.\" generated with Ronn/v0.4.1 .\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/ . .TH "TUMBLR" "1" "March 2010" "Mark Wunsch" "Tumblr Manual" . .SH "NAME" \fBtumblr\fR \-\- publish to tumblr.com . .SH "SYNOPSIS" \fBtumblr\fR [\fIOPTIONS\fR] \fIFILE OR URL\fR . .SH "DESCRIPTION" \fBtumblr\fR is a command line utility and Ruby library for working with Tumblr.com. It can read plain\-text files and publish them to Tumblr. . .P The \fBtumblr\fR command will publish a named input \fIFILE\fR (or Standard Input if no file is given), or if a \fIURL\fR is given it will publish that URL as a Link post (or a Video post if the url is a YouTube or Vimeo post). . .P If you preface your \fIFILE\fR with a bit of YAML () frontmatter, you can give \fBtumblr\fR more explicit instructions for publishing your post. See tumblr(5) for available YAML parameters. . .SH "OPTIONS" . .TP \fB\-a\fR,\fB\-\-auth\fR [\fIEMAIL:PASSWORD\fR] Provide Email Address and Password, to authenticate to Tumblr, separated by a colon. If these are not provided, you will be prompted for them. You \fBmust\fR provide this argument if the post comes from standard input. . .TP \fB\-e\fR, \fB\-\-email\fR [\fIEMAIL\fR] Email Address associated with your Tumblr account. You will be prompted for a password. . .P Other: . .TP \fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR Print the help message and quit. . .TP \fB\-v\fR, \fB\-\-version\fR Print the \fBtumblr\fR version and quit. . .SH "EXAMPLES" Publish a file to Tumblr.com: . .IP "" 4 . .nf $ tumblr my_post.txt . .fi . .IP "" 0 . .P Or from standard input: . .IP "" 4 . .nf $ cat data.yml my_post.txt | tumblr \-a tumblr_user@foobar.com:p4ssw0rd . .fi . .IP "" 0 . .P Make a Link post: . .IP "" 4 . .nf $ tumblr http://github.com/mwunsch/tumblr . .fi . .IP "" 0 . .P Or a Video post: . .IP "" 4 . .nf $ tumblr http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CW0DUg63lqU . .fi . .IP "" 0 . .SH "INSTALLATION" If you have RubyGems installed: . .IP "" 4 . .nf gem install tumblr\-rb . .fi . .IP "" 0 . .SH "COPYRIGHT" Tumblr (the gem) is Copyright (C) 2010 Mark Wunsch . .P Tumblr is Copyright (c) Tumblr, Inc. The Tumblr gem is NOT affiliated with Tumblr. . .SH "SEE ALSO" tumblr(5), gem(1)