module Fog
module DNS
class AWS
class Real
require 'fog/aws/parsers/dns/change_resource_record_sets'
# Use this action to create or change your authoritative DNS information for a zone
# ==== Parameters
# * zone_id<~String> - ID of the zone these changes apply to
# * options<~Hash>
# * comment<~String> - Any comments you want to include about the change.
# * change_batch<~Array> - The information for a change request
# * changes<~Hash> -
# * action<~String> - 'CREATE' or 'DELETE'
# * name<~String> - This must be a fully-specified name, ending with a final period
# * type<~String> - A | AAAA | CNAME | MX | NS | PTR | SOA | SPF | SRV | TXT
# * ttl<~Integer> - Time-to-live value - omit if using an alias record
# * resource_record<~String> - Omit if using an alias record
# * alias_target<~Hash> - Information about the domain to which you are redirecting traffic (Alias record sets only)
# * dns_name<~String> - The Elastic Load Balancing domain to which you want to reroute traffic
# * hosted_zone_id<~String> - The ID of the hosted zone that contains the Elastic Load Balancing domain to which you want to reroute traffic
# ==== Returns
# * response<~Excon::Response>:
# * body<~Hash>:
# * 'ChangeInfo'<~Hash>
# * 'Id'<~String> - The ID of the request
# * 'Status'<~String> - status of the request - PENDING | INSYNC
# * 'SubmittedAt'<~String> - The date and time the change was made
# * status<~Integer> - 201 when successful
def change_resource_record_sets(zone_id, change_batch, options = {})
# AWS methods return zone_ids that looks like '/hostedzone/id'. Let the caller either use
# that form or just the actual id (which is what this request needs)
zone_id = zone_id.sub('/hostedzone/', '')
optional_tags = ''
options.each do |option, value|
case option
when :comment
optional_tags += "#{value}"
#build XML
if change_batch.count > 0
changes = "#{optional_tags}"
change_batch.each do |change_item|
action_tag = %Q{#{change_item[:action]}}
name_tag = %Q{#{change_item[:name]}}
type_tag = %Q{#{change_item[:type]}}
# TTL must be omitted if using an alias record
ttl_tag = ''
ttl_tag += %Q{#{change_item[:ttl]}} unless change_item[:alias_target]
resource_records = change_item[:resource_records] || []
resource_record_tags = ''
resource_records.each do |record|
resource_record_tags += %Q{#{record}}
# ResourceRecords must be omitted if using an alias record
resource_tag = ''
resource_tag += %Q{#{resource_record_tags}} if resource_records.any?
alias_target_tag = ''
if change_item[:alias_target]
alias_target_tag += %Q{#{change_item[:alias_target][:hosted_zone_id]}#{change_item[:alias_target][:dns_name]}}
change_tags = %Q{#{action_tag}#{name_tag}#{type_tag}#{ttl_tag}#{resource_tag}#{alias_target_tag}}
changes += change_tags
changes += ''
body = %Q{#{changes}}
:body => body,
:parser =>,
:expects => 200,
:method => 'POST',
:path => "hostedzone/#{zone_id}/rrset"