match[0]}#{match[1]}#{match[2]}#{match[3]}#{match[2]}") { |m| m = " data-erb-#{match[0]}=\"#{CGI.escapeHTML(match[3])}\"" } end replace_line end i = -1 #catch all <% %> inside tags id

> , not inside attrs replace_line.scan(/(<%.*?%>)/m).each do |match| replace_line.sub!(match[0]) { |m| m = " data-erb-#{i += 1}=\"#{CGI.escapeHTML(match[0])}\"" } end source.sub!(line) { |m| m = replace_line } end #replaces all <% %> not inside opening html tags replacements = [ {"<%=" => ""}, {"<%" => ""}, {"%>" => ""} ] replacements.each{ |h| h.each { |replace, with| source.gsub! replace, with } } source.scan(/()((?:(?!<\/erb>)[\s\S])*)(<\/erb>)/).each do |match| source.sub!("#{match[0]}#{match[1]}#{match[2]}") { |m| m = "#{match[0]}#{CGI.escapeHTML(match[1])}#{match[2]}" } end source end # undoes ERB markup generated by Deface::Parser::ERB # def self.undo_erb_markup!(source) replacements = [ {"" => '<%'}, {"" => '<%'}, {"" => '<%='}, {"" => '<%='}, {"" => '%>'}] replacements.each{ |h| h.each { |replace, with| source.gsub! replace, with } } source.scan(/data-erb-(\d+)+=(['"])(.*?)\2/m).each do |match| source.gsub!("data-erb-#{match[0]}=#{match[1]}#{match[2]}#{match[1]}") { |m| m = CGI.unescapeHTML(match[2]) } end source.scan(/data-erb-([\w-]+)+=(["'])(.*?)\2/m).each do |match| source.gsub!("data-erb-#{match[0]}=#{match[1]}#{match[2]}#{match[1]}") { |m| "#{match[0]}=#{match[1]}#{CGI.unescapeHTML(match[2])}#{match[1]}" } end #un-escape changes from Nokogiri and erb-markup! source.scan(/(<%.*?)((?:(?!%>)[\s\S])*)(%>)/).each do |match| source.gsub!("#{match[0]}#{match[1]}#{match[2]}") { |m| m = "#{match[0]}#{ CGI.unescapeHTML match[1] }#{match[2]}" } end if RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java' #un-escapes changes from Nokogiri under Java, where " are converted to %22 when in an attribute of an element # source.scan(/(<%.*?)((?:(?!%>)[\s\S])*)(%>)/).each do |match| source.gsub!("#{match[0]}#{match[1]}#{match[2]}") { |m| m = "#{match[0]}#{ match[1].gsub('%22', '"') }#{match[2]}" } end end source end def self.convert(source) # Look for # encoding: *. If we find one, we'll encode the # String in that encoding, otherwise, we'll use the # default external encoding. encoding = source.scan(/#{ActionView::Template::Handlers::ERB.const_get(:ENCODING_TAG)}/).first.try(:last) || Encoding.default_external # Tag the source with the default external encoding # or the encoding specified in the file source.force_encoding(encoding) unless source.valid_encoding? raise, encoding) end erb_markup!(source) if source =~ /)[\s\S])*>/ Nokogiri::HTML::Document.parse(source) elsif source =~ /)[\s\S])*>/ Nokogiri::HTML::Document.parse(source).css('body').first else Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse(source) end end end end