class Knjappserver #Imports a .rhtml-file and executes it. def import(filepath) _httpsession.eruby.import(filepath) end #Redirects to another URL. def redirect(url, args = {}) #Header way if !_httpsession.alert_sent and !self.headers_sent? if args[:perm] _httpsession.resp.status = 301 if !self.headers_sent? else _httpsession.resp.status = 303 if !self.headers_sent? end self.header("Location", url) if !self.headers_sent? end print "" exit end #Sends a javascript-alert to the HTML. def alert(msg) _httpsession.alert_sent = true Knj::Web.alert(msg) return self end #Define a cookies in the clients browser. def cookie(cookie) raise "No HTTP-session attached to this thread." if !_httpsession raise "HTTP-session not active." if !_httpsession.resp raise "Not a hash: '#{}', '#{cookie}'." unless cookie.is_a?(Hash) _httpsession.resp.cookie(cookie) end #Sends a header to the clients browser. def header(key, val) raise "No HTTP-session attached to this thread." if !_httpsession raise "HTTP-session not active." if !_httpsession.resp _httpsession.resp.header(key, val) end #Sends a raw header-line to the clients browser. def header_raw(str) raise "No HTTP-session attached to this thread." if !_httpsession raise "HTTP-session not active." if !_httpsession.resp Knj::Php.header(str) end def headers_sent? return true if _httpsession.resp.headers_sent return false end def headers_send_size=(newsize) if self.headers_sent? raise "The headers are already sent and you cannot modify the send-size any more." end _httpsession.size_send = newsize.to_i end #Sends a javascript back to the browser and exits. def back Knj::Web.back end #Draw a input in a table. def inputs(*args) return Knj::Web.inputs(args) end end